Game News

Starcraft 2 Annouced

Just as the gaming world thought for months now, Blizzard is well underway with the production of Starcraft 2. Rejoice for Zerg!

Chronicles of Riddick: Xbox 360 and PS3 Confirmed?

Game Informer has a few details concerning the possiblity of a Chronicles of Riddick title heading to the current-generation platforms.

Interactive Television: Happy 40th - You're Over The Hill!

It's time for us older gamers to respect the roots from which many of us grew: the first generation of the home video game.

Halo 3 Beta Begins... But Not For Crackdown Owners (Yet)

It seems that the Halo 3 beta was supposed to begin in earnest now for Crackdown owners, but... a ton of people, including myself, are still waiting.

Halo 3 Goes on Sale Sept. 25th

2old2play just received a surprise email from Microsoft announcing that Halo 3 will go on sale September 25th. Months before previously thought.

Crackdown DLC Has MAJOR Flaws

It looks like yet again QA teams and the Microsoft Certification team have fallen asleep at the switch. Complaints are filing in from people who have downloaded the new Crackdown content.

OXM UK Reveals More GTA4 Secrets

New details arise about Grand Theft Auto IV out of the UK's edition of OXM...

Flippin’ Sweet: Napoleon Dynamite Game In Development

Yesterday Crave Entertainment announced that they will now be heading up development for a Napoleon Dynamite game for both the PSP and Nintendo DS.

Bejeweled: What your wife really wants for Mother's Day

Dads are you worried about what to get your wife for Mother’s day, that your kids won’t even remember to get her anything, or do you just want to get your wife into gaming?

Halo 2 Vista Delayed

If you’re among the minority of gamers who’ve never picked up an Xbox controller, or are just excited for the PC version of Halo 2 for its mapmaking and achievement features,

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