Game News

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Beta Goes Semi-Public

Just popping onto FilePlanet today is a download for the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Public Beta.

Take-Two Confirms GTA IV Episodic Content is 360 Only

Speaking to, a Take-Two representitive recently confirmed that downloadable, episodic content for Grand T

Blue Dragon And Bioshock Given ESRB Rating

Japanese-style roleplaying game Xbox 360 owners rejoice - the ESRB has rated it, indicating an imminent release here in the good ole US of A.

Half-Life 2: Orange Ships October 9th

Valve has finally set a release date for Half-Life 2: Orange, which will include, among other things, Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2 for the Xbox 360 and the PC.

Gears of War Update is Live Tonight 6/14

Thursday June 14th, sometime around 2:00AM GMT the new Gears of War content update will be

Halo 3 Merchandising Engine Fires Up

The merchandising machine is in full gear for the impending Halo 3 release by Microsoft Game Studios.

Halo 3 ARG Begins

Remember The Cortana Letters, or I Love Bees? Each one was a viral Alternate Reality Game (ARG) that got people hooked into some vague backstory for Halo and Halo 2, respectively.

Church of England might sue Sony over Resistence Fall of Man

The Church of England is planning to sue Sony over the use of the Manchester Cathedral in Resistance Fall of Man.

LEGO Universe Announced

LEGO Group is announcing more LEGO video game fun with a new MMO style project.

GameFly Asking Subscribers for More Money

It just got a little more expensive to rent games online with the market leader GameFly.

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