Neverwinter on Xbox One

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Wed, 04/15/2015 - 11:03 (Reply to #91)
hemihuman's picture
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CiaranORian wrote:

I'm in GMT so I'm at least 5 hours ahead of you guys. I normally game from about 9-12pm. The earlier you guys are on, the better for me.

12 pm is noon, right? So nine in the morning until noon GMT?

Wed, 04/15/2015 - 10:55
Xenmic's picture
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I'm on AST time. I usually game when the wife is working the business.

Wed, 04/15/2015 - 12:18
Xenmic's picture
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I think you'll find he meant 12am....he's in the UK.. ;)

Wed, 04/15/2015 - 12:19
darththorn's picture
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I added everyone from this thread to my FL that I didn't already have.

Wed, 04/15/2015 - 12:44
Xenmic's picture
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Thu, 04/16/2015 - 02:48
CiaranORian's picture
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Sorry I  meant 9pm until midnight. BTW I'm in Ireland, not to be confused with our noisy neighbours in the UK (as someone from Canada I'm sure you can identify...)

Just be careful guys, 2 nights ago I tried to buy 500 zen from the market.  I'm enjoying the game and thought I owed them something back. I got an "authentication failed, try again error". I tried a few times that night and got the same message.

Last night when I logged in I had 2500 zen.  My credit card hasnt been charged yet.

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 04:06
SiBoN xB's picture
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Would love to play along side some of you guy's. Love the game when it works for me ( i tend to get kicked out alot and lag problems ) not sure what am doing i just follow the path. Ihave just the one char a lvl 23 half elf hunter and on uk times

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 06:54 (Reply to #98)
hemihuman's picture
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SiBoN xB wrote:

Would love to play along side some of you guy's. Love the game when it works for me ( i tend to get kicked out alot and lag problems ) not sure what am doing i just follow the path. Ihave just the one char a lvl 23 half elf hunter and on uk times

Welcome SiBoN! Hopefully we'll be able to schedule a group of five to play some day, but it will be most fun once we're all at the level cap. So keep playing as long as it's fun for you! In the meantime, I've gotten lucky a few times, and managed to team up with 2o2p folks that were about at my level, which has been great. 

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 07:09 (Reply to #99)
hemihuman's picture
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Progress (?) Report

Ever since I hit 60 on my hunter ranger, I've been trying to run one epic (level 60) dungeon a day in hopes of finding legenday (purple) gear. I go to the Whispering Caverns (the Underdark zone, the last one you are sent to), and join a queue for some epic  dungeon that looks interesting. Of course, the queues are known to be slow, and I am not the most patient person, so at this point I start spamming advertisements into the Looking for Group chat channel. Something like "8.2k HR inv any t1". In Neverwinterese, this means "a Hunter Ranger with 8200 gear score looking for an invite to any of the Tier 1 (easiest level 60) dungeons". Ineveitably, some group will have mercy on me and give me an invitation. Inevitably, the group will want to go to the Idris dungeon. Inevitably, the chest at the end will contain purple knives. I now have three sets. 

I'll be back at it this afternoon. Probably back in Idris again, with my luck. But the truth is, that dungeon is still fun for me, so bring on the knives! Nice cutlery anyone? 

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 08:01
SarcasmoJones's picture
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My Hunter Ranger is up to lvl 33, but I've been playing a loy of MKX this week, but I would like to get some D&D in this weekend.

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 10:35
darththorn's picture
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I've read some real horror stories about the epic dungeons.  Most people highly recommend getting into a guild with a good group of people, and say that it is the only reliable way of getting anything done at that stage in the game.

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 10:48 (Reply to #102)
hemihuman's picture
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I can't contribute any horror stories. My worst dungeon run happened when we wiped three times in a row, but the group was great and ready to go again. It was my own mistake that made it bad...didn't stock up enough potions beforehand. Doh!

There is a positive aspect of spamming the Looking for Group chat for an invitation, namely that the group leader knows what he is getting when he invites you. I think I have that fact to thank for never having been kicked from a group. It certainly can't be my amazing skill in playing my character. cheeky

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 10:46
Mr Freeman's picture
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Yeah I've had a lot of issue with being vote kicked the second I join especially if it's a group with more then one of the same class. also we need more healers, lots of groups with no healers have a very hard time with the end boss.
Thu, 04/16/2015 - 10:51 (Reply to #104)
hemihuman's picture
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Mr Freeman wrote:
also we need more healers

I'm still leveling my cleric! I'm looking forward to the cushy life once he hits 60 and starts looking for epic dungeon groups.

Fri, 04/17/2015 - 10:00 (Reply to #105)
hemihuman's picture
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It turns out all those Seals of the Unicorn clever Krak was lining his boots with can be used to up your gear score big time. In Krak's defense, the lower level seals were all pretty much useless.

Mon, 04/20/2015 - 10:13 (Reply to #106)
hemihuman's picture
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Mr Freeman wrote:
Yeah I've had a lot of issue with being vote kicked the second I join especially if it's a group with more then one of the same class. also we need more healers, lots of groups with no healers have a very hard time with the end boss.

I got to see this phenomenon first hand during one run this weekend. Thankfully, I was not on the receiving end of the kicks. The group kept voting to kick the fifth team member hoping to get a healer. After several kicks, we ended up going in sans healer anyway. With your story in mind, I voted not to kick each time, but apparently the majority rules. And in fairness to the majority, we just kept wiping, until someone got fed up and left, and was replaced by a very well geared wizard.

