Rhysode's blog


Shared on Sun, 12/10/2006 - 23:00

Demos Giving Bad Impressions

I wonder if there are any figures or polls floating around that show how many people actually buy a game after they play an XBLM demo?


Shared on Sun, 12/10/2006 - 23:00

Demos Giving Bad Impressions

I wonder if there are any figures or polls floating around that show how many people actually buy a game after they play an XBLM demo?


Shared on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 00:02

First is Worst

Maybe when it comes to games. First two big games of the fall have their share of issues and seem rushed. I am glad to be playing them but they are a little less than I expected in certain ways. Perhaps the fact that these games are out before the other big ones is testament to how buggy and flawed they are. In the case of Splinter Cell I'd say it has more to do with being a multi-platform game and most of it being developed in China. Dark Messiah is the buggiest PC game I've played all year.


Shared on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 17:09

Game story creators can write great books?

Some of them. Its good to see the gaming world's talent get recognised in other, more popular and established media oulets. Especially book publishing. The few people who refuse to acknowledge gaming as a major media outlet and write it off as a kids toy - they are the ones who are out of touch with reality. Muahhaha....


Shared on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 13:20

Influence or Theft?

What do you say? Is a game ripping another off or do you take the opposite, more positive stance and say it is influenced? (this whole rant could go for any form of media really - books, music, movies, etc).


Shared on Fri, 09/08/2006 - 16:36

The Polarized Game Industry

*This article is an alternative to a sleeping pill*

**I wrote this in response to people like myself, commenting on games and platforms we either have little true interest in or will pass up entirely. We will only because there is a choice**


Shared on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 03:00

WW2 Gaming

Since BIA and CoD2 Ive been re-thinking where this genre is going. Is it just some execs who see a money making deal? Probably. COD2 felt visceral as you shot some poor nazi bastard up close. Too bad, in reality, his family would be "re-educated" if he didnt serve. Guys kid was probably being forced into the hitler youth.-----I dont want to drag this one out but, you see where its going.


Shared on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 19:50

What Sex is Your Japanese Game Hero?

There is a certain oddness to part of the japanese game scene since Sony entered and the PS2 later with better graphics. Graphics, depsite what the "r u a graphix hore?" person would ask, graphics allow a greater from of expression.----- Final Fanatsy (once it hit Sony systems) and the likes would probably be more appealing if the androgeny was left out. Another strange thing, is most of these characters are not portrayed as asian, yet the design comes from japan and although more popular in japan, sell well in the US within a specific niche. Some adults buy them.


Shared on Thu, 05/18/2006 - 21:36

TV Ads and "In-game" footage

The rediculous pre-rendered game advertisements on TV have to stop. Ubisoft is the king of those. Call of Duty 2 had one too. I hear so many casuals and non-gamers go, "Wow, videogames have really changed". In England, they actually banned those ads as I read on an English gaming site. Its basically false advertising. Makes me think less of the game. Hats off to Bethesdas Oblivion, for showing REAL gameplay in their ad.----Now it seems weve moved from rediculous CG pre-rendered to "IN-GAME". I really thought this was an improvement but I am reminded on this site its not really in-game.

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