GIJoeBob's blog


Shared on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 23:14

Do Yourself a Favor - Backup Your Computer

I am constantly amazed by the people that come into our shop, or even worse - our regular customers, that continue to throw caution to the wind and dont back up the important files on their computers.

People bring their computers in or we go to their office after receiving reports of nonsystem disk error messages and a quick check we confirm their fear. Yep, the hard drive has failed. "It happens unfortunately", we tell them. Just give us your backup drive or tapes and we will get you back up to speed in no time.

Backup? Umm....


Shared on Mon, 06/19/2006 - 21:33

How to Report Your Computer Problem

At some point you are going to have a computer problem severe enough to warrant taking it to a computer repair shop. There are a few things you can do to help those guys and gals get your machine back up to speed ASAP.


Shared on Sun, 06/18/2006 - 21:08

Hello from East Texas

Greetings everyone out there in 2old2play land. As some of you may know, I work as the office/projects manager for a small computer and networking service company here in East Texas and as such, I get plenty of people that come in that are less than bright when it comes to computers.

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