JRock3x8's blog


Shared on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 19:45

Enough Already

Right about now I start getting really sick of Winter.

I've gotten through the 5 degree days. 

I've braved the 20 mph winds howling through the streets of downtown Chicago. 

I've fought back the blinding snow.

I've dealt with my glasses frames getting so cold they felt like they were freezing to my face.

Enough Already. 


Shared on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 19:22

Coolest Gift Pics

Ok, so image tags don't work in blogs - lesson learned

is that cool or what?!?


Shared on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 19:22

Coolest Gift Pics

Ok, so image tags don't work in blogs - lesson learned

is that cool or what?!?


Shared on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 19:18

The Coolest Gift. EVAR.

Anyone ever tell you mama knows best?  Believe it.

I have had a Star Wars bathroom cup since 1999 when Phantom Menace came out.  It's been kind of a family joke.  Well the cup started to leak this year and it had definitely seen better days.  My birthday was in February and I challenged my family to find me a new one.

My wife came up with an Episode 3 cup, bowl and plate set (like something you would buy for a five year old).  A respectable showing and a worthy replacement.


Shared on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 19:18

The Coolest Gift. EVAR.

Anyone ever tell you mama knows best?  Believe it.

I have had a Star Wars bathroom cup since 1999 when Phantom Menace came out.  It's been kind of a family joke.  Well the cup started to leak this year and it had definitely seen better days.  My birthday was in February and I challenged my family to find me a new one.

My wife came up with an Episode 3 cup, bowl and plate set (like something you would buy for a five year old).  A respectable showing and a worthy replacement.


Shared on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 16:28

Subscription Friends

Please read this as philosophical and not cynical :


Shared on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 16:28

Subscription Friends

Please read this as philosophical and not cynical :


Shared on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 19:50

Grownups at the Arcade

My in laws took us out for dinner at a local place.  I'm not sure why but at the entrance to the place were a couple arcade games.  One was a driving simulator and the other a deer hunt type game.  So we're walking out and I see this woman (my age) pick up the deer rifle and plop down 2 quarters.  I know I saw her walk in with a little girl so instinctively I swing my head around looking for the little girl.  She's watching dad who's hard at work on the driving game!

And I just smiled.


Shared on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 19:50

Grownups at the Arcade

My in laws took us out for dinner at a local place.  I'm not sure why but at the entrance to the place were a couple arcade games.  One was a driving simulator and the other a deer hunt type game.  So we're walking out and I see this woman (my age) pick up the deer rifle and plop down 2 quarters.  I know I saw her walk in with a little girl so instinctively I swing my head around looking for the little girl.  She's watching dad who's hard at work on the driving game!

And I just smiled.


Shared on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 12:22

Kelly Clarkson and the "Star" effect

Note : I am dusting off entries from a blog I used to keep on Blogger that no one read, which actually makes it more like a diary than a blog but that's gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.  Anyways, on with the story...


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