This series is intended to somewhat emulate the incredibly popular and exciting WTCC and BTCC. The series will consist of eight two car teams representing 8 car manufacturers. All vying for the opportunity to score individual driver's tittle's and manufacturer's titles over the course of a 6 race season. If successful the series may become a regular event with some other cars (BMW 3 series and Chevy Cruze, please T10?) joining in the championship in the future.
Race 1 - Feb. 2012 @ 5pm EST - Maple Valley Short 35 laps
Race 2 - Mar. 11th 2012 @ 5pm EST - Nurburgring GP - 25 laps
Race 3 - Apr. 15th 2012 @ 5pm EST - Suzuka East - 35 laps
Race 4 - Apr. 29th 2012 @ 5pm EST - Alps Stadtplatz Reverse - 35 laps
Race 5 - May 20th 2012 @ 5pm EST - Silverstone National - 35 laps TOURIST TROPHY EVENT
Race 6 - June 3rd 2012 @ 5pm EST - Hockenheim Full - 35 laps
The cars for this season:
RACE RESULTS AND STANDINGS(click on link below)
Sweet. Didn't mean to rush you bud. All, please let me know via PM if the standings need to be tweaked. I am helping Snappy maintain the standings. Thanks everyone.
Parcells may have sent you the replay of the first privateers race last week Zed, I forget if I did or not. Snappy definitely has it just let me know if you want me to forward to you.
That said, 98% sure the finishing order was..
Dai Bongo
Mr. Schub guy
Naked Rescue did not make the race
OR, in other words, your privateer results look correct. No idea what the Schub was driving.
Where did my "edit" button go and what's with this "Flag as Offensive" link...been nice knowing you guys
And the new smileys…is that a wink or a face palm gone horribly wrong?
Thanks Parcells. That matches the sheet and unless one of the other drivers chimes in w/ a challenge, no need for the replay.
Bump - two days - what kind of lap times are people turning
Adjusted the tune for the Renault, and in 6 laps I put in a 1:10.888. No idea whether that's good or not as the LB's are chock full of faster times from full PI cars.
Just a cotten pickin minuit...Are we racing Full or Short? Because I am practicing Full and there is no way your doing that in 1:10!
Gah! 2:10.888
No edit button
That's your handicap this week run the long course while Parcells runs the short track. I can almost taste the victory.
Boza/Fitzy: Hows our Renult looking? Still haven't played with the tune you sent me Fitzy so if there are any improvements you'll let your favorite privateer racer know won't you bud.
Are you on my FL Parcells? I sent the tweaked Nurb tune out shortly after the Maple Valley race. I can send you what I did if you didn't get it from Fitzy.
Fitzy sent me a tune awhile ago for Nurb but I don't know if it was updated or not. The fastest I can get is a 2:11.898. I need to practice if your hitting 2:10's Paparaazzi!! Anybody going to be on later who wants to run some laps??
Think your safe this week Parsells, last week was a track I could drive with my eyes closed and I fully expected a good result...This week not so confident so, given a slower car and my lack of confidence, if you don't beat me it's time to pressure
Hi, please can someone let me know how I go about taking part in the privateers race tomorrow?
I have the car (Honda) and the time (10pm gmt) but having never taken part in a series race before am not sure what I need to do next! Thanks in advance for any help, cheers.
Welcome to the Honda team mate! Give me or Steviegers a ring when you're on Forza next. We've been testing tunes to try and get the Honda to be competitive on this track.
M3, thanks, I will try to look you both up whe I'm on later. Cheers
Doh! Should have said " privateers race on Sunday". Tomorrow will just be 50 laps of practise!
LOL if there's someone that DOESN'T need 50 laps of practice it's you swhite Not sure how I'm gonna find 2 full seconds in that damn Weismann.
Pap, if you do find 2 seconds can you let me know where they come from, I need another few tents to catch the "Assassin"!!
With the power reduction () getting avg 2:12:3xxx.
Clearly you need the power reduced more if you're still averaging that time. Or we'll all get lucky and your wife will be in labor swearing at you for putting her in that position! ;)
Boza and Parcells the tune I sent you is the most updated one, I can get into the low 2.11s with it. There is a 2.10 in the car I just need to string a good lap together. I ran with Church And Gizzie when they were running with their power reductions they are losing nearly 2 seconds a lap on this track. I might be on later for practice. Mass Effect 3 is keeping me busy right now.
What time do you think you will be on???
Parcells, what do you think about starting the Privateer race a few minutes late (5 maybe 10)...just to allow the factory teams time to pull in the backups if needed. That way we can hopefully avoid the calls coming in to pull someone up when we are already 25% or more into the race like Race 1.
And on that note, Factory Teams, please try to get your calls out for the Privateer fillins early. We were almost halfway through our race when I started getting hit w/ messages to join the front lines. Unfortunately, I wasn't about to throw away a race I was leading 18 laps in....
Excellent point Sherb. There may be a couple people out from room 1 tomorrow so delaying your start is a good idea. Once, I get Room 1 set up I'll invite you to a private chat and let you know what's up.
I actually wanted the Factory teams to run the liveries provided. While I understand that the privateers have their own liveries it would be nice not to have a hodge podge of different looking cars in room 1. But, I guess I'll just have to accept that part of it.