Anybody on the pc version yet?

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Fri, 03/07/2014 - 08:36
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Okay, so,I have an axe with fortune three on it (and other stuff, unbreaking and efficiency).

So why do I have fortune three on an axe? What purpose is this for? Wood doesn't seem to react to it.

( Carrots, melons, potatoes and wheat apparently...) sad

Fri, 03/07/2014 - 10:31
x77x's picture
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Increases block drops

For coal, diamond, emerald, nether quartz and lapis lazuli, level I gives a 33% chance to multiply drops by 2 (averaging 33% increase), level II gives a chance to multiply drops by 2 or 3 (25% chance each, averaging 75% increase), and level III gives a chance to multiply drops by 2, 3 or 4 (20% chance each, averaging 120% increase).

For redstone, carrots, glowstone, melons, nether wart, potatoes and wheat (seeds only), each level increases the drop maximum by +1 (maximum 4 for glowstone and 9 for melons). For tall grass, each level increases the drop maximum by +2.

For gravel, the drop rate of flint is increased to 14% at level I, 25% at level II, and 100% at level III.

Fri, 03/07/2014 - 11:37
x77x's picture
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So basically Fortune on an Axe is worthless.

Fri, 03/07/2014 - 12:51
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Yeah, that's where I'm at.

Tue, 03/11/2014 - 08:24
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Got a slik touch pick last night. Never had one...

What practical applications/crazy projects is this useful for? I can see craziness like a building built outta redstone ore? laugh

More practical, mining stone directly, no cobble. Glowstone directly perhaps.

I guess what I'm asking is...why is this so sought after?

Tue, 03/11/2014 - 10:09 (Reply to #276)
The Blue Dawg's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Got a slik touch pick last night. Never had one...

What practical applications/crazy projects is this useful for? I can see craziness like a building built outta redstone ore? laugh

More practical, mining stone directly, no cobble. Glowstone directly perhaps.

I guess what I'm asking is...why is this so sought after?

Allows collection of blocks that are normally unobtainable.

Items which can be obtained legitimately only through use of Silk Touch: coal ore, cobweb, diamond ore, emerald ore, grass block, huge mushrooms, ice, lapis lazuli ore, mycelium, podzol, packed ice, nether quartz ore and redstone ore.

Collect ore blocks like quartz,diamond,redstone to use when you need just a little more xp and dont wanna go to your spawner. Use the otherwise unobtainable blocks for decoration, like the new podzol in flower beds. Cobwebs can be used in mob traps or to simulate smoke form a chimmny. Packed Ice has many uses. from fast travel tunnels to Item moveing like item elevators. Use the pack ice in place of glass. (look good in modern design structures.) Use to get stone without have to smelt cobble back to stone to save fuel and smelting time. I have seeb mushroom blocks use to wall paper looking walls. Silk touch is more effecient way of gathering glowstone. You get all four dust.  Sometimes you want to spread grass in a area without grass so you need a grass block. Ive done this in an underwater dome and on a Mushroom biome. smiley


Tue, 03/11/2014 - 12:30
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I do wanna do an underwater dome set up. Saw something online I wanna try.Waters kinda shallow here though.

Tue, 03/11/2014 - 12:55
DirtyKielbasa's picture
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Omg I found it. Woop woop
Tue, 03/11/2014 - 13:02
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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? End?

Tue, 03/11/2014 - 14:37
DirtyKielbasa's picture
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yes , sweet  feeling.   

x: 632

Y: 18

Z: 551

Tue, 03/11/2014 - 16:11 (Reply to #281)
x77x's picture
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Ender man XP farm anyone?

scheduled time for a dragon hunt?

Thu, 03/13/2014 - 07:57
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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LOL, okay, so, I set about building a "new and improved" chicken roaster as the last one was inundating me in eggs. I went over and looked at Figs, but his is all enclosed, so I looked a bit online and was like, hmm, okay, looks kinda simple.

Poked around at it, wired in a couple ways, finally got the thing working. In my head I could figure it out, knew the comparator was the "magic" ingredient to get it all happy, and finally the thing that I wasn't getting was setting the comparator itself backwards(?) IE I think it's called subtracting? Anyway, all happy, seemed to work fine. Dressed it up, in blue clay with a nice birch roof. And it functioned fine for a half hour minimum, had to be longer. This with just a few chickens in it as I was just getting satisfied it all worked.

So, I'm heading back from the chicken "pen" outside with some eggs to beef up the egg layers up top when I hear a chicken scream, so I'm like cool, that's a chicken in the chest! I come around the corner and there's flaming chickens running everywhere and the roofs on fire. And then the roof next doors on fire... so I'm running around putting fires out and generally panicking.

What I cannot figure out is why the damn roof was on fire. I had a hard clay building and glass completely enclosing the lava and it still went up?

So, it's essentially intact. I have some repairs to do in the village, no villagers were injured, although a few got a bit excited. And I'll be putting in a new STONE roof, as well as finding some new breeders for the hut.

It's not easy opening a chicken hut for business these days...

Oldschool's Cluck Hut, FIRE SALE, reopening soon...laugh

Fri, 03/14/2014 - 11:39 (Reply to #283)
x77x's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

So, I'm heading back from the chicken "pen" outside with some eggs to beef up the egg layers up top when I hear a chicken scream, so I'm like cool, that's a chicken in the chest! I come around the corner and there's flaming chickens running everywhere and the roofs on fire. And then the roof next doors on fire... so I'm running around putting fires out and generally panicking.

