Gman's blog


Shared on Fri, 08/10/2007 - 07:15

We're not in Kansas any....oh, nevermind, we are in KS.

Well, I'm in Kansas now.  We drove for 3 days, could've done it quicker, but was in no real rush and travelling with 3 kids who've never cross-country travelled by car before, well, ya'll probably understand.

Funny thing, I stopped near Mufreesboro, TN the first night.  Next morning, 10-15 minutes up the road, and there's Franklin, TN, home of the Spidey.  Sorry Spidey, would've called you for a beer or something had I known....figures eh?  Next time I head down to my parents, I'll give a ring... :wink:


Shared on Fri, 08/10/2007 - 07:15

We're not in Kansas any....oh, nevermind, we are in KS.

Well, I'm in Kansas now.  We drove for 3 days, could've done it quicker, but was in no real rush and travelling with 3 kids who've never cross-country travelled by car before, well, ya'll probably understand.

Funny thing, I stopped near Mufreesboro, TN the first night.  Next morning, 10-15 minutes up the road, and there's Franklin, TN, home of the Spidey.  Sorry Spidey, would've called you for a beer or something had I known....figures eh?  Next time I head down to my parents, I'll give a ring... :wink:


Shared on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 16:24

A Call to Arms (or canes for some of us)

This is a general call to arms...or specifically, to Inselkampf.  Some of you are already there, and some of you have seen the threads already discussing this.  I'll quote my clanmate Hub as he gave a pretty good rundown on it:


Shared on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 16:24

A Call to Arms (or canes for some of us)

This is a general call to arms...or specifically, to Inselkampf.  Some of you are already there, and some of you have seen the threads already discussing this.  I'll quote my clanmate Hub as he gave a pretty good rundown on it:


Shared on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 08:27

My Mini Mes

I got out of bed around 1500 today and come out to the living room to find my two boys (9 & 8 respectively) playing Halo2 co-op campaign.  They're about halfway through as I'm writing.  Looking closer, I realize from the number of enemies that they must be playing on Legendary.  I ask, and receive a quizzical look from my oldest "Yeah...why do you think we keep dying so easily?".  My younger son said, "We owned Legendary on Halo1 this morning too Daddy!". 


Shared on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 08:27

My Mini Mes

I got out of bed around 1500 today and come out to the living room to find my two boys (9 & 8 respectively) playing Halo2 co-op campaign.  They're about halfway through as I'm writing.  Looking closer, I realize from the number of enemies that they must be playing on Legendary.  I ask, and receive a quizzical look from my oldest "Yeah...why do you think we keep dying so easily?".  My younger son said, "We owned Legendary on Halo1 this morning too Daddy!". 


Shared on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 11:52

On Leave

One of the great perks of serving in the military is accumulating 30 days of leave a year.  You're even allowed to save up to 60 days before they force you to take some of it.  That's one month a year you can take off.  Pretty cool.


Shared on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 11:52

On Leave

One of the great perks of serving in the military is accumulating 30 days of leave a year.  You're even allowed to save up to 60 days before they force you to take some of it.  That's one month a year you can take off.  Pretty cool.


Shared on Fri, 06/22/2007 - 05:47

Song Lyrics vs. Life

Everybody has listened to a song and felt philosophical or emotional connection between your life and what the artist is conveying through his music.  Most people have certain types of music they listen to depending on their activities.  In the weeks leading up to Halo2's release, my friend Paul and I created a soundtrack to play H2 by, it included the likes of DaRude, Fear Factory, Metallica, Megadeth, and...well, I'll list all of them some other time.  The point being that we felt these songs motivated us to play better and, while true or not, it certainly felt like it.  I can honeslty po


Shared on Fri, 06/22/2007 - 05:47

Song Lyrics vs. Life

Everybody has listened to a song and felt philosophical or emotional connection between your life and what the artist is conveying through his music.  Most people have certain types of music they listen to depending on their activities.  In the weeks leading up to Halo2's release, my friend Paul and I created a soundtrack to play H2 by, it included the likes of DaRude, Fear Factory, Metallica, Megadeth, and...well, I'll list all of them some other time.  The point being that we felt these songs motivated us to play better and, while true or not, it certainly felt like it.  I can honeslty po

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