Falelorn's blog


Shared on Thu, 10/05/2006 - 13:14

Stargate SG1 - Season 9

I didnt get a chance at all to watch season 9 on TV, which is a shame I missed one of the best seasons of the show. The new cast updates and new story line were great, well choosen actors and well written story lines.

It is sad that Season 10 is probably the last season, unless they can find a new home. I just hope they dont rush season 10 to close up story lines, leave those open for TV movies, which would be more then popular


Shared on Wed, 10/04/2006 - 15:41

Losing power sucks

I woke up this morning (well technically at 130pm, but I was up until 7am watching Season 9 of SG1) and we had no power... no phone (because wireless), my cell was dead, no TV, no internet, no computer (besides laptop, but no net..).. and boy does that suck.. bad... bad..... bad...........bad

It was only down for an hour or so but damn thats a long hour.. Im too addicted to power and the goodness that comes with it.


Shared on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 19:15

It is time for Square Enix to finally end Final Fantasy!

If you play computer and video games you probably have heard of Final Fantasy a very long running RPG (Role Playing Game) series from Japanese developers Square (now known as Square Enix. But with the latest Final Fantasy game coming this month I hope this is the final, Final Fantasy.


Shared on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 16:16

New Blog is below the Mass Effect one

For some reason the new blog I did is below the MEffect blog. New one is about DQ8. I blame Firefox for the problem :D


Shared on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 15:54

360 RPG Greatness in Mass Effect

Bioware has updated (FINALLY) their Mass Effect site finaly getting rid of that rather bland flash heavy site with a more standard web site http://masseffect.bioware.com/

This is one game I really want to dive into, especially the concept of a trilogy with downloadable game content and a game that really is fully open ended and almost unlimited gameplay possibilities.

I have been a Bioware fan since Shattered Steel and continuing on with Baldurs Gate, MDK 2, Jade Empire and the best Xbox RPG Knights of the Old Republic.


Shared on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 15:54

Dragon Quest VIII

Have you played the best RPG ever to grace a Sony Playstation console? No I dont mean Final Fantasy VII or Legend of Dragoon, both great games, but not as great as Dragon Quest VIII (DQVIII).

It has good, but far from the best graphics we have seen on a PS2 console and it has a cartoon art style that almost screams "KIDDIE GAME" and it is also not a series that is big out side of Japan where it is more popular then anyone could imagine.


Shared on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 16:53

Top 10 FPS Weapons

First Person Shooters (FPS) and their weapons are legendary to fans of the genre. But which weapons are the best and which weapons have lasted since first introduced over a decade ago? Here is the list of the 10 best FPS weapons and the games they come from.

10 – Blood / Blood 2 – Voodoo Doll


Shared on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 23:38

Doom XBLA Review

Doom – The Classic PC Shooter on your 360. But is it worth 800 Points?


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