pearly_54's blog


Shared on Sun, 03/23/2008 - 07:07

nurse humor, or not?



This little video/song was written by an ICU nurse.  It comes off as funny, but, when you think about it, it may not be.  It has to do with quality of life and "a good death", which many nurses know only too well.  I laughed when I heard it, then I thought, oh yeh, that would be me.  DNR!!!!!


Shared on Sat, 03/22/2008 - 14:36

It is today

Today is my birthday.  Pretty uneventful.  My daughter called me and even remembered how old I was!  She is getting better at remembering.  Got 2 b-day cards and I'm going out for dinner tonight.  That's all....


Shared on Sat, 03/22/2008 - 14:36

It is today

Today is my birthday.  Pretty uneventful.  My daughter called me and even remembered how old I was!  She is getting better at remembering.  Got 2 b-day cards and I'm going out for dinner tonight.  That's all....


Shared on Thu, 03/20/2008 - 16:11

pearly for president in 2012

I am getting sick of this already.  Women are going to vote for Hillary just cuz she's a woman?  And people are going to vote for Obama just cuz he's black?  Well, that leaves a lot of people waaay out there.  What about white males?  What about women that might have a brain and want to vote for the "best choice", not just, YAY, the first woman president!!!  What about someone that can actually do the job?  Neither candidate floats my boat.  I can't do anything about it now, but, in 2012, I think I just might run for president myself!  What is your opinion?  Should I run against Mike James?


Shared on Thu, 03/20/2008 - 16:11

pearly for president in 2012

I am getting sick of this already.  Women are going to vote for Hillary just cuz she's a woman?  And people are going to vote for Obama just cuz he's black?  Well, that leaves a lot of people waaay out there.  What about white males?  What about women that might have a brain and want to vote for the "best choice", not just, YAY, the first woman president!!!  What about someone that can actually do the job?  Neither candidate floats my boat.  I can't do anything about it now, but, in 2012, I think I just might run for president myself!  What is your opinion?  Should I run against Mike James?


Shared on Wed, 03/19/2008 - 16:30

Fly or Drive?

Now I have some decisions to make.   Fly or drive?  If I fly, I don't see as many people, since they are all spread out.  If I drive, It will take a lot longer, I will see more people, and don't even know if it will cost less money.  Gas is expensive nowdays!  And, another thing to consider, hotel rooms.  Would it cost less to drive and pay for hotels, or fly, rent a car for one leg of the trip, but still stay in hotels?  Hmmmm.  Flight:  $420.00.  Car rental:  ~$300 for over a week.  Hotels:  omg, i don't even know!  I don't have to eat.  That's ok.  Driving:  my 11 year old Honda


Shared on Wed, 03/19/2008 - 16:30

Fly or Drive?

Now I have some decisions to make.   Fly or drive?  If I fly, I don't see as many people, since they are all spread out.  If I drive, It will take a lot longer, I will see more people, and don't even know if it will cost less money.  Gas is expensive nowdays!  And, another thing to consider, hotel rooms.  Would it cost less to drive and pay for hotels, or fly, rent a car for one leg of the trip, but still stay in hotels?  Hmmmm.  Flight:  $420.00.  Car rental:  ~$300 for over a week.  Hotels:  omg, i don't even know!  I don't have to eat.  That's ok.  Driving:  my 11 year old Honda


Shared on Tue, 03/18/2008 - 17:12

The countdown

The countdown started some time ago.  You know, the B-Day countdown.  If I didn't do that, who would remember?  What will I do for my birthday?  Dunno yet, for sure.  I'm thinking about getting a massage.  And a nice dinner out.  The usual, I suppose.  I have given up on what I really want....  I didn't get it for Christmas or birthday last year.  And I'm still waiting.  If I told hubby I wanted a dustbuster for my birthday, he would get me a vacuum sweeper!  NOT!  Well, Saturday is my birthday and I haven't had ANY offers!


Shared on Tue, 03/18/2008 - 17:12

The countdown

The countdown started some time ago.  You know, the B-Day countdown.  If I didn't do that, who would remember?  What will I do for my birthday?  Dunno yet, for sure.  I'm thinking about getting a massage.  And a nice dinner out.  The usual, I suppose.  I have given up on what I really want....  I didn't get it for Christmas or birthday last year.  And I'm still waiting.  If I told hubby I wanted a dustbuster for my birthday, he would get me a vacuum sweeper!  NOT!  Well, Saturday is my birthday and I haven't had ANY offers!


Shared on Mon, 03/17/2008 - 18:26

Me and the BMT clinic

I am just toooo nice.  A couple months ago my Nurse Manager asked me to do her a huge favor.  She played on my sympathy.  Another clinic that I used to work per diem needed someone to replace the primary nurse for a couple weeks.  The other nurse now has cancer and has retired to get treated.  So, they have hired an agency nurse to fill in, but the regular one wanted to go on vacation.  Well, having been there and done that, i needed to think about it for a few days.  Even tho she insisted I didn't have to do it, I knew better, so I finally told her I would.  Now this is a small clinic, and

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