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Thu, 06/12/2014 - 10:35
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I'm (sadly) proud of the fact that I've earned every achievement in every Halo game.

Pretty pictures!


Thu, 06/12/2014 - 10:54
Shadow's picture
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I have all but one.  And yeah I care about achievements.  But I asked my halo facebook group and asked the questions they posed.

Most other things had already been asked/answered somewhere else.

More info:


Thu, 06/12/2014 - 11:20
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Thu, 06/12/2014 - 13:11
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Thanks, that news about Halo 2 theatre has changed since the joystik article but seeing it is newer and again from Frankie it must true-er.

Thu, 06/12/2014 - 15:57
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Thu, 06/12/2014 - 18:05
FR_ISH_1371's picture
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Polygon just uploaded a video interview. Here is what I took from it. I will post the link below.


Forge and theater will be in Halo 2 but only on the 6 maps they built from the ground up. They will be using, based on the E3 demo, a streamlined version of the Halo 4 engine. And that will include Fast explding grenades, annoying relfection glaring, Halo 4's weapon skins, one of the worst real time lighting engines I have ever seen, and of course a terrible sepia filter that makes every distant object look the same.  I am sorry but I do not want anything more to do with anything Halo 4.  I know a lot of peole on this site like it but, the stigma alone is enough to ruin anything for me.  I truly wish someone would find a way to drown it in a bathtub and erase it from history.

The rest of the maps in Halo 2 and Halo CE anniversary will NOT have texture re-skinning. So essetially, graphically they will look like they did when they shipped over a decade ago, just at a 1080p resolution which wont matter at all because the games were built from low resolution textures. I am highly upset at this.  Let's be honest, it really is inexcusable.

While I am sure this will change but matchmaking playlist modes will ship across all games.  Democracy will decide what version of slayer, CTF ect you will play each round.  Again a huge problem.  I will not play anything with a Halo 4 next to it. And I am sure fans of H4 will quit out of any other version of Halo that wins the vote. Frakie said there will be Game specific playlist but lack of details make me belive that it will be mashup gametypes in those specific playlist. 


I don't know maybe I have been so burned since Reach that I am just screaming "the sky is falling". But let's all be honest here.  Many people have been very vocal with what they want from this francise, and yet for some reason both Bungie and 343i has taken a forced enjoyment approach to their games. Halo Reach was terrible, so it would only seem natural when they released Halo CE anniversary they would NOT include original multiplayer but Halo CE maps in Reach.....with bloom. With countless data and feedback at their disposal, we then delve further into the void of things nobody wanted, Halo 4. Now in a last ditch effort to make peace with the thousands of fans they threw middle fingers at, 343i will now release Halo Ce and Halo 2 with original multiplayer. But God forbid younger generations actually begin to like the old ways, and even worse yet what if they are so popular 343i will have to admit the "New Halo" formula is wrong. So we get no graphical boost to either game. (resolution is not the same as graphics) And because they need people to see just how right they were, the 6 maps getting a "face lift" will be redone in the DAMN HALO 4 ENGINE.  Halo 2 anniversary is running on the original engine with more textures and a tweak to the lighting. WHY IS IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR THIS TO CARRY OVER TO MULTIPLAYER?!? 

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 12:24 (Reply to #127)
Shadow's picture
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FR_ISH_1371 wrote:
just at a 1080p resolution which wont matter at all because the games were built from low resolution textures. I am highly upset at this.  Let's be honest, it really is inexcusable.

While I am sure this will change but matchmaking playlist modes will ship across all games.  Democracy will decide what version of slayer, CTF ect you will play each round.  Again a huge problem.  I will not play anything with a Halo 4 next to it. And I am sure fans of H4 will quit out of any other version of Halo that wins the vote. Frakie said there will be Game specific playlist but lack of details make me belive that it will be mashup gametypes in those specific playlist.



#1 - have you played Halo 2 Vista?  It looks very good at 1080p.  It's very sharp.  And this will also be 60fps smooth.

#2 - You can choose a specific game playlist and only play that game.

Thu, 06/12/2014 - 17:42
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Why would people play the MCC just to vote for H4 gametypes when they have a disc with nothing but H4 content?  Oh wait, I forgot, people are stupid.  I actually could see that happening. laugh  You never know though, maybe recent players to the franchise may stick out the older versions of the game and grow to enjoy them moreso than H4.  

Thu, 06/12/2014 - 22:45
DEEP_NNN's picture
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As I saw today and other times recently, lots of low SR ranks in MM. I presume many of these people are new to Halo 4. The will be no magic in how new players percieve the older titles. Less is less and they won't have nostalgia to hold them.

With populations split between platforms and titles, I believe all Halo multiplayer is going to tank badly after 3/4 months.



Fri, 06/13/2014 - 02:15 (Reply to #130)
FR_ISH_1371's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

As I saw today and other times recently, lots of low SR ranks in MM. I presume many of these people are new to Halo 4. The will be no magic in how new players percieve the older titles. Less is less and they won't have nostalgia to hold them.

