email server demanding new password, then domain name, then I change the main log in to match and other programs just to be tidy and keep everything easy to remember and bam, locked out of a major program with no way to reset the dang thing from the program log in....
Oh, forgot that myteriously the requirements for what qualifies as a password has changed, again...
Google and Microsoft make it very difficult if you forget your password, so much so my wife abandoned her hotmail account and then refused to a get a new e-mail address. Now she's off the grid, she blew her co-workers mind when she said she doesn't carry her cell on the weekends.
Well, Fast Track couriers have just take three weeks to transport a package about twenty miles to, close to usual I had to collect from somewhere they could actually find...and the contents were broken. So much for overnight delivery and "professional service". Slow Crap couriers more like. Really I could have walked there and back in much less time.
See Fitzy fell into the your/you're trap, not immune to that myself. Makes you an easy target for grammar Nazis like Oldschool .
Still waiting on the funds to arrive for the car, should have been done and dusted weeks ago and I have lost the car I have had my eye on, damn shame it was exactly what I wanted in every way, no compromise...ah well. I think I will stop looking until I can actually buy and just keep watching out for that letter that tell me I can.
*waves frantically* holy crap. Y'all have no idea how much trouble I have with this site on all my hand held Google devices! I think it might actually let me post...
So speaking of cars (yeah I know I'm behind in the conversation but play along) my mom calls and says her battery died. AAA gets it charged for her and tells her its a bad battery (its not, but that's not the important part). She brings it here for hubby to check it out. Holy hell. Struts are shot, motor mounts screwed (one is broken). We drove it and omg. Its scary bad. Makes horrible noises and handles like you'd expect with what I just told you. No idea how long this has been going on. She says she heard the noises but thought it was stuff in the trunk moving around.
Hubby is going to fix it all himself. She has no money and huge medical bills, so we are paying for the parts and all. I tried to get hubby to pay a shop to do it, but he's insisting.
I love my mom but this sort of thing is extremely frustrating.
Well, I'm two weeks post hernia surgery and things are starting to feel a bit more normal. It was a fairly big gash at around 4 inches. I think they had to dig around a bit too, based on the bruising. My wife has been carrying more than her usual share of chores. I'm still not allowed to pick up more than 2kg/5lb.
then what should we do with her?
I thought she was waxing the car with the shimmy she's wearing...
Happy Friday! Why is that the shortest weeks seems the longest? Which is why I always take a week off from work or at least Friday but never Monday.
Drive her like she's stolen! You do mean the car right?
email server demanding new password, then domain name, then I change the main log in to match and other programs just to be tidy and keep everything easy to remember and bam, locked out of a major program with no way to reset the dang thing from the program log in....
Oh, forgot that myteriously the requirements for what qualifies as a password has changed, again...
Happy Monday...
Google and Microsoft make it very difficult if you forget your password, so much so my wife abandoned her hotmail account and then refused to a get a new e-mail address. Now she's off the grid, she blew her co-workers mind when she said she doesn't carry her cell on the weekends.
Parcells can do one better...Don't even own a cell phone.
Have they invented the wheel in Canada yet?
You're Canadian, doesn't count...
Well, the offending program now is SAP.
I bet your wife is a lot less stressed for it! I hate phones.
Oldschool I do believe you meant to say "Your Canadian you can't count"
If I had, I would have said it correctly...
My apologies, I must have heard you thinking it.
I hope not...
Deep told me that in canada there is a place where there are people who are half british and half columbian.
Don't forget, part French.
Sounds like bad coffee...
When I was young, I thought kilts and scotch tape came from Nova Scotia...
Well, Fast Track couriers have just take three weeks to transport a package about twenty miles to, close to usual I had to collect from somewhere they could actually find...and the contents were broken. So much for overnight delivery and "professional service". Slow Crap couriers more like. Really I could have walked there and back in much less time.
See Fitzy fell into the your/you're trap, not immune to that myself. Makes you an easy target for grammar Nazis like Oldschool
Still waiting on the funds to arrive for the car, should have been done and dusted weeks ago and I have lost the car I have had my eye on, damn shame it was exactly what I wanted in every way, no compromise...ah well. I think I will stop looking until I can actually buy and just keep watching out for that letter that tell me I can.
Pretty sure if I put some effort into it I could purchase a kilt and scotch tape within 30 minutes from now so maybe you guys are right?
yeah, but so could I and I'm in Tennessee...
I found a picture on the internet of Old N Achy enjoying a snack before a round of golf.
I also found one of Deep showing off his culinary skills.
Half British half Columbian and mostly French. Just ask them.
Well, I'm two weeks post hernia surgery and things are starting to feel a bit more normal. It was a fairly big gash at around 4 inches. I think they had to dig around a bit too, based on the bruising. My wife has been carrying more than her usual share of chores. I'm still not allowed to pick up more than 2kg/5lb.
Getting lots of Destiny in.