Console News

PS3 Back Compatability: Not Perfect

Sony boasted backwards computability for the PlayStation 3, but it's currently not much better than the Xbox 360's functionality.

PS3 SixAxis Battery Replacement

Apparently, from what Gizmodo is saying, the PS3 controller manual will explain how to replace your PS3 controller battery.

PS3 Manual: Online For Browsing

One of our members, AnUmpaLumpa, let us know that Sony has posted their PS3 manual...

Peter Moore goes on the offensive

Peter Moore got in front of yet another interviewers mic, this past Monday. This time it was with MTV News for a little 360 pimp'n.

Virtual Console's N64 Rumble Issues

The issue with N64 virtual console: It doesn't rumble. Even if you use the GameCube controller for the game...

There's no TEAM in Gears

Gears of War has been out for 24 hours, hell some people still haven't even been able to find it yet (thanks GameStop / Fedex).

NBA Live 07: Cancelled on PS3

Electronic Arts has decided to discontinue the effort to developer NBA Live 07 for the PlayStation 3...

PS3 Line Begins

Apparently Best Buy is already experiencing some lines forming...nine days before launch...

PS3 patch coming...

The console is not released yet, but a patch will be ready for you upon connecting to Sony's online services.

How Costly Is That PS3 You're Buying?

Before you decide to wait in line for a rare console this holidays, let us take a look at some historical pricing...

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