With populations split between platforms and titles, I believe all Halo multiplayer is going to tank badly after 3/4 months.





That kind of worries me as well.  Too many options could be a bad for a games playlist population.  If the playlist are diluted then MM will be slow.  Slow MM means less people likely to return the next day, and the downward spiral begins.  

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 07:32
DarthTabasco's picture
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If you've stepped into H4 MM recently, then you would know the playlist population is sad. I can still have fun in H4, but it just doesn't hold my attention. Population has also declined since the new console launches. 343 really has nothing to lose and everything to gain (more money) by doing the MCC. Now, if they will use the information gained from watching how players respond - well, that's another set of issues.

I wish I could get hyped for H5, but after being burned by Reach and H4 I just don't feel excited about where the new Halo will take us. I mean, what does it say about the state of a game franchise when people are more excited to play a game a decade old instead of the new title?


Fri, 06/13/2014 - 10:58 (Reply to #132)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

If you've stepped into H4 MM recently, then you would know the playlist population is sad. I can still have fun in H4, but it just doesn't hold my attention. Population has also declined since the new console launches.

Actually, Halo 4's MM population was almost not affected at all by the XB1 and PS4 release. There was quite a noticeable increase after release and that population only declined back to those levels around March 21, 2014. MM population is on the increase again and that trend will likely continue into summer break.

While Halo 4's MM population took a huge nose dive until May 02, 2013 it's been lower but quite stable since then.

If someone were to go into MM today, they shouldn't see much of a difference than for example, 6 months ago.

I don't know how well maintained the data is now but it is only representative for MM. The real popularity of a game is a measure of Unique Users in 24 hours (UU/24hr). We don't have those figures anymore.

UPDATE: Forgot to say this snap shot covers Sep. 14, 2013 to present.


Fri, 06/13/2014 - 08:30
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I more interested in experiencing all of it in 1080, 60fps, dedicated servers, co-op for all campaigns, enhanced HD for H2A, rebuilding one of my Stonehenge maps, Halo Nightfall, Halo 5 Beta, getting all of the titles and hopefully friends on one system than say, playing old Halo multiplayer.

I really would have rathered get Halo 5 this year than all of this old stuff.

I may comment on the current population a liitle later.


Fri, 06/13/2014 - 14:23
DarthTabasco's picture
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DEEP, graphs and numbers are one thing. I'm going by what I've actually seen in MM and what I see on my friends list. People that I used to play Halo with have not been back to the 360 since the launch of the new consoles.

Perhaps it all comes out in the wash. A few leave. A few come back or are new players. So overall the numbers probably haven't changed. I'm just seeing a lot of folks on my FL not bothering with coming back to Halo after getting their new console.

Sorry, I don't have a graph to illustrate this point...cheeky

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 14:39 (Reply to #135)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

DEEP, graphs and numbers are one thing. I'm going by what I've actually seen in MM and what I see on my friends list. People that I used to play Halo with have not been back to the 360 since the launch of the new consoles.

Perhaps it all comes out in the wash. A few leave. A few come back or are new players. So overall the numbers probably haven't changed. I'm just seeing a lot of folks on my FL not bothering with coming back to Halo after getting their new console.

Sorry, I don't have a graph to illustrate this point...cheeky

Just call it anecdotal evidence. I also have noticed my Halo contacts dwindling but the MM numbers aren't misleading. People are filling in for them in the MM ecosystem. They're just not my friends.

Somewhere down the road will be the tipping point for existing Halo titles, both old and new. Halo as we know it will not survive the onslaught of other new games' features, if it too doesn't move dramatically forward. Looking to Halo's past might give us a fair and level eSport but it won't inspire the masses to play it.

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 15:24 (Reply to #136)
BigBadMike's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

DarthTabasco wrote:

DEEP, graphs and numbers are one thing. I'm going by what I've actually seen in MM and what I see on my friends list. People that I used to play Halo with have not been back to the 360 since the launch of the new consoles.

Perhaps it all comes out in the wash. A few leave. A few come back or are new players. So overall the numbers probably haven't changed. I'm just seeing a lot of folks on my FL not bothering with coming back to Halo after getting their new console.

Sorry, I don't have a graph to illustrate this point...cheeky

Just call it anecdotal evidence. I also have noticed my Halo contacts dwindling but the MM numbers aren't misleading. People are filling in for them in the MM ecosystem. They're just not my friends.

Somewhere down the road will be the tipping point for existing Halo titles, both old and new. Halo as we know it will not survive the onslaught of other new games' features, if it too doesn't move dramatically forward. Looking to Halo's past might give us a fair and level eSport but it won't inspire the masses to play it.

I have to comment to this fact.

The reason I have been drawn away from Halo recently is specifically the Matchmaking wait time.  I get very tired of waiting for 5-10 minutes for a gamematch that ends up, more often than not, Laggy.


