Console News

Halo Wars RTS

Talk about exclusive content! A Real Time Strategy (RTS) game for the Xbox 360 using the Halo branding - all on one console.

Peter Jackson partners with Microsoft

X06 announces Peter Jackson partnering with Microsoft to build an "interactive entertainment series." Peter has some ideas for stories and Microsoft has game designers...

Wii Message Board revealed sat down with members of the Wii development team to discuss the currently being worked on Wii

Wii makes Toys "R" Us Top-15

Toys "R" Us never has video games on their top list of holiday choices. It just doesn't happen...or does it? Apparently the Nintendo Wii product is on the list...

Wii's opera browser free for awhile...

The Nintendo Wii will have a free web browser download - until June 2007. This browser supports all the features you'd need...

60GB PS3 to have dual HDMI?

The fine folks over at EvilAvatar and MagicBox are reporting that the low-end PS3 isn't the only PS3 to gain an HDMI port.

The TRUE story on 1080p

The internet was a blaze with news that after a software update this fall, your Xbox 360 will magically be able to do 1080p...

Wii Launch Numbers Announced

Nintendo of Canada's VP and GM Ron Bertram has officially announced the Wii North American launch quantity in an interview with Mackenzie Financial.

PS3 price cut in Japan, already!

It is known that the PS3 is already being sold at a heavy loss, Sony plans to take a bigger hit. Today they announced a 20% price cut in Japan...

Xbox Live Outages All Over US?

2old2play has received emails from many of its members stating that their "Live" service has been down for several hours as of 09/21/06. Is TGS to blame?

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