Console News

Movies and TV on your Xbox

Just as 2old2play has suspected for so long, Microsoft has just announced downloadable TV, Movies, and more starting November 22nd.

Circuit City and Best Buy Launch Plans

We are on the eve of launch day madness. Microsoft's Xbox fans are no doubt having a bit of de'ja'vu from last year's Xbox 360 launch mess.

Wii kiosk requires ID?

In order to play the Wii at GameStop you must hand over your ID and a major credit card, no Timmies allowed!

XBL Classics... again

Street Fighter wasn't retro enough for you? Atari will make a retro presence in January...

Six ... old titles are coming to Xbox Live:

Microsoft takes a stand against Achievement Cheating

The underground world of Achievement Cheating via trading gamesaves has been delt a big blow post-fall Dashboard Update.

XNA Beta 2 Released

Microsoft moved the world of 'Home Brew' games one step close for Xbox360 owners. XNA Game Studio Express beta 2 is now available for download.

Wal-Mart now accepting Wii pre-orders?

Wal-Mart has Wii pre-order offers on their website! Wohoo. However, you better be ready to drop down USD $533.56...

New DRM for Downloads on Xbox 360?

A couple of members have notice a new addition to their 360's since the update this morning. Media is now tagged with a "Does not expire" message.

Wii Virtual Console Titles

Are you buying the Wii because of its retro virtual console? Here is the title list that is expected to be online by the end of the year...

PS3: With Horsepower Comes Power

That's 380 watts of power to be exact. Apparently, the PS3 is twice as hungry on power than the competitor.

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