UnwashedMass's blog


Shared on Wed, 01/17/2007 - 14:29

Running a GOW Ladder Team...

..is like herding cats. Cats with opposable thumbs that can wield chainsaw bayonets, but cats nonetheless.

My Team HellyBilly is full of some of the most dedicated killing machines ever to grace the scarred surface of Sera. The only issue is that we're on two coasts. It makes getting everybody home from work and kids in bed and done with honey-dos and not-too-late-for-bed a major pain in the pooper.

Yes, I just typed 'pooper'. Shut up. I like pooper, it makes me giggle. Poooooooperpooperpoooooooper.


Shared on Wed, 01/17/2007 - 14:29

Running a GOW Ladder Team...

..is like herding cats. Cats with opposable thumbs that can wield chainsaw bayonets, but cats nonetheless.

My Team HellyBilly is full of some of the most dedicated killing machines ever to grace the scarred surface of Sera. The only issue is that we're on two coasts. It makes getting everybody home from work and kids in bed and done with honey-dos and not-too-late-for-bed a major pain in the pooper.

Yes, I just typed 'pooper'. Shut up. I like pooper, it makes me giggle. Poooooooperpooperpoooooooper.


Shared on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 17:14

Three days to go...

Until the Wifey returns from her loooooong three week trip back to see her Dad.  We've been at odds for a while and she's been doing dome serious reflection.  I've had fifteen weeks of concentrated effort to make sure she knows she is loved and respected, and her most frequent response is "Why did it take six years for you try?" .  I sit at home, throwing myself into the 360 and taking care of the boy trying to just get through it.


Shared on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 17:14

Three days to go...

Until the Wifey returns from her loooooong three week trip back to see her Dad.  We've been at odds for a while and she's been doing dome serious reflection.  I've had fifteen weeks of concentrated effort to make sure she knows she is loved and respected, and her most frequent response is "Why did it take six years for you try?" .  I sit at home, throwing myself into the 360 and taking care of the boy trying to just get through it.


Shared on Wed, 01/10/2007 - 13:35

Ten Thoughts for 2007

Not mine, and you've probably got  it in your inbox, but they made me smile. :)


Shared on Wed, 01/10/2007 - 13:35

Ten Thoughts for 2007

Not mine, and you've probably got  it in your inbox, but they made me smile. :)


Shared on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 21:05

Photo Gallery

I added a couple of pics to my album. I've thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone else's pics, I guess it's the voyeur in us all. Thought I would return the favor. For those of you who have posted, thanks for giving us a little peek into who you are. I think it's what makes 2o2p the great place it is.

And if you look at Darth Clem's pics, you'll see why I'd bring a bat to our fist fight!!



Shared on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 21:05

Photo Gallery

I added a couple of pics to my album. I've thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone else's pics, I guess it's the voyeur in us all. Thought I would return the favor. For those of you who have posted, thanks for giving us a little peek into who you are. I think it's what makes 2o2p the great place it is.

And if you look at Darth Clem's pics, you'll see why I'd bring a bat to our fist fight!!



Shared on Mon, 01/08/2007 - 11:49


Three ladder challenges sent, three declined. Team HellBilly is having a tough time getting some matches together. I'll be sending some more out today, trying to drum up some competition. If you're interested in getting in some matches, send those challenges! We're able to play most nights, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'monc'monc'monc'monc'mon!


Shared on Mon, 01/08/2007 - 11:49


Three ladder challenges sent, three declined. Team HellBilly is having a tough time getting some matches together. I'll be sending some more out today, trying to drum up some competition. If you're interested in getting in some matches, send those challenges! We're able to play most nights, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'monc'monc'monc'monc'mon!

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