As we now find ourselves coming into the cold and flu season again I thought it would be good for me to share a recent experience with my 2old2play family concerning a new product on the market for those experiencing the pains and frustrations of a cold.
You may have heard of this product or seen it on the shelves at your local grocery or drug store. It is called Shower Soothers from SudaCare.
There is an amazing new game coming out that I can't wait to play. Yeah, I know you guys and gals are all torqued up over Gears of War, Rainbox Six Vegas, Call of Duty 3. Yeah, those look neat, but they do not compare to this:
A friend of mine is a regular over at the Something Aweful forums and he turned me onto this deal. It is legit and he has already received his coffee maker.
So, the other day it was cold and it had been raining all day. I don't know about you but on days like that I really crave a good, hearty soup and perhaps a sandwich or salad. I am on the Quizno's email list and I receive coupons from them and the most recent coupon was for a sandwich or Bread Bowl Soup and you get a free side and drink.