What I cannot figure out is why the damn roof was on fire. I had a hard clay building and glass completely enclosing the lava and it still went up?

So, it's essentially intact. I have some repairs to do in the village, no villagers were injured, although a few got a bit excited. And I'll be putting in a new STONE roof, as well as finding some new breeders for the hut.

It's not easy opening a chicken hut for business these days...

Oldschool's Cluck Hut, FIRE SALE, reopening soon...laugh

that is funny!

Fri, 03/14/2014 - 11:57 (Reply to #284)
The Blue Dawg's picture
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x77x wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

So, I'm heading back from the chicken "pen" outside with some eggs to beef up the egg layers up top when I hear a chicken scream, so I'm like cool, that's a chicken in the chest! I come around the corner and there's flaming chickens running everywhere and the roofs on fire. And then the roof next doors on fire... so I'm running around putting fires out and generally panicking.

What I cannot figure out is why the damn roof was on fire. I had a hard clay building and glass completely enclosing the lava and it still went up?

So, it's essentially intact. I have some repairs to do in the village, no villagers were injured, although a few got a bit excited. And I'll be putting in a new STONE roof, as well as finding some new breeders for the hut.

It's not easy opening a chicken hut for business these days...

Oldschool's Cluck Hut, FIRE SALE, reopening soon...laugh

that is funny!


Minimum waged high school kids and hot greass. Dangours combo.


Thu, 03/13/2014 - 20:22
fignuts81's picture
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I don't mind if you need to break a few blocks to get a better look at mine. I was concerned about using wood so close to the lava but apparently it's OK so far.

Fri, 03/14/2014 - 06:11
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I'm noticing a glaring difference between the amount of feathers I'm getting and meat. It's probably two to one easily. Not sure I can do anything about that?

On the up side, I put a couple tables/benches out front for patrons to sit n eat.

Also went ahead and enclosed my farm so when the update drops the villagers don't start taking my food! Well, taking it back I suppose. cheeky

Also used my silk touch on some glass I decided wasn't where I wanted it, very nice.

BTW, after the update, does this mean I can remove all the extra doors?

Fri, 03/14/2014 - 12:23
The Blue Dawg's picture
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I saw a video this morning saying there is a new mob coming in the next update. Its called endermite. Looks and acts like a silverfish and spawns when you kill and enderman. This will probably effect how enderman farms work. At least the design I would like to see. If we are going to update to the new version maybe we should wait on build any big good enderman farm. How ever I think we should get to gather and kill that dragon soon. Stock up ender pearls now before it gets all the harder to get them.

Fri, 03/14/2014 - 13:08 (Reply to #288)
DirtyKielbasa's picture
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I seen a video from docM last night too about that.
Fri, 03/14/2014 - 13:27
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I have some pearls and many more rods, rods are easy.

Fri, 03/21/2014 - 07:40
shamrogue's picture
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So when you take a screen shot, where are they saved?

Can`t find them anywhere.

Fri, 03/21/2014 - 09:58 (Reply to #291)
The Blue Dawg's picture
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Use F2 to take the picture. Then  the screen shots can be found at :    %appdata%/.minecraft/   (copy paste this into your programs and files search window) This gets you into your minecraft files. Look for the screenshot file.  What I do instead of remembering what you type is the following :   In the game click menue click options then click resource pack then open resource pack. This gets u into Minecraft files without having to remember what to type. Also now you can open the chat window after you take the screen shot and click on the picture message to see the picture. Hope this helps.

Oh and one last thing. Don't to forget to share the shots!

The Blue Dawg




Fri, 03/21/2014 - 07:49
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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umm, I'll have to look, it's not as obvious as you would think. I ended up making me a shortcut after I found it.

Fri, 03/21/2014 - 10:07
The Blue Dawg's picture
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Been wondering what resource pack people use on the sever. I use Monkeyfarms Custom John Smith RESOURCE PACK 1.7.2. A build can look great in resource pack and ugly in another so I would like to keep this mind. Don't wanna build something that looks awesome to me in my resource pack but look ugly in say vanilla. All ready built a big orange box at spawn. Not to proud of that but looks kind of like a lumber yard I hope. At least it looks like one from the small town where I was born.

Fri, 03/21/2014 - 10:39
Fri, 03/21/2014 - 15:41
shamrogue's picture
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Thanks guys, will look into that.

@ Oldschool thats Sphax PureBDcraft, same one im using atm.

Mon, 05/05/2014 - 13:21
GUL74's picture
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anyone still playing?

Tue, 05/06/2014 - 12:40
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I haven't since the D3 expansion dropped...well, maybe once. laugh

Mon, 08/04/2014 - 10:59
Leviticus78's picture
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Anyone still interested in playing this on PC?

My son (20) started a server this weekend and we're looking for people.  It will be running current snapshots and normal difficulty. (it may change to hard).

If there is interest I'll post up the details.

Tue, 08/05/2014 - 11:09 (Reply to #299)
GUL74's picture
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Leviticus78 wrote:

Anyone still interested in playing this on PC?

My son (20) started a server this weekend and we're looking for people.  It will be running current snapshots and normal difficulty. (it may change to hard).

If there is interest I'll post up the details.

I'd play 

Mon, 08/04/2014 - 16:28
x77x's picture
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Getting my new laptop this week. I was going to see if the 2o2p server was still online. If not I'd like to join. Thanks

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