When are you getting your XBOX ONE?

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#1 Sun, 06/16/2013 - 07:31
DEEP_NNN's picture
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When are you getting your XBOX ONE?


The discussion point is a presumption you are going to get an XBOX ONE (XB1). My question is when?

Only one month ago I was a hard 'day one'. Since the the XB1 reveal and E3I 've been wavering a lot from 'day one' to when Halo 5 releases. My wife remembers how I bought the 360 a year too early and is saying I should wait. If I want family funds going into it I have to consider her position. Otherwise I save up my mad money and set my own time table. XB1 has some release titles that have me feeling a bit perky. RYSE, TITANFALL, BF4, DESTINY and Spark are looking quite exciting. Maybe I can hold off for at least a few package deals in the spring. 



Sun, 06/16/2013 - 07:41
Azuredreams's picture
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I wouldn't worry about day 1 adoption. If you want one, don't wait. Get the launch day shiny one and screw the consequenses. You only live once, you gotta enjoy your mother fuckin' life! 


My family will get an Xboxone if and when they kill the DRM, allow Gamefly and ensure ownership of the games after the end of the console's life cycle. Honestly I believe that these changes can/will happen if not before launch, then certainly within the first year afterward. 

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 10:56
Nochnoi-Dozor's picture
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I have mine pre-ordered for day one.  So far I'm going for Assassin's Creed 4 and Watch Dogs.

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 11:17
Lou_Keymia's picture
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If I get one, it'll be when Halo 5 releases. I'm hoping for a Halo 5 console. I'm not sure if I want the system at all, though.
Sun, 06/16/2013 - 11:48 (Reply to #4)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Lou_Keymia wrote:
If I get one, it'll be when Halo 5 releases. I'm hoping for a Halo 5 console. I'm not sure if I want the system at all, though.
The Halo 5 + XB1 console bundle would be the latest I'd buy it but it I am thinking about it.

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 12:04
Autarch's picture
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I'm getting it at launch because there are games I want at launch.  Also, I'm getting it from a Microsoft Store rather than a Gamestop or online because I figure if there is any kind of launch event or giveaways for this console, they'd be at the Microsoft Store.

If there weren't any games at launch I wanted then I would have waited.  That's what I was looking for from E3 was launch titles that I actually wanted.

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 12:26
Lbsutke's picture
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My purchase time will be adjusted based on trade in credit promo's. If GS is offering a trade in bonus like they did for the slim, then I will take advantage of it.


If they do not, then I will wait to see if their is a themed bundle for TitanFall or Destiny.


What is more lame, is that I will be pre ordering BF4 for the XB 1, just so I can get the extra map dlc for free. LOL. I will not even get to play it until I get the freaking console. Oh well.

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 17:17 (Reply to #7)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:

My purchase time will be adjusted based on trade in credit promo's. If GS is offering a trade in bonus like they did for the slim, then I will take advantage of it.


If they do not, then I will wait to see if their is a themed bundle for TitanFall or Destiny.


What is more lame, is that I will be pre ordering BF4 for the XB 1, just so I can get the extra map dlc for free. LOL. I will not even get to play it until I get the freaking console. Oh well.


You fucking fish.

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 13:25
CProRacing's picture
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Launch for Forza 5

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 14:08
ThyEnemy's picture
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From what I've read so far about XB1 and all and I don't play anything else than Halo, I must admit I have no clue of what to do for the first time, and even though I'm in Sweden and used to playing alone because of the time difference I still lean towards waiting to see what my clanmates decide in the matter. If a new game and a new console is chosen by the majority I might find myself following in their footsteps. Never thought I'd even consider abandon Halo but that's where I'm at. 


Sun, 06/16/2013 - 17:18 (Reply to #10)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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ThyEnemy wrote:

From what I've read so far about XB1 and all and I don't play anything else than Halo, I must admit I have no clue of what to do for the first time, and even though I'm in Sweden and used to playing alone because of the time difference I still lean towards waiting to see what my clanmates decide in the matter. If a new game and a new console is chosen by the majority I might find myself following in their footsteps. Never thought I'd even consider abandon Halo but that's where I'm at. 



Funny.  I'm at this point as well.  I don't see a reason to make a decision until 2014.  There's nothing at release I need (I don't think).

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 19:07 (Reply to #11)
zombiekitten's picture
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ThyEnemy wrote:

From what I've read so far about XB1 and all and I don't play anything else than Halo, I must admit I have no clue of what to do for the first time, and even though I'm in Sweden and used to playing alone because of the time difference I still lean towards waiting to see what my clanmates decide in the matter. If a new game and a new console is chosen by the majority I might find myself following in their footsteps. Never thought I'd even consider abandon Halo but that's where I'm at. 


This. My heart is puffy for my clannies. I can't leave them.

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 16:50
injustice4all's picture
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I'm going to get mine at launch. I plan on picking up Forza 5, Battlefield 4, and either Ryse or Watch Dogs. I am going to keep an eye on any other games that are announced between now and when the console launches. I might change my line up of games depending on what gets announced. When Titanfall comes out, I think that might be my new go to game.
Sun, 06/16/2013 - 16:56
Shadow's picture
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Day One.  I play the crap out of both my 360s and even my wife knows it - she even said "well, you play enough, so yeah that's fine."  That was before it was even announced.

BF4, Watchdogs day one.

