Falelorn's blog


Shared on Fri, 11/24/2006 - 13:21

I have sucky luck with women

Couple blogs below I mention the hairdresser from hell, today I go to pick up my Wii and its not there. They sold it even after I called and confirmed and the "bitch" (she was really bitchy) behind the counter was, "well who cares, like we will get more".. like you already charged my CC.... grrr

I might have to end up waiting until they can supply enough so stores have a constant supply. Maybe by March


Shared on Thu, 11/23/2006 - 15:58

Its official

I dont know a single person (in real life or friend from the net) who likes their PS3.. I only know 3 who bought it, but damn even the super fan boy didnt like it.

But im getting flak for wanting a Wii.. I dont care I gave it over their PS3 purchases.

I seriously am in need of a new violent game that isnt GoW or FEAR..  R6 isnt violent to me, just a shooter.. but something with blood guts dismemberments etc.. Where is my Soldier of Fortune 3? Come on Raven get off your feathery asses and make it


Shared on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 19:31

Dumb ass hairdressers

When I was a kid ( until 12 ) my grandfather cut my hair, after that I was picky who did it, but they had to cut it the same way.. Flattop.

So for the last decade ive gone to the same girl, she cut my hair the way I wanted, quick and cornered. But she was sick today so I got a new girl. Totally dumb as well.

She goes how do you want it, I say Flattop. She goes ok, the military cut. Yep..

So she starts shaved sides, back and then stops.. and goes.. Why do you want it like this?


Shared on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 17:43

Getting a WII for Xmas

As I have mentioned my parents are taking my sister and her family to Disney (World?) in Florida this Xmas and since I cannot fly (due to migranes) and I wouldnt have fun at Disney at all im staying home, in -40, snowy weather.. so my Parents are feeling sad about it, so I was told (but have to keep it a secret) that they are getting me a Wii and a few games, maybe the Walmart bundle (meh)

Next few weeks ill be getting set up for it and Hopefully ZELDA.. really want ZELDA.. and some component cables.


Shared on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 20:15

Game Developement

Ive been working on my game for a while now and while there is no way short of winning the loto or finding a sugar momma (send me a PM if you fit that bill :D ) that I can compete graphically with new FPS. My budget few thousand vs 15-20 million.

But I am happy with it. Story wise its pretty good, and I hope to get the action on par with it.

Might have an early pre-alpha SS up in a few days for it. Maybe a vid..


Shared on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 18:48

Probably not getting a Wii now

After thinking about it Im going to wait until I can get the Wii with an extended warrenty and more then 1 game I want. Since Red Steel is really getting nailed in the reviews, and while I enjoy Zelda, it wont be a game to play constantly.

I really want the warrenty because of the failure rate of 360s and PS3s... so Ill wait a month or two then get one.. or wait for a BDAY present.


Shared on Thu, 11/16/2006 - 18:33

Getting a Wii Sunday

Well I hope.. didnt preorder but the store I go to didnt take them, and are opening early so people can grab one.. Im grabbing one and Zelda and Red Steel or Far Cry.. I have to grab a wireless router as well because its wireless only right?

When I called the store today they said you wont get a PS3 there is a line up and we are only getting 3.. well I asked for  a Wii moron.. I dont want  a PS3.. Have to laugh they must be getting slammed by phone calls.

I wouldnt want to wait outside in ALberta for a PS3.. to damn cold


Shared on Mon, 11/13/2006 - 21:37

Cousins review of PS3 and RFoM

First off, he lives in Japan and works with  gaming freaks and mostly all PS freaks.

Second he is a huge FPS fan.

One of his co-workers bought a PS3 (lucky guy in Japan for sure) and Resistance Fall of Man.. a Japanese gamer buying a FPS? Yes because its being advertised as by the R&C devs and that is a selling point I guess.


Shared on Sun, 11/12/2006 - 13:47

My new 360 is great

Not a single hic-up and plays the newest games perfectly.

going to call and get the old one fixed if its free tho


Shared on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 18:11

My 360 DIED but Im still happy

My launch 360 died and I went and bought a new 360 core, dropped my HDD on it and went back to playing.

Im not really even that upset, kinda mifffed more that it happened just as I started playing a new game, but shit happens.

It didnt last as long as my first xbox (4.5 years), but MUCH MUCH longer then my PS2 (1 wk, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 1 yr, 1yr, 1yr, and the final 1.5 yr).. then it lasted until I bought a new PSTWO which has worked ok, but not perfect.


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