BF4 loads up and I can usually be shooting poeple in under a minute on a smooth dedicated server connection.

It could also be mentioned he COD for the most part has a short wait time as well but fails similarly to Halo in poor in  game experience due to network 'latency' which is another word for shitty net code.

Sat, 06/14/2014 - 20:40 (Reply to #137)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

DEEP, graphs and numbers are one thing. I'm going by what I've actually seen in MM and what I see on my friends list. People that I used to play Halo with have not been back to the 360 since the launch of the new consoles.

Perhaps it all comes out in the wash. A few leave. A few come back or are new players. So overall the numbers probably haven't changed. I'm just seeing a lot of folks on my FL not bothering with coming back to Halo after getting their new console.

Sorry, I don't have a graph to illustrate this point...cheeky



His graph also doesn't include the massive decline that got us to the rock bottom numbers you're seeing in his graph, either: http://halocharts.com/2013/playlists_halo4.php

Sat, 06/14/2014 - 21:57 (Reply to #138)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

DarthTabasco wrote:

DEEP, graphs and numbers are one thing. I'm going by what I've actually seen in MM and what I see on my friends list. People that I used to play Halo with have not been back to the 360 since the launch of the new consoles.

Perhaps it all comes out in the wash. A few leave. A few come back or are new players. So overall the numbers probably haven't changed. I'm just seeing a lot of folks on my FL not bothering with coming back to Halo after getting their new console.

Sorry, I don't have a graph to illustrate this point...cheeky



His graph also doesn't include the massive decline that got us to the rock bottom numbers you're seeing in his graph, either: http://halocharts.com/2013/playlists_halo4.php

It wasn't supposed to. The point was the stability after the "huge nose dive until May 02, 2013 " as I mentioned in the post.

Darth was suggesting the pop dropped after XB1 and PS4 released but it didn't and the graph shows that.

Not trying to fool anyone.

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 15:26
Shadow's picture
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Fri, 06/13/2014 - 15:30
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oooooooooo think of the Halo 1-2 videos with GameDVR....

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 15:33
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Fri, 06/13/2014 - 15:39
Minotaur's picture
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The MCC preorder bonus through GameStop is the Bandana skull. I usually have that skull set when I play CEA anyway. I guess this means that not all skulls will be available???

Sat, 06/14/2014 - 06:31 (Reply to #143)
OldnAchy's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

The MCC preorder bonus through GameStop is the Bandana skull. I usually have that skull set when I play CEA anyway. I guess this means that not all skulls will be available???

The "Mythic" community is starting to stir over this.  No word on whether or not these 3 "pre-order" skulls (Bandana, Pinata, Grunt Funeral) will eventually be available to all.  I was a little surprised at this since it creates a potentially uneven playing field in the campaign(s), and will make the definition of LASO a bit difficult -- do I have to pre-order from 3 separate vendors to be able to do a LASO run?  May not be important to most, but that is important to me.

Sat, 06/14/2014 - 07:50 (Reply to #144)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

Minotaur wrote:

The MCC preorder bonus through GameStop is the Bandana skull. I usually have that skull set when I play CEA anyway. I guess this means that not all skulls will be available???

The "Mythic" community is starting to stir over this.  No word on whether or not these 3 "pre-order" skulls (Bandana, Pinata, Grunt Funeral) will eventually be available to all.  I was a little surprised at this since it creates a potentially uneven playing field in the campaign(s), and will make the definition of LASO a bit difficult -- do I have to pre-order from 3 separate vendors to be able to do a LASO run?  May not be important to most, but that is important to me.

I can't remember, what happened in CEA for LASO runs?

As long as the skulls can be identified for the run, wouldn't that be enough? It would allow 'have' and 'have-not' classes.

Fri, 06/13/2014 - 15:47
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Fri, 06/13/2014 - 19:04
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Fri, 06/13/2014 - 19:37
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Lol, they labeled Dan Ayoub as Frank O'Connor at the beginning..

Sun, 06/15/2014 - 05:54
OldnAchy's picture
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There was a big split in the community.  Skulls like Bandana were considered to be beneficial (you could stand back and lob grenades all day -- also eliminated the effect of Famine).  Some felt these should not be included.  Others said all skulls meant all skulls.  The debate was somewhat heated.  There actually is an LCS definition - Legendary - Classic Skulls with all the detrimental skulls incuded like Mythic, Tilt, Tough Luck, Thunderstorm, Black Eye, and Famine.  There was no blind skull in CEA.  I believe HSH uses that as a class of speed runs.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out in MCC.  I believe 3 players completed CEA SLASO.  I still need to do the 3 long missions (Library, Two Betrayals, and T and R).

Sun, 06/15/2014 - 14:23
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Mon, 06/16/2014 - 00:25
FR_ISH_1371's picture
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And the first leak of the game is out. Awesome video with lots of good information.  Microsoft has been shutting these videos down so watch it before it's flagged.



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