Fri, 04/17/2015 - 13:38
darththorn's picture
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Another thing that will help is high quality enchantments, currently I have no enchantment below a level 4, most of the ones I use are level 5 or 6, I am at around 3600 GS at level 36.  I always inspect the other players around me that are in or around the same level as myself and I always seem to have a higher GS than they do.  I just wish you could trade the seals up to a higher level once you move up to the next class of gear.

Mon, 04/20/2015 - 10:08 (Reply to #108)
hemihuman's picture
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Got to run a couple epic dungeons with my ranger over the weekend. Both chests contained knives. I also got my first ever purple drop directly from a boss! Just don't ask what it was.

In other news, the cleric climb has taken longer than expected, but I did make it to my mid-50s. Hoping to finish leveling this week and try him out in a dungeon by next weekend. Pity the poor fools who will look to Gil Cutsall MD for sustenance!

Mon, 04/20/2015 - 11:07
CiaranORian's picture
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Slowly leveling up.  Made level 34 last night. It gets a little dull running through the quests solo.  Started the Tyranny of the Dragon Campaign last night. Where do the cultists of severin hang out? Couldn't find them.

Mon, 04/20/2015 - 12:26 (Reply to #110)
hemihuman's picture
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I think all the cultists you need to kill at the beginning of the campaign are in Neverdeath. Both surrounding the dragon, and in the immediately adjacent area. It's true that the cultists are not well labeled. I ended up just killing them en masse and checking if they counted toward the quest. Then again, I was level 60, so I could afford to be sloppy. My general recollection is that the harder groups closer to the dragon tended to be the ones more likely to count or drop the quest item. 

Mon, 04/20/2015 - 12:30
darththorn's picture
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Yes, the ones that surround the dragon are the ones you need to kill.

Mon, 04/20/2015 - 14:10
CiaranORian's picture
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Thanks guys. Theyre still tough at level 34 so might have to wait a bit.

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 13:17 (Reply to #113)
hemihuman's picture
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CiaranORian wrote:

Thanks guys. Theyre still tough at level 34 so might have to wait a bit.

Here's a suggestion for those that want to start the campaign at lower levels. Go to Neverdeath and find an instance where the dragon is being killed. You can usually predict from the chat where this is happening. Go help the dragon group. Inevitably all the cultists in the summoning circles around the dragon get pulled into the fracas and killed. Profit!

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 09:43
Bee's picture
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So the wife kept looking over my shoulder and asking questions about the game, so I told her that she should play with me.  We went out and set up another console yesterday and I have now started my 3rd character to play through with her (she is officially hooked).  I've got 2 level 60s at the moment, A Hunter and a Guardian Fighter.  My Guardian Fighter has over a 12k gear score and has ran thru every dungeon except Epic Dreadvault and Castle Never.  My newest character is a Rogue that will be for PvP one day.  I am officially a Neverwinter junky and don't see any other games pulling me away from this anytime soon.  

We really need to get a guild going, I've got enough AD to open up a banking slot I'm pretty sure, and it would be a good way for those of us with level 60 characters to help those still leveling.  

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 11:35 (Reply to #115)
hemihuman's picture
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Bee, you sure made tracks with your Guardian Fighter! It's really nice that your wife is playing with you. Would never happen in a million years at my house. 

My ranger is still only 8.7k gear score or so. If only I could wield more than one set of knives at a time, then I'd give you guys a run for your money!

I'm on my second guild with the HR, but I've yet to group with a single fellow guild member. The current guild is all 60s, so there are plenty of potential teammates, but it has not worked out that way so far. 

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 10:23
Mr Freeman's picture
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I have my CW which gs is only 9.8k. I started a DC it's up to 40 ran the mad dragon dungeon and managed to keep everyone alive through the whole thing. Did about 600k in healing, can't wait to see what it's at when I get up to 60 and beyond.
Tue, 04/21/2015 - 10:26 (Reply to #117)
Bee's picture
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If you ever need a tank let me know.  I'm still learning, so I'm far from the best, but practice makes perfect and I'm slowly but surely getting better.

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 13:09
SarcasmoJones's picture
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I'm closing in on level 40 with my Hunter Ranger and have been considering the pros and cons of guild membership, but I'm reluctant to guild up with folks outside of 2o2p. Let me know if you guys get something set up. I'm always playing something new but I tend to fall back on big RPGs and Forza games.

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 13:36
darththorn's picture
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Still trying to convince my wife to get a One, her desire to game has fallen off alot in the past 6 months though.  I have gone back to Shadow of Mordor to try and finish that up before the Witcher 3 releases.  Plus I really need a break from all the bad frame rates and rubberbanding.

Wed, 04/22/2015 - 06:27 (Reply to #120)
hemihuman's picture
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darththorn wrote:

Still trying to convince my wife to get a One, her desire to game has fallen off alot in the past 6 months though.  I have gone back to Shadow of Mordor to try and finish that up before the Witcher 3 releases.  Plus I really need a break from all the bad frame rates and rubberbanding.

No! No breaks for you! We must have more 60s ASAP! cheeky

My hunch is that the lag and "framerate" issues are mostly network and server related, but I did find things got somewhat better when I rebooted the home router and did a hard reset on the Xbox. 

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