Are there any Halo clans out there?

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Tue, 09/10/2013 - 15:38
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Most people around here don't care about your kill to death ratio. There are things you can do without having skill, like call outs, positioning, awareness, weapon and power-up timing and driving. The biggest thing though is to not get to frustrated.

Tue, 09/10/2013 - 17:16 (Reply to #32)
Double T's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

Most people around here don't care about your kill to death ratio. There are things you can do without having skill, like call outs, positioning, awareness, weapon and power-up timing and driving. The biggest thing though is to not get to frustrated.


I purposely went 1.0 to beat some timmies with a 2.0 k/d in a CTF game.  It would've been easier to camp with snipe like they were, but I had it in mind to keep taking out their sniper and pulling the flag.  We won 3-0.  There is more to skill than just K/D ratio. ;)

Fri, 09/13/2013 - 23:50
pontiff's picture
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I'm undecided on what to do really, I play Halo and that's about it.  I'll only get worse with age, but I don't really enjoy trying to pick up new games when it comes to Live, campagins I guess would be okay, but I bought BL2 and played for 2 hours maybe, had no desire to go back even though a lot of other people love it.  As far as multi-game clans, I'm really just disinterested in the other games because I most likely won't pick them up ever.  I'm relatively happy that most every night I get on, I can find a few people to play with, and I have a lot of fun with the customs as well.  Also the over 40 tourney even though I'm never going to win. :)

Sun, 09/15/2013 - 12:54
EdieKaye's picture
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Jim, I would be more than willing to join if you get something started. I lean toward the slayer type games. I don't mind playing objectives or crazy customs once in a while. I also don't mind playing with people above my skill level.

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 07:12
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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Like you said in a much earlier post, trying to start a new Halo clan now would almost certainly be a recipe for failure. There are way too many new titles and not to mention new gaming systems coming out in the near future. 

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 10:17 (Reply to #36)
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Matt Likes Beer wrote:

Like you said in a much earlier post, trying to start a new Halo clan now would almost certainly be a recipe for failure. There are way too many new titles and not to mention new gaming systems coming out in the near future. 


I don't think it would fail. I'm seeing the same 30-40 people on all the time. Players from Geezers, 2o2p, GGN and other groups. Most of these groups have fallen apart and left only a few Halo players. I don't want this to be a clan just a sanctuary where you can make Halo friends, have a safe place to talk about Halo and have events for people in the group.

I would love to do it just like we did with or other group. Play Halo once a week and post once a week. 

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 10:54 (Reply to #37)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

Matt Likes Beer wrote:

Like you said in a much earlier post, trying to start a new Halo clan now would almost certainly be a recipe for failure. There are way too many new titles and not to mention new gaming systems coming out in the near future. 


I don't think it would fail. I'm seeing the same 30-40 people on all the time. Players from Geezers, 2o2p, GGN and other groups. Most of these groups have fallen apart and left only a few Halo players. I don't want this to be a clan just a sanctuary where you can make Halo friends, have a safe place to talk about Halo and have events for people in the group.

I would love to do it just like we did with or other group. Play Halo once a week and post once a week. 

Just to give you some additional perspective from my point of view. The Over 50 group turns out 12-16 players once a week. Some play in the site wide too. Most don't actively participate in a clan and fewer post on here. Some were removed from various clans over posting rules. Yet, they are the most reliable Halo players I know. One could suggest the age gate is clan-like but that'd be really pushing it.

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 13:43 (Reply to #38)
ThyEnemy's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:
One could suggest the age gate is clan-like but that'd be really pushing it.

Well at least once you're in...your're in. ;-)

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 14:19 (Reply to #39)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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ThyEnemy wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:
One could suggest the age gate is clan-like but that'd be really pushing it.

Well at least once you're in...your're in. ;-)

On the other hand, getting out is rather limiting.  :)  lol

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 08:10
Bluestar's picture
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Deep, I agree wholeheartedly with what you have done with the Thursday night.  Events like this are critical to involving new members in joining the community and getting them involved.  It reminds me of when the site was in its infancy of how we would try to pull new members into community games in H2.  It was a little more unorganized then, but I ran custom games on a regular basis as someone who was playing consistently in the attempt to pull new members into those games.  You would’ve gotten pulled into those customs when you first joined yourself.  It’s the main reason I gave up overlord of Wheezin’ Geezers, so that I could free up the limited friend list we had then which was made up of mostly 2old2play clan members so that I could get new members into games to find a home.  If only we had had friend of friends back then.  Random customs and events like MJ’s drunkfest would have been so much easier.

I think clans still do have a place in retaining membership.  They do provide a more comfortable environment for people once they have joined the community on a larger scale.  Events like Thursday’s Casual Competitive game night certainly broaden your exposure once you have joined, and being on one of the Halo friend of friends tags does give you access to everyone in the community, but it is a little more difficult to get into games with others outside of event nights.  The clan environment fosters a more closely knit group that can make it easier to join in games.  With my limited gaming time, I’ve become the perpetual new member as I don’t have the commitment available to joining other clans since I won’t be able to meet their minimum requirements of activity.  From my experience, I can’t count how many times I have heard people in a party leave saying that they are going to play with their clan or that they have a clan night.  The clan enables new members an easier transition to joining other clan members in game and provides a group that you consistently want to play with.  This is where I can see a game-centric clan being beneficial to members who play exclusively a single game, at least they would have a centralized list of members that are more likely to be playing their game of choice and an easier in to getting into those games.

That being said I can’t say whether creating a clan at this point is doomed to fail.  It would at the least get everyone who is sticking with Halo together, but like so many clans that have formed before it, it will be difficult to get over the ebb and flow that comes with people moving on to other games or people breaking off because of differing play styles.  I would join a Halo-centric clan as that is pretty much all I play, but I committed Thursday from 9-11 to helping Deep and very rarely get on outside of Thursday night.

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 16:04
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Howdy Jim!

Rogue gamer here. I'll be happy to play Halo with you. 

Viva la Revolucion! :)


Mon, 09/16/2013 - 16:02
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Double posts are so annoying...

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 16:59
Double T's picture
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I think creating a halo centric clan is a great idea, and would create a haven AGAINST those people who feel the need to move on to another game.  By no means should we keep you from playing other games, but meet the criteria of playing Halo with clannies once a week or get out.  Seems pretty simple really.

Tue, 09/17/2013 - 19:55
wamam87's picture
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if you contact the powers to be here, you can get a group created. i don't know if it will fly in this particular instance though.


there are no more closed groups, so it would be a public forum that anyone can get into.


in my eyes, that's going to be just like the current halo division. i'm not sure how it would be different, but it could be worth a shot if that's what you really want to do.

Tue, 09/17/2013 - 22:50
EdieKaye's picture
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Couldn't we just use the 2old2playhalo group? It's still closed.

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 06:27 (Reply to #46)
Vix_Sundown's picture
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EdieKaye wrote:

Couldn't we just use the 2old2playhalo group? It's still closed.

It's still being moderated by the clan leaders, though they are no longer using it. I posted there once and got das boot, since I'm out.

So if anyone wanted to use it, you would have to ask their permission.

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 00:58
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I like our group as it is, but if I find more Halo players, I'll branch out. I will not leave the communities I am involved in, but I will gladly expand my horizons.
Wed, 09/18/2013 - 07:09
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Straight up, I'm not looking to start or join a Halo clan. But just for conversation's sake, here is what my ideal gaming group looks like:

1. Age Requirement of... something. 25 is fine. Personally, I think 21 is okay. If you're old enough to buy beer, I probably can get along with you.

2. Open Internet Forum. I've never understood the point of having a closed forum. Some passerby who enjoys the forum might end up wanting to play / join after talking to such cool people after a while. This forum here is a good example of what I'm talking about. It's closed enough already, IMO.

3. No Posting Requirement. People join clans to play games, after all. An active member should not be penalized for not wanting to partake in an Internet chat room.

4. One game. Multi-game clans are too incohesive. True, you run the risk of burnout if your one game isn't doing well. But I believe you need one game to unite the group, or you don't really have a group.

5. Two clan nights per week, one to be custom game focused, for those who prefer that. And the other to be matchmaking focused. Then members can pick either or both nights to play.

6. No restriction on who can play on clan nights. There is nothing lamer to me than having a non-clan friend join the lobby on a clan night, and having to explain to him that he can't play because he's not a member. It's just rude. Besides, fresh faces are the lifeblood of a clan. People come and go all the time. How will you recruit new members if they are never allowed to see what clan nights are like? When other friends see how cool your gaming group is, they may want to join.

7. Play with the group once a week, or once every two weeks, minimum.

8. Not being a douche. Of course, one person's douche is another person's refreshing vaginal cleanser...

9. No initiations. As long as a person meets the age requirement, they can join. 

10. The clan leaders are required to always consult the membership before making any large decisions that impact the entire group. After all, the clan belongs to the people who are in it. That's the only reason it exists. They ARE the clan.

My 2 cents. Not that it matters any :)

P.S. I've still got most of you guys on my friends list. (Except Double T. I took you off because I thought like most of the others you had moved on to Black Ops 2 and wasn't playing Halo anymore. Apparently I was mistaken!) So I'm up for playing sometime. You guys could try to set a night, if you want more turnout. Also, my personal preference is I don't play custom or objective games. Straight up slayer is what I like best, though I will sometimes play other stuff.

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 07:37
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Well Vix, you pretty much described the Thursday Night Site Wide and this forum combined. There isn't a Clan name but essentially, 2old2play is our semi-exclusive Clan. Some people do crave a special group identity and I understand it. It makes more sense for multiple Clans when more people are playing a game. I get excited for the Clan thing once in awhile but I will be trying to keep some kind of site wide thing going to provide an alternative to Clans.

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 08:03
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Well cool, Deep! In that case, sounds like I need to be doing some Thursday night playing :)

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 09:33
FreynApThyr's picture
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Just don't get in Bluestar's room.

He sucks.

And as long as I'm spewing a little hate...for the self-described competitive types among you, go and actually read James last few posts.  They are cogent and thoughtful explanations about how you are fucking up the forum of the game you claim to love.

This site began because forcing a ruleset down people's throats is unpopular and stifling.  It flourished because it gave people the opportunity to gag on whatever ruleset appealed to them and move that shit into a smaller more private forum.  If this forum is the catch all for all playing styles, then the "competitive" players are condescendingly and ham-handedly ushering thoughtful people with an appreciation of the game out of it with a endless stream of nit-picky bullshit.

It's okay to not like Halo.  Just go do it somewhere else please.

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 09:56 (Reply to #52)
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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FreynApThyr wrote:

It's okay to not like Halo.  Just go do it somewhere else please.



Wed, 09/18/2013 - 11:25
zombiekitten's picture
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@ Vix I never understood why you don't play on Thursday nights. Every time you say "no one plays halo anymore" people reply "we do on Thursdays site-wide" lol! 

There are some objective games, but Deep keeps a nice game type rotation IMO. And you can always play slayer while I'm running for the flag ;) 

And you'll meet more halo players from the site! 

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 13:16
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Hi Zombie,

Is it all custom games though? That's the main reason I never joined the Thursday night crowd, because no offense to anybody but I personally don't care for customs all that much. And that's what it looked like everyone was playing every time.

Less people playing Halo was part of the reason I left that clan. I had other reasons also. But no matter... I'm glad 2old2play is still here!

These days I am also one of the ones not playing Halo as much as before. But I know the itch is coming, sooner or later. And when it does, I gotta scratch it :)

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 13:18
DEEP_NNN's picture
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All customs. No MM. FYI

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 13:34 (Reply to #56)
Vix_Sundown's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

All customs. No MM. FYI

There you go.  Thanks for the info.

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 13:42
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Vix you and I have the exact same idea of what a good gaming group should be.

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 14:14
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Jim - Well, we're already friends on XBL, so just need to meet up and play.

It is interesting what you said about having gone through clans before that transitioned over to being a multi-game clan. Considering that's what we just went through!

I can see the upside to having a multi-game clan. But it does seriously run the risk of losing that feeling of group cohesiveness.

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 14:16
zombiekitten's picture
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I forgot your "no customs" rule sorry Vix :(

BUTTTTT I think if you joined once or twice, you might find people who play (but don't post much here). You may end up adding a few more active halo guys..? 

Wed, 09/18/2013 - 14:37 (Reply to #60)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

I forgot your "no customs" rule sorry Vix :(

BUTTTTT I think if you joined once or twice, you might find people who play (but don't post much here). You may end up adding a few more active halo guys..? 

Exactly. :)

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