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 16:57
dakkzz's picture
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Pre-ordered thru Amazon for launch day.  Still not sure what game to get at launch though.

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 19:12
Gatsu's picture
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I'm gonna try to hold out 6 months to a year. That's usually when all the kinks and details get worked out. I got burned pretty hard with the RROD on the first few waves of the 360, so I gotta wait for a little while at least. I really really want to play Destiny and Titanfall, thankfully those will be on PC or the 360 for a while. Once I get a Xbone I'll probably upgrade to that version of the game.

I'm actually wondering why Epic didn't really mention anything Gears related or hell....even Fortnight. So...maybe they are second guessing themselves after Gears Judgment.

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 10:17 (Reply to #16)
injustice4all's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

I'm gonna try to hold out 6 months to a year. That's usually when all the kinks and details get worked out. I got burned pretty hard with the RROD on the first few waves of the 360, so I gotta wait for a little while at least. I really really want to play Destiny and Titanfall, thankfully those will be on PC or the 360 for a while. Once I get a Xbone I'll probably upgrade to that version of the game.

I'm actually wondering why Epic didn't really mention anything Gears related or hell....even Fortnight. So...maybe they are second guessing themselves after Gears Judgment.

From what I understand, Phil Spencer, who I think is the head of MS studios, said that Gears needs to go away for a little while. Probably the right decision.
Mon, 06/24/2013 - 20:34 (Reply to #17)
sicrik's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

I'm gonna try to hold out 6 months to a year. That's usually when all the kinks and details get worked out. I got burned pretty hard with the RROD on the first few waves of the 360, so I gotta wait for a little while at least. I really really want to play Destiny and Titanfall, thankfully those will be on PC or the 360 for a while. Once I get a Xbone I'll probably upgrade to that version of the game.

I'm actually wondering why Epic didn't really mention anything Gears related or hell....even Fortnight. So...maybe they are second guessing themselves after Gears Judgment.


I too am going to wait at least 6 months.  I got my first 360 a week after launch...and am currently on my 4th 360, I got my first RROD within the first year of having my 1st 360.

The way I see it...when the 360 came out, there wasn't as much "hoopla", or concerns, or controversy, or if there was I didn't involve myself in it....hind sight tells me I should have waited.  I remember when the RROD were going crazy, alot of retailers in my town, recalled the 360's, to restock with the "fixed" models.

With the way the ONE has been going since the announcment of the release,  with all the arguments, controversy, questions, blah blah blah....I will wait, until all the bitches, wines, fixes, bugs, glitches, etc...are figured out and fixed.  There are no launch games that I have to have...I'm not in any clans anymore....actually my clans are defunt lol. 

So for me regarding the Xbox One....patience is a virtue.

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 19:24
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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I was going to wait; but after some thought, decided it was irresponsible to do so.

I plan on buying both BF4 and Ghost. Buying a 360 and One version of both games is fiscally foolish.

Sun, 06/16/2013 - 20:14
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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wrong thread lol

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 02:08
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Launch day...preordered and picking up Forza 5 the same day.

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 06:38 (Reply to #21)
CProRacing's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

Launch day...preordered and picking up Forza 5 the same day.

I'm so excited for it as well. The release cannot come some enough :)
Mon, 06/17/2013 - 10:33
TDrag27's picture
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Launch Day!

Dean will be doing the midnight launch at Gamestop for his. I'll stay home with Alec and wait for mine to be delivered by Amazon.


Not sure what games I'll be getting to start - other than the obvious COD Ghosts.

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 12:52
injustice4all's picture
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I wonder if someone should start a fof tag for people who are getting xbox ones? This might be a good idea until the friends list gets expanded.
Mon, 06/17/2013 - 13:15
Autarch's picture
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I expect the fall update for Xbox 360 to include many of the things required for cross platform profiles, including achievement changes and friends list expansion.

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 19:23
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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I'm leaning towards a day one pick up. But definitely before Halo 5 comes out.

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 20:43
MrGuster's picture
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I'm getting one for sure but I'm going to wait until Halo 5 or about a year. Let the bugs get worked out of the hardware and for more people to buy them so the online games are more populated.

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 22:12
Shadow's picture
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hardware isn't going to change in a year, or even two.  so any issues that may be bugs will be software related, and patched.  Me buying day one isn't going to be any worse than you buying in a year, I'll just have it for a year longer.

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 12:09 (Reply to #28)
MrGuster's picture
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Shadow wrote:

hardware isn't going to change in a year, or even two.  so any issues that may be bugs will be software related, and patched.  Me buying day one isn't going to be any worse than you buying in a year, I'll just have it for a year longer.

True. But in that year (or more) I don't think I will miss too much. Being on 360 #5 has made me patient. I'll keep gaming on my current consoles and PC until there is something there I want that I can't get on anything I already have, which will probably be Halo 5. A lot of the extras the console does doesn't interest me that much and some of the features are probably not going to be available in Canada anyways.

Mon, 06/17/2013 - 22:49
FadeIntoBlack's picture
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I'm considering at the moment to see if anything gets changed with all the uproar from the populace after E3, but I'm 80% a day one guy. Like others here, I loved the look of many of the upcoming games and if TitanFall is as good as it looks it will replace COD as my go to game for the next year. 

Tue, 06/18/2013 - 12:15
HLRJigsaw's picture
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Day one.. Not really sure what game or games though. I'm going to put down for the preorder the end of this week. Then start hiding money to pay for it.

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