pearly_54's blog


Shared on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 05:54

I'm up!

Ack!  Early morning insomnia, AGAIN!!!!!  I suspect it is all the excitement about the LAN which I leave for tomorrow!!!!  It's around 6:30 right now, and I have had breakfast and my first cup of coffee already.  Now I am sunk deep into the couch, still in my jammies, trying to motivate myself.  Chatted with Dan for a few minutes last night.  Nice.  He's bringing some Magic cards.  Real paper!  He will have to teach me how to play.  lol  I've never played paper, just online.  Well, not never, but I am lousy at it and have only played with my gson.  And Dave.  Hmmmm.  I am still unc


Shared on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 05:54

I'm up!

Ack!  Early morning insomnia, AGAIN!!!!!  I suspect it is all the excitement about the LAN which I leave for tomorrow!!!!  It's around 6:30 right now, and I have had breakfast and my first cup of coffee already.  Now I am sunk deep into the couch, still in my jammies, trying to motivate myself.  Chatted with Dan for a few minutes last night.  Nice.  He's bringing some Magic cards.  Real paper!  He will have to teach me how to play.  lol  I've never played paper, just online.  Well, not never, but I am lousy at it and have only played with my gson.  And Dave.  Hmmmm.  I am still unc


Shared on Tue, 08/12/2008 - 16:46

Day after Tomorrow

Not much to say, but a lot to do. I am practicing staying up tonight! lol I get teased a lot about turning into a pumpkin very, very early. Ahhh, I think I will find out what Pearly's Stud Farm is up to. Finish packing tomorrow, leaving the next day. Thursday night lan party! Yay!

edit:  oops, forgot mood of the day....



Shared on Tue, 08/12/2008 - 16:46

Day after Tomorrow

Not much to say, but a lot to do. I am practicing staying up tonight! lol I get teased a lot about turning into a pumpkin very, very early. Ahhh, I think I will find out what Pearly's Stud Farm is up to. Finish packing tomorrow, leaving the next day. Thursday night lan party! Yay!

edit:  oops, forgot mood of the day....



Shared on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 12:17

Packing for the Lan

I am pulling out all my stuff, my little bits and pieces of things I want to take, and throwing them all on my gson's bed.  I can do that cuz he isn't here.  Good thing....  cuz I would do it anyway.  All the electronic gadgets!  Very important!  Cell phone and camera.  Must have!  2 laptops.  Maybe.  At least one.  xbox 360 with all it's associated hardeware.  Hmmm, just bought a wireless headphone thingee, charging right now.  Don't know if I like's one of those hook over the ear jobbies.  We shall see.  What a mess!  Games.  Oh yeh, also just bought Civ Rev.  Someone will have t


Shared on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 12:17

Packing for the Lan

I am pulling out all my stuff, my little bits and pieces of things I want to take, and throwing them all on my gson's bed.  I can do that cuz he isn't here.  Good thing....  cuz I would do it anyway.  All the electronic gadgets!  Very important!  Cell phone and camera.  Must have!  2 laptops.  Maybe.  At least one.  xbox 360 with all it's associated hardeware.  Hmmm, just bought a wireless headphone thingee, charging right now.  Don't know if I like's one of those hook over the ear jobbies.  We shall see.  What a mess!  Games.  Oh yeh, also just bought Civ Rev.  Someone will have t


Shared on Sun, 08/10/2008 - 10:24

feeling puny

Blah!  I am feeling puny today.  I never seem to really get sick, just sorta.  Or just out of sorts.  Or tired and blah.  So, last night I started to notice a little earache that seemed to come from a node in my neck.  Translation:  swollen gland.  This morning the node is no longer swollen.....strange, actually.  And the earache is intermittent.  Oh yeh!  This is familiar!  TMJ..temportal mandibular joint dysfunction.  That is, my jaw tends to slip out of place if I open my mouth too wide.  Yawning can do it.  And, um, other things, but I don't remember when the last time was that I did th


Shared on Sun, 08/10/2008 - 10:24

feeling puny

Blah!  I am feeling puny today.  I never seem to really get sick, just sorta.  Or just out of sorts.  Or tired and blah.  So, last night I started to notice a little earache that seemed to come from a node in my neck.  Translation:  swollen gland.  This morning the node is no longer swollen.....strange, actually.  And the earache is intermittent.  Oh yeh!  This is familiar!  TMJ..temportal mandibular joint dysfunction.  That is, my jaw tends to slip out of place if I open my mouth too wide.  Yawning can do it.  And, um, other things, but I don't remember when the last time was that I did th


Shared on Sat, 08/09/2008 - 13:39

whew, warm in here

Wow!  Almost forgot about my time at work this week.    Whew....*she fans herself*  I had the DOC (Department of Corrections) room this week.  Yes, inmates.  np, they come equipped with guards.  So, depending on the security needed, there are 1 or 2 guards per patient, and the room was always full.  That is to say, I had 3 patients with associated guards.  First of all, the room is not all that large, and there is room for 3 patients, then is starts to get a little crowded.  3 patients plus 5 buff guards, and it gets a lot crowded.  That room just reeked of testosterone!  Yikes!  We kept bu


Shared on Sat, 08/09/2008 - 13:39

whew, warm in here

Wow!  Almost forgot about my time at work this week.    Whew....*she fans herself*  I had the DOC (Department of Corrections) room this week.  Yes, inmates.  np, they come equipped with guards.  So, depending on the security needed, there are 1 or 2 guards per patient, and the room was always full.  That is to say, I had 3 patients with associated guards.  First of all, the room is not all that large, and there is room for 3 patients, then is starts to get a little crowded.  3 patients plus 5 buff guards, and it gets a lot crowded.  That room just reeked of testosterone!  Yikes!  We kept bu

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