Are there any Halo clans out there?

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#1 Sun, 09/08/2013 - 22:29
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Are there any Halo clans out there?

Just curious if anyone knew of a good Halo clan out there. I still have many friends who play and love the game, but everyone seems to have gone rogue or they are in a clan with limited support for Halo.

Sun, 09/08/2013 - 22:47
DEEP_NNN's picture
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You saying 2old2playhalo isn't a Halocentric clan now?

Sun, 09/08/2013 - 23:19
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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There are, but not nearly as many as there used to be.  Many clans or teams have either disbanded or rarely play H4 anymore.  Hell, Master Theory used to be a team that exclusively played Halo.  Now me and a couple others are the only regulars that play H4.  Most have moved on to other 360 games like CoD or BF or into PC genre, playing games like League of Legends.  Many of the other notable BTB teams have also followed the same route.  However, I'll get messages on xblive (typically mass messages on people's recently played list) advertising for their clans.  The majority of those tend to be younger kids with stipulations and rules to join (change your armor, color, emblem, etc, or have a ranking system).  It's quite sad really, how far Halo has fallen.  I would venture onto the Waypoint forums to see if you can find anything. 

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 00:02
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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uh does me, Dixon, and Hitman playing now and then count as a H4 clan?  Feel free to add me for the non-BTB type gametypes.  I don't really play competitively anymore but want to get a 50 before GTA5 comes out.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 02:56
Double T's picture
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Fuck it.  Let's start one. ;)

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 07:08 (Reply to #5)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Double T wrote:

Fuck it.  Let's start one. ;)

In my opinion, Halo Clans have been dying since Halo 2. It was quite common to hear people say "I'm done with this game" even before Halo 3 came out. A lot of people did drop out of Halo around then. Sure, the Halo 3 Clans seemed full and busy but I'm confident some of that was from Clans dissolving and merging. People had learned how to find Halo groups too.

Personally, I wouldn't prefer to create a gamecentric Clan. Advertised playing schedules and a personal commitment to show up for every event is what it takes. Something that can be counted on is the biggest single requirement. 2old2pwn still plays Halo 4 on Thursday night. btw. 

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 08:31 (Reply to #6)
LegendcalledJim's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Double T wrote:

Fuck it.  Let's start one. ;)

In my opinion, Halo Clans have been dying since Halo 2. It was quite common to hear people say "I'm done with this game" even before Halo 3 came out. A lot of people did drop out of Halo around then. Sure, the Halo 3 Clans seemed full and busy but I'm confident some of that was from Clans dissolving and merging. People had learned how to find Halo groups too.

Personally, I wouldn't prefer to create a gamecentric Clan. Advertised playing schedules and a personal commitment to show up for every event is what it takes. Something that can be counted on is the biggest single requirement. 2old2pwn still plays Halo 4 on Thursday night. btw. 

I disagree with you Deep. There's still many Halo lovers out there that need that sancturary. When everyone was hating on Reach and clans where blowing up everywhere I found 2old2playHalo and it was great to find friends and positive attitudes. It made the game much more fun. I think gamecentric clans are the way clans should be run. I've been in 4 Halo clans that where really strong and when they went to the multi game model they alway fall apart.

My biggest concern about starting a new group is that the new systems are coming out with some pretty cool looking games and I don't know is we could with stand the next year. On a positive note I think Halo is getting better and more people seem to be really enjoying themselves.

If anyone wants to discuss starting a new Halo group here at 2o2p I'm open to it if there's a good plan for it.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 09:18 (Reply to #7)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Double T wrote:

Fuck it.  Let's start one. ;)

In my opinion, Halo Clans have been dying since Halo 2. It was quite common to hear people say "I'm done with this game" even before Halo 3 came out. A lot of people did drop out of Halo around then. Sure, the Halo 3 Clans seemed full and busy but I'm confident some of that was from Clans dissolving and merging. People had learned how to find Halo groups too.

Personally, I wouldn't prefer to create a gamecentric Clan. Advertised playing schedules and a personal commitment to show up for every event is what it takes. Something that can be counted on is the biggest single requirement. 2old2pwn still plays Halo 4 on Thursday night. btw. 

I disagree with you Deep. There's still many Halo lovers out there that need that sancturary. When everyone was hating on Reach and clans where blowing up everywhere I found 2old2playHalo and it was great to find friends and positive attitudes. It made the game much more fun. I think gamecentric clans are the way clans should be run. I've been in 4 Halo clans that where really strong and when they went to the multi game model they alway fall apart.

My biggest concern about starting a new group is that the new systems are coming out with some pretty cool looking games and I don't know is we could with stand the next year. On a positive note I think Halo is getting better and more people seem to be really enjoying themselves.

If anyone wants to discuss starting a new Halo group here at 2o2p I'm open to it if there's a good plan for it.

Just to be clear, I also don't agree with any kind of Clan and not just game specific. All any game needs are group leaders, activity description and an operating window. People will come and try,  with luck some will stay. No commitment, fewer rules. I.E. You want more Halo. You should start with a day, time and  activity type and advertise it in this forum. Show up and run the party consistently until it works or fails. You don't need Clan support for that to happen and when it fades away, no clean up.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 07:55
DarthTabasco's picture
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I'm in a "clan" that plays Halo and other games like BF, COD, Borderlands. Bascially whatever. 

However, we've had a serious decline in member support as we were mainly a Halo group that ventured into other games. We ran a 4v4 League and were fairly involved with communities like HaloCharts. We have tried to keep people interested, but the desire to play just isn't there for one reason or another and a lot of people have moved on. 

Just a Laser stated about Master Theory. KOP used to be busy, but now we have cobwebs in our forums.

We took the summer off with our Group Night, but will be back to having them a couple of times a month. However, it's sad how low activity in Halo has become, especially compared to where we used to be when H3 was rolling strong. 


Mon, 09/09/2013 - 10:59
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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So what's the difference between a clan and the 2o2p friend of friend tag thing or some of the 2o2p halo groups?  I thought they were pretty much the same, but it sounds like a clan is more structured.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 11:10 (Reply to #10)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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DCHaloJunkies wrote:

So what's the difference between a clan and the 2o2p friend of friend tag thing or some of the 2o2p halo groups?  I thought they were pretty much the same, but it sounds like a clan is more structured.

Most Clans get their own forum and conduct business their own way. The FoF GT is a another way to get together due to the 100 FL limit and no organizational tools. Those GT's can get stale pretty quick but they do work enough to help. :) We have one for the Over Age 40 tournament and the Over Age 50 Group but neither is a Clan in any sense of the word.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 12:09 (Reply to #11)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DCHaloJunkies wrote:

So what's the difference between a clan and the 2o2p friend of friend tag thing or some of the 2o2p halo groups?  I thought they were pretty much the same, but it sounds like a clan is more structured.


Lots of clans have Friends of Friends Gamertags to artifically expand their Friends List past 100. Also, it organizes it so you know that everyone that's on that Gamertag is in the clan, so you can organize some stuff a little easier that way.  2old2play also has some general Friends of Friends Gamertags so folks, particularly new ones, can tap into the community a little easier, and more consistently.

There were some MLG Halo Gamertags for folks that wanted that kind of action, but there's absolutely nothing going on there these days.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 11:35
Shadow's picture
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I'd like to say Halotards, but lately we've been dead.  Most people hated Reach, and didn't like H4 much better.  Lately we've been trying to do the Wednesday clan night thing again, but we're still only drawing maybe 8 people if we're lucky, once a week.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 11:40
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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Would it make sense to just start another customs night?  Given how much people are playing maybe it makes sense to consolidate into a custom night versus starting a new group.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 11:50 (Reply to #14)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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DCHaloJunkies wrote:

Would it make sense to just start another customs night?  Given how much people are playing maybe it makes sense to consolidate into a custom night versus starting a new group.

Yes, it makes sense. It can even be on Thursday night. Maybe one group can be more 4v4 stuff or even be MM oriented. All it takes is the will to start. We started the Over age 50 group with 5 people 8 years ago.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 11:48
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I see your point Deep. I think groups/clans offer some benefits though. One is you create a place that fans of a game can go. Like I said before I was a Reach fan, but my other clan hated it and these forums(all forums) were flooded with negative talk. Even if people where looking for a Halo clan if they came to these forums they wouldn't stay long. Then I started jumping into 2o2p Halo clan nights playing a game or 2 and then get booted since I wasn't in the clan. The games I played with them I really enjoyed because they just had fun and I liked that safe environment. So I joined. It became a very nice community for me.

Over the last 11 years I've become very jaded towards the whole idea of clans. The first big clan I was in at Geezers felt like family, people seem to really care about you, but when everyone bailed on Halo and your all alone you quickly find out that friends in the gaming world are for the most part just temporary and to not get to attached. It took along time for me to join another clan, but like I said up top they do serve a purpose.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 12:33
James's picture
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I think a "clan"  can also offer a mechanism to equalize skill level.  Personally I don't want to play in a group where I am constantly getting my ass handed to me.  Conversely its not fun or compelling to beat up on players of lesser skill.  I think the most fun is had when everyone is of a similar skill.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 14:47 (Reply to #17)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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James wrote:

I think a "clan"  can also offer a mechanism to equalize skill level.  Personally I don't want to play in a group where I am constantly getting my ass handed to me.  Conversely its not fun or compelling to beat up on players of lesser skill.  I think the most fun is had when everyone is of a similar skill.

That's supposed to be the point of matchmaking.  Also, in custom matches that aren't explicitly scrimmages, if teams are unbalanced, we either pick teams with captains or try and move individual players if the teams just need a tweak or two.  But, yeah, stomping someone out isn't much fun, and neither is getting annihilated, although playing much better players is good anf fun to do every once in a while.  

Tue, 09/10/2013 - 13:04 (Reply to #18)
James's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

James wrote:

I think a "clan"  can also offer a mechanism to equalize skill level.  Personally I don't want to play in a group where I am constantly getting my ass handed to me.  Conversely its not fun or compelling to beat up on players of lesser skill.  I think the most fun is had when everyone is of a similar skill.

That's supposed to be the point of matchmaking.  Also, in custom matches that aren't explicitly scrimmages, if teams are unbalanced, we either pick teams with captains or try and move individual players if the teams just need a tweak or two.  But, yeah, stomping someone out isn't much fun, and neither is getting annihilated, although playing much better players is good anf fun to do every once in a while.  

A Clan also filters out the jackasses and Timmies encounted in Matchmacking while ensuring the appropriate skill levels.  When this is executed properly, clan nights with custom games are the most fun I have in halo.

Deep makes a good point about skill level.  My mediocre skill level plateued long ago and now they are probably on the decline.  Not everyone who plays with high skill players is going to get better.  I don't think this reality ever occurs to the competive types on this forum.  Instead we are refered to as noobs and are denigrated for a play style that gives us our best chance of getting some kills.

Wed, 09/11/2013 - 10:53 (Reply to #19)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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James wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

James wrote:

I think a "clan"  can also offer a mechanism to equalize skill level.  Personally I don't want to play in a group where I am constantly getting my ass handed to me.  Conversely its not fun or compelling to beat up on players of lesser skill.  I think the most fun is had when everyone is of a similar skill.

That's supposed to be the point of matchmaking.  Also, in custom matches that aren't explicitly scrimmages, if teams are unbalanced, we either pick teams with captains or try and move individual players if the teams just need a tweak or two.  But, yeah, stomping someone out isn't much fun, and neither is getting annihilated, although playing much better players is good anf fun to do every once in a while.  

A Clan also filters out the jackasses and Timmies encounted in Matchmacking while ensuring the appropriate skill levels.  When this is executed properly, clan nights with custom games are the most fun I have in halo.

Deep makes a good point about skill level.  My mediocre skill level plateued long ago and now they are probably on the decline.  Not everyone who plays with high skill players is going to get better.  I don't think this reality ever occurs to the competive types on this forum.  Instead we are refered to as noobs and are denigrated for a play style that gives us our best chance of getting some kills.


Oh, no, its certainly taken into account.  Usually, teams are shuffled until they're even, or about as even as they can be.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 13:58
Double T's picture
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James, I think the best part of a clan is seeing those people you can stomp on eventually fight back.  That has been the single greatest joy of playing with people from past clans.  I've always been one to play with better people and put up or shut up though. :)

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 14:27 (Reply to #21)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Double T wrote:

James, I think the best part of a clan is seeing those people you can stomp on eventually fight back.  That has been the single greatest joy of playing with people from past clans.  I've always been one to play with better people and put up or shut up though. :)

Don't forget. There are lots of people like me with 0.72 K/D who do not get better and yet still play Halo. We never get to see the world from the point of view of 1-2 K/D. 2old2pwn was originally setup to protect poor players but it couldn't really. Some players get better and some don't. That's a fact of life. I gave up on skill requirements because it limits contact between players who would otherwise enjoy each others company.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 14:29 (Reply to #22)
Double T's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Double T wrote:

James, I think the best part of a clan is seeing those people you can stomp on eventually fight back.  That has been the single greatest joy of playing with people from past clans.  I've always been one to play with better people and put up or shut up though. :)

Don't forget. There are lots of people like me with 0.72 K/D who do not get better and yet still play Halo. We never get to see the world from the point of view of 1-2 K/D. 2old2pwn was originally setup to protect poor players but it couldn't really. Some players get better and some don't. That's a fact of life. I gave up on skill requirements because it limits contact between players who would otherwise enjoy each others company.

I know there are people who never seem to get better, but then there are exceptions to everything.  I like helping people get better though, but that's just my nature to try to help teach people to become better at something I have a bit of skill in :)



Mon, 09/09/2013 - 14:46
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Dixon and DC, do you guys just like 4v4 and smaller competitive mapsor would you be open to maps like Monolith, Adrift, Landfall or Pit with a 6v6 format. Also are you open to gametypes like Ricochet, Dominion, ect. Just asking becasue I think a custom night for smaller maps with competitive gametypes would be great and I would host, but I what to put something together that most people would like.


Mon, 09/09/2013 - 16:03
Shadow's picture
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yeah Halotards = used to be a bunch of people who sucked at Halo.  But eventually we played a lot and got better (I racked up 3500 H3 games).  So, the name isn't really applicable anymore.

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 16:17
FreeRadikal's picture
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Is it me or does it seems that Deep misses being teabagged every night of the week?

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 16:18
FreeRadikal's picture
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I think thats why Deep can't stay off the international flights...warm moist towel...warm moist get the idea

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 17:24 (Reply to #27)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:

I think thats why Deep can't stay off the international flights...warm moist towel...warm moist get the idea

You're afraid to come out on Thursday because I just might get you back. That's it isn't it? laugh

Mon, 09/09/2013 - 17:56
Ders.'s picture
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I have a number of you on my friend list, but it always seems that we're not on at similar times or people are always playing something else.  I'm constantly on this game, for better or worse, so don't be shy if you want to play some H4!

I'm really looking for some people to help me in BTB or Action Sack (yes, you read that correctly).  I'm up for customs as well, but I'm still shooting for a CSR 50 too.

Tue, 09/10/2013 - 07:14
FreeRadikal's picture
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I've been busy transitioning to a new job from my old one so I've been a bit tired lately, but I'm shooting to be on on Thursday so you can dangle your wooly mammoth in front of me to your hearts desire.

Tue, 09/10/2013 - 07:14
FreeRadikal's picture
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Jim if you were on earlier I'd play with yah.

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