The goodnight thread, and now...VR! Anyone else into it?

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Mon, 01/20/2014 - 19:57
LocGaw's picture
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That cider is good stuff.

Where did you guys read something on V4? Is it like walking down the street and seeing a guy holding a sign saying the end is near? I dont get why they ask for change. What the heck do they need change for if the end is near.

Tue, 01/21/2014 - 15:08 (Reply to #3752)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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LocGaw wrote:

That cider is good stuff.

Where did you guys read something on V4? Is it like walking down the street and seeing a guy holding a sign saying the end is near? I dont get why they ask for change. What the heck do they need change for if the end is near.

The end is near, not the end is here. Gimme a dollar.

Tue, 01/21/2014 - 05:26
LocGaw's picture
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Good morning all!

Tue, 01/21/2014 - 06:25
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Yeah, and all psychics hit the lottery every