Console News

Sim City DS in Japan soon

Electronic Arts made an annoucement over in Japan about a Sim City DS game in the coming months for Japanese release. North America not far behind?

Wii having controller production problems?

Apparently Sony is not the only company with rumored production problems (i.e. they've not started yet). "Wiimote" is having issues...?

Tempest to arrive on XBLA?

Old school gamers may remember a 1980s game called Tempest. They may also remember some of the remakes such as Tempest 2000 for the Atari Jaguar What's next? XBLA?

Just Cause Demo Available for Download

A new addition to the Xbox Live Marketplace is here, the Just Cause Demo. Here's the scoop...

Burnout 5: Xbox 360 and PS3

Electronic Arts today has announced Burnout 5 in development. This new release will be produced for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Nintendo's WiFi: 2 million and counting

The Nintendo DS offers free WiFi connectivity (if you have an access point) for network gaming. And, it's growing.

Microsoft talks about price reductions

Microsoft creates the 'Classics' package for older 360 games, and talks a bit about the cost of the Xbox 360 core in the future...

Reduced Xbox 360 Core: UK199

Retail outlets in the UK have confirmed it, Xbox 360 core has reduced the price to UK199 for the Core next-generation system.

PlayStation 3 photo shots

New PlayStation 3 photos arrived and in fairly good detail.

New Xbox Live Holiday Accessories

Microsoft announced, in Leipzig, four new accessories that will be available for the holiday season: Wireless Headset, Wheel, PC receiver, and Faceplates!

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