Falelorn's blog


Shared on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 17:52

When in doubt...

Funny so I put here..


Shared on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 20:59

AotS asks - Is PC gaming dead?

No of course not, what a lame question. Dead is dead, not getting slower and less games being developed for it.

I have to think that is the dumbest question they have polled in a long while.


Shared on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 12:32

Thanks to Doodi im waiting on a Wii

Since I have a small space to play games and the wii bar wont be viewable from where I sit, its gone. I really just wanted it for the virt console, but also Zelda, Metroid and a couple other games, but not enough to spend the money, at 200 bucks sure, but not that much.


Shared on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 16:10

How do you know its time to change your bed?

When a damn spring pops through and cuts your back... damn I need a new bed.

Anyone want to buy a old queen sized matress with blood (fresh) stain on it?? CHEAP :P


Shared on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 16:56

Time for MS to allow users to build 360 game mods

I really would like the idea of building my own oblivion dungeons, Halo 2 maps,  or even Prey levels, but on a console this is pretty much not a viable option, even tho there is one successful game with a level builder on the 360, Far Cry  Predator, but how about even sell or offer for free a PC download that we can build game levels for our 360s and upload to a web site and then try it on our 360s.


Shared on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 20:33

Fan Boys make angels cry

Ive never understood console/gaming brand loyalty. Being a Sony or Nintendo or Microsoft or PC Only fan boy really doesnt allow you to enjoy everything.


Shared on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 16:47

Tired of the people using M$ instead of MS

Now seriously Microsoft doesnt do anything different then any other company that is out there to make money. But people love to use M$ instead of MS. Why? Is Microsoft so bad that they are a big evil corporation that force you to use their products? No. Use a Mac or Linux, use a PS2 or Wii instead of a Xbox.

There are big companies out there that are nasty compared to Microsoft, General Electric, Raytheon, Oil and gas companies, etc.


Shared on Sun, 10/08/2006 - 14:10

Numb3rs - Season 1 DVD

Like Numb3rs? well the DVD of season 1 is nice, its also cheap, and there is a few special features. One of my favorite shows.


Shared on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 15:22

Unit Season 1 - DVD

If you like good dramatic shows with heart you will like this show and should watch it. It doesnt pick sides in the political debates, it doesnt go PRO- WAR or even PRO-Military, it actually says things against war (at times) and against the military, but it also says how important family and loyalty is.

The DVD series is nice, but only has 1 extra feature with a documentry on the Delta Force, but the show is worth watching just for the show.

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