MikeTheKnife's blog


Shared on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 18:00


Hear ye, hear ye! I have made an amusing new banner and avatar. Much thanks to YEM the Princess for supplying the photos (except the snake one).

Oh and just so I can say I made some type of real announcement and didn't just fill up my blog space with BS (who am I kidding?):

Come one come all to the Friday Night Clanarchy 'Skills & Drills' Rainbow Six Drunkfest! Message Rabbmasterflash for details.  Last week was a stunning success, from what I remember. All are invited but beverages are required.


Shared on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 18:00


Hear ye, hear ye! I have made an amusing new banner and avatar. Much thanks to YEM the Princess for supplying the photos (except the snake one).

Oh and just so I can say I made some type of real announcement and didn't just fill up my blog space with BS (who am I kidding?):

Come one come all to the Friday Night Clanarchy 'Skills & Drills' Rainbow Six Drunkfest! Message Rabbmasterflash for details.  Last week was a stunning success, from what I remember. All are invited but beverages are required.


Shared on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 11:10

New background

I am so bummed that my new background isn't very visible behind my blog postings. Maybe I'll have to delete all of the old blogs just so you can see that it's a monkey dressed up like a cowboy riding a dog. A cowboy monkey for god's sake!!!!!! Who knew something so cool could really exist.


Shared on Wed, 06/20/2007 - 11:10

New background

I am so bummed that my new background isn't very visible behind my blog postings. Maybe I'll have to delete all of the old blogs just so you can see that it's a monkey dressed up like a cowboy riding a dog. A cowboy monkey for god's sake!!!!!! Who knew something so cool could really exist.


Shared on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 20:17

That didn't take long

So I got home today and played a couple games of Winning Eleven. I am frustrated as hell with this game and probably won't ever touch it again. Well that may be exaggeration. But fucking shit man, every damn shot sails WAY over the goal. I mean i'm standing in the damn penalty box and my guy thinks he has to aim for the frigging rafters. I read online that you have to 'tap' the x button to shoot. F that, man.  I tried breathing on it, rubbing it with a hair and finally in desperation I tried THINKING about tapping the damn button and even that was too much!!!! Yes, I tried the practice.


Shared on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 20:17

That didn't take long

So I got home today and played a couple games of Winning Eleven. I am frustrated as hell with this game and probably won't ever touch it again. Well that may be exaggeration. But fucking shit man, every damn shot sails WAY over the goal. I mean i'm standing in the damn penalty box and my guy thinks he has to aim for the frigging rafters. I read online that you have to 'tap' the x button to shoot. F that, man.  I tried breathing on it, rubbing it with a hair and finally in desperation I tried THINKING about tapping the damn button and even that was too much!!!! Yes, I tried the practice.


Shared on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 15:55

Soccer update

So my knee is healing. That's right, I beat the hell out of my knee at the game Wednesday. I think part of it is the fact that I bought cheap crappy soccer shoes thinking I could just get by with them, but I've actually had knee problems ever since the martial arts class I took a few years ago.  But apparently the doctor thought I was making up my knee pain because they took an MRI and couldn't find anything. I've since been told the guy sounds like a quack but whatever. The damn knee hurts, I don't care what your lite-brite up on the wall says.


Shared on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 15:55

Soccer update

So my knee is healing. That's right, I beat the hell out of my knee at the game Wednesday. I think part of it is the fact that I bought cheap crappy soccer shoes thinking I could just get by with them, but I've actually had knee problems ever since the martial arts class I took a few years ago.  But apparently the doctor thought I was making up my knee pain because they took an MRI and couldn't find anything. I've since been told the guy sounds like a quack but whatever. The damn knee hurts, I don't care what your lite-brite up on the wall says.


Shared on Tue, 05/29/2007 - 12:04

A slow and painful death

So I think I've committed suicide, also known by the phrase 'signed up for a soccer team'.  My god man.  I played soccer for 9 seasons as a young lad. I loved it, but was never that good. I was always on defense.  I still remember, one game the coach rewarded me by letting me play forward, and right at the start of the game I got belted right in the face with the ball and never wanted to play forward again.


Shared on Tue, 05/29/2007 - 12:04

A slow and painful death

So I think I've committed suicide, also known by the phrase 'signed up for a soccer team'.  My god man.  I played soccer for 9 seasons as a young lad. I loved it, but was never that good. I was always on defense.  I still remember, one game the coach rewarded me by letting me play forward, and right at the start of the game I got belted right in the face with the ball and never wanted to play forward again.

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