Site News

2old2play West Coast LAN & Benefit Fundraiser

With the recent rise in popularity of LAN parties, some of our west coast members have figured out a way to make this one a little bit “special”.

MikeJames Drunkfest Takes Over

This past Saturday night was not your typical night of playing Halo2 on Xbox Live. Heck, it's not even typical for your normal night on the 2old2play website.

2old2play Opens Apparel Shop

That's right guys I finally got around to coding up a shop and getting some gear printed for our members and fans.

LAN Party Confidential, Part 2

Before I complete the tale of the now legend 2old2play Chicago LAN Party, I just want to address some recent hate mail I have received.

LAN Party Confidential, Part 1

When the 2old crew went to E3 this year I was on the frontline of people bitching and complaining about the lack of adequate onsite reportage.

2old2type Hits Itunes

Since most of our news staff is spending their time writing articles about the recent Chicago Lan Party the news has been a little thin.

2O2P vs Clan PMS Jrs

On Wednesday July 27th the 2Old2Play Challenge Team met on the battlefields of Burial Mounds, Foundation and Zanzibar to fight the formidable Clan PMS jr.

LAN Party Confidential, Part 2

Before I complete the tale of the now legend 2old2play Chicago LAN Party, I just want to address some recent hate mail I have received.

LAN Party Confidential, Part 1

When the 2old crew went to E3 this year I was on the frontline of people bitching and complaining about the lack of adequate onsite reportage.

2old2type Hits Itunes

Since most of our news staff is spending their time writing articles about the recent Chicago Lan Party the news has been a little thin.

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