Anybody on the pc version yet?

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Sat, 03/01/2014 - 07:42 (Reply to #241)
x77x's picture
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Have you considered a second spawn pad?

Sat, 03/01/2014 - 10:47
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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yes, but the hope was something reasonably small. And there's some dispute on how to go about different pads, something about villages consolidating and other stuff.

BTW, sorry about jumping you last night, lol, harmful side effect of zombies wearing armor, thought you were one from the rear.

Sat, 03/01/2014 - 10:52
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Am seriously considering this,

It's big but not complicated. May just build it into the kill chamber I already have.

I learned a few things watching,this, he explained that one platform is set up with 48 doors, divided by three equals 16 villagers, and an average spawn rate of 6 minutes. So with 4 platforms, you get it down roughly to 1.5 minutes a spawn and they typically are dropping 3-5 ingots each.

I am wondering if the lavas reducing the drop rate. He has some sort of piston kill in his, which would eliminate any doubt of that.

Sat, 03/01/2014 - 13:46
DirtyKielbasa's picture
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Anybody getting ready to find the end so we could set up a xp farm?
Sat, 03/01/2014 - 14:10 (Reply to #245)
fignuts81's picture
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DirtyKielbasa wrote:
Anybody getting ready to find the end so we could set up a xp farm?

I tried using an online fortress finder with our seed nuber but it did not work for some reason. It said there was supposed to be a fortress right under your compound, but I couldn't find one.

Sat, 03/01/2014 - 14:23
DirtyKielbasa's picture
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I believe there is mine shaft down there in a tunnel somewhere. I will have to go looking again. I never explored it all the way yet.
Sat, 03/01/2014 - 16:37
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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There's a mine under the Golem thingie too. I been lost twice so far....laugh it's so fun...

Sun, 03/02/2014 - 18:04
x77x's picture
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Looks complicated but I know from another MP server it works.

Mon, 03/03/2014 - 17:21 (Reply to #249)
The Blue Dawg's picture
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Saw a quote some where about  building this thing that went "There's playing minecraft and then theres building the Iron Trench". Its big, its complelicated and really really cool. You need to use a special program to see the village lines as you move them around to be sure your doing it right.  With the changes coming in the next update it will prob. break this design . If you try good luck.

Mon, 03/03/2014 - 06:08
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Oh, mine works, but the spawn rates really crappy. DOCM says a pad spawns every 6 minutes on average. I don't think mines coming close on that. If I do the 4 pad thingie, at best it'll drop to 1.5 minutes. I may just meave it, I think I collected a stack while playing around under it in the mines.It's just not this huge unlimited infinite amount of iron I had imagined I guess. I had visions of building a fortress out of iron, you know? laugh

I have a skellie grinder 90% done but the things down on level 8 I think, quite deep. Dug the tunnels up and down, have to put in the water ladder and the kill chamber.

Do I have to hit 'em for exp or can I use a piston?

Mon, 03/03/2014 - 07:46 (Reply to #251)
x77x's picture
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You have to hit and kill for XP.  No pistons or lava or suffocation or fall damage.

Mon, 03/03/2014 - 08:00
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Hmm, okay, so no piston, or maybe I'll just set up for either option, in case I'm in a hurry. laugh Exp nice, unlimited arrows nicer. Bows n armor a nice perk.

Hmm, not hard to set up a timer, maybe a chestcart to the top and a hopper loaded chest. Would work whenever anyones nearbye. No wait, spawner only work within 16 blocks I think? Scratch that. sad

But I will need to put hoppers under the kill pad or a piston to move loot to me, hmmm.

Tue, 03/04/2014 - 09:07
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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No, I've learned to ignore it (it being my build) and when I occasionally walk by it, there's a stack or so of iron in it, and this makes me happy. It's just not as fast as I'd like,and I'm learning to cope with it. Free iron is free iron, it' just takes longer. Also have a huge supply of red flowers/dye I'm planting outside if anyone needs red.

Also, my skeleton grinder is close enough under it that it stays active while I'm down below.

BUT, now that I have the skeleton grinder, I think I might move my library to it as the levels are obtained there. Already put another anvil up (see iron golem comments above laugh) and I've put in a rail from the grinder underground to the main dig at my place. You know, to avoid the rain...

next minor project is to make the walk upstairs more secure,I get a lot of agro down there. Already neutralized a zombie spawner and the spider one's almost on top of a lava flow, so it does nothing.

Have also started putting in some iron doors here and there to stop the nasty surprises...

Tue, 03/04/2014 - 09:35
x77x's picture
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I know where a cave spider spawner is if anyone is interested.  Its a little ways away from anything though.

Tue, 03/04/2014 - 10:28
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I have one myself, but all I'd need are eyes for brewing and I don't do much of it. Strings perhaps for fishing poles. Don't do much of it either though. Got bows galore, so that's taken care of.

Am curious about the design for a spider grinder though.

Wed, 03/05/2014 - 07:43
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Okay, visited Shamrogue's place yesterday with BlueDawg and we are in agreement, he's nutz. Pure mad scientist in the making...

Crazy thought, is there a way to make  an automated tree/wood farm? I seem to need crazy amounts of wood, occasionally...

Wed, 03/05/2014 - 08:27 (Reply to #257)
shamrogue's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Okay, visited Shamrogue's place yesterday with BlueDawg and we are in agreement, he's nutz. Pure mad scientist in the making...

Crazy thought, is there a way to make  an automated tree/wood farm? I seem to need crazy amounts of wood, occasionally...

Haha, thanks about time someone recognises my pure genius, Muahahahaha.

Anyway got the rail chevo last night. If anyone wants it pop on over to my place and take the track (you cant really miss it).

Be careful though the end is not finished, oh and bring a minecart, I`m a poor scientist, i only got funding for one(need more iron).

Wed, 03/05/2014 - 10:12 (Reply to #258)
The Blue Dawg's picture
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shamrogue wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Okay, visited Shamrogue's place yesterday with BlueDawg and we are in agreement, he's nutz. Pure mad scientist in the making...

Crazy thought, is there a way to make  an automated tree/wood farm? I seem to need crazy amounts of wood, occasionally...

Haha, thanks about time someone recognises my pure genius, Muahahahaha.

Anyway got the rail chevo last night. If anyone wants it pop on over to my place and take the track (you cant really miss it).

Be careful though the end is not finished, oh and bring a minecart, I`m a poor scientist, i only got funding for one(need more iron).


I have a compact tree farm design I was thinking of building. Will build it to day in spawn. However it only works with oak and takes alot of bonemeal.


Wed, 03/05/2014 - 07:45
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Also, has anyone figured out why when you put two items in an ANVIL one way is cheaper than the other, same two items?

And if you didn't know this, if one way seems too expensive, switch 'em, sometimes the exp savings is crazy good.

Wed, 03/05/2014 - 08:37
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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My iron grinder  generates about a stack a day or so depending on activity on the server. usually when I log in, there's about a stack sitting there. Not earth shattering but nice!

I don't have it in me to build an IRON TRENCH.....

Wed, 03/05/2014 - 11:26
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I have an orchard planted behind the horse barn but it's all manual, just replenish it as I go. Is there a piston/hopper/dispenser set up that would work for that?

Wed, 03/05/2014 - 12:36
x77x's picture
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I was reading about tree farms.  Since pistons don't break wood blocks, you have to use a mob like a creeper, ghast, or wither to break the blocks.

Wed, 03/05/2014 - 12:03
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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So a good axe sounds like a plan...

Wed, 03/05/2014 - 21:22
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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got a good axe, too good...

and relocated my enchanting table, and figured while I was at it, I'd set it up adjustable.

Mission accomplished.

Also added to my tree orchard...Acacia's!

Wed, 03/05/2014 - 23:16
The Blue Dawg's picture
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Tree farm is working. Will be adding some extras like a sorter system that take the trees and put them in a big pile. Also will be building a building around it. You need to use an axe to get the wood so just bring a good axe with some good eff. enchant and you can cut them like butter. It will need to be restocked with bone meal. It crushes leaves auto so it should have its own saplings. Only works with Oak. Atleat reliable and safely. Could use alot of Acia wood to for the building I have in mind.

Thu, 03/06/2014 - 07:04
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I have a small orchard started right down the street Dawg. there's 8 or 10 tree's and if you head down with a stack or two of bone meal, I'd say you'll have a good start on your building. And replanting seems to be easy to spread out the orchard. I did that small stand in a couple minutes from one tree I grabbed from the other side of the desert. The hardest part is waiting for the saplings to drop, the bone meal/instant tree thing is the easy part. yes Also, if anyone needs bonemeal, I have more than I can stand. I've been throwing away bones at the rate of 8-10 stacks a night easily.



Also, does anyone purposely adjust their levels for enchanting for a specifi result, and if so, what are you using as a guide? I DID find an online enchanting calculator ( ) which looks easy to use, but I figured I'd ask our group, as I'd trust the info/feedback more than random online info. yes

Thu, 03/06/2014 - 11:21 (Reply to #267)
The Blue Dawg's picture
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Don't throw away the bone meal. I will take it. Leave it in a chest at the tree farm or tell me where to pick it up.

Thu, 03/06/2014 - 10:03
x77x's picture
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I always enchant at level 30, trying for the best result.

Thu, 03/06/2014 - 13:13 (Reply to #269)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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x77x wrote:

I always enchant at level 30, trying for the best result.

Sometimes 30 isn't the highest percentage chance for success of a specific effect.

For instance Flame 1 on a bow, best chance level 30 or is it 26?

Calculator is varying...This is why I was asking who was using what?





Thu, 03/06/2014 - 13:04
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I'll start putting it in the chest inside the wall at the golem grinder.

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