MikeTheKnife's blog


Shared on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 09:39

Es Ist Freitag!

So It's Friday and yeah that makes me happy.  No real plans this weekend, except I am going to go see the ASU basketball game on Sunday (holding out hope for a not-blowout). I love these wide-open schedules. There are so many things I could accomplish this weekend! 9/10 times though I end up sleeping in, watching a couple movies, playing some video games and then come out of the weekend feeling absolutely fantastic. 


Shared on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 09:39

Es Ist Freitag!

So It's Friday and yeah that makes me happy.  No real plans this weekend, except I am going to go see the ASU basketball game on Sunday (holding out hope for a not-blowout). I love these wide-open schedules. There are so many things I could accomplish this weekend! 9/10 times though I end up sleeping in, watching a couple movies, playing some video games and then come out of the weekend feeling absolutely fantastic. 


Shared on Fri, 01/12/2007 - 12:35

Video Games Live

So tomorrow I'm going to see the Video Games Live concert here in Mesa.  I am still not sure what to expect, but I imagine that Halo and Zelda live are going to kick ass.  Has anyone been to this thing yet? I'll update with information after the concert.


Shared on Fri, 01/12/2007 - 12:35

Video Games Live

So tomorrow I'm going to see the Video Games Live concert here in Mesa.  I am still not sure what to expect, but I imagine that Halo and Zelda live are going to kick ass.  Has anyone been to this thing yet? I'll update with information after the concert.


Shared on Sat, 12/16/2006 - 05:07

Mry chrismats bitch az

Tha's right, it's day one of drunk christmasfest bitch az.  I'm drunk and hone and tried to play one level of rainbow six, can't do it. Time for bed, see you guys tomorrow after santa night. I hope you don't want me to play multiplaeryer because i'ma be drunk as a skunk. later bitchaz. drunk mike out.


Shared on Sat, 12/16/2006 - 05:07

Mry chrismats bitch az

Tha's right, it's day one of drunk christmasfest bitch az.  I'm drunk and hone and tried to play one level of rainbow six, can't do it. Time for bed, see you guys tomorrow after santa night. I hope you don't want me to play multiplaeryer because i'ma be drunk as a skunk. later bitchaz. drunk mike out.


Shared on Fri, 12/15/2006 - 08:24

My weekend

Since I seem to have acquired this reputation for being a drunk somehow, I figured I'd tell you guys how my weekend is gonna be. 

Tonight there is a Christmas party. A friend of mine has this huge group of friends who rent out part of a restaurant every year. Last year they pooled a bunch of money and paid for an open bar for a few hours. Let's just say, they aren't letting us go back to that place. This year I guess we are doing it at a different place with no open bar. I'm just hoping no one pukes and gets us thrown out this year. No, it wasn't me.


Shared on Fri, 12/15/2006 - 08:24

My weekend

Since I seem to have acquired this reputation for being a drunk somehow, I figured I'd tell you guys how my weekend is gonna be. 

Tonight there is a Christmas party. A friend of mine has this huge group of friends who rent out part of a restaurant every year. Last year they pooled a bunch of money and paid for an open bar for a few hours. Let's just say, they aren't letting us go back to that place. This year I guess we are doing it at a different place with no open bar. I'm just hoping no one pukes and gets us thrown out this year. No, it wasn't me.


Shared on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 13:56

Ghosts of Onyx

Last night I finished the latest Halo book.  I really liked it. Unbeatable odds, man those Spartans sure can take care of business.  I keep wondering if anything in this book is a precursor to what we'll see in the next game, I really hope so. I won't spoil anything by posting it here but there was some really interesting stuff in the book. I guess this book is happening concurrently with the events in Halo 2, so maybe the game will pick up where this book left off. 


Shared on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 13:56

Ghosts of Onyx

Last night I finished the latest Halo book.  I really liked it. Unbeatable odds, man those Spartans sure can take care of business.  I keep wondering if anything in this book is a precursor to what we'll see in the next game, I really hope so. I won't spoil anything by posting it here but there was some really interesting stuff in the book. I guess this book is happening concurrently with the events in Halo 2, so maybe the game will pick up where this book left off. 

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