Site News

2old2play Tournament Software Beta!

I can’t believe it either folks. After what seemed like years, we finally are launching our tournament software to the 2o2p community.

2O2P vs Clan PMS Jrs

On Wednesday July 27th the 2Old2Play Challenge Team met on the battlefields of Burial Mounds, Foundation and Zanzibar to fight the formidable Clan PMS jr.

Another Tale of Timmy

Ah yes, once again the tales of Timmy resurface to touch the hearts of many and confuse the minds of even more.

Agonizing Gas Tells The World About Timmy

Well as the world may have seen, Bungie has posted Agonizing Gas's story about Timmy the lost boy from Halo 2.

We have our first winner!

Our first winner of the Mega X-Key Article Competition is our very own Freyn Ap Thyr (bubba).

2old2play Tournament Software Beta!

I can’t believe it either folks. After what seemed like years, we finally are launching our tournament software to the 2o2p community.

E3's Booth Babes

This really isn't an article as much as it is a chance to see all the pictures that we took of booth babes at E3 this year.

Another Tale of Timmy

Ah yes, once again the tales of Timmy resurface to touch the hearts of many and confuse the minds of even more.

2old2play Live From E3

Sorry about not reporting last night, but I was just to damn tired to write anything.

Agonizing Gas Tells The World About Timmy

Well as the world may have seen, Bungie has posted Agonizing Gas's story about Timmy the lost boy from Halo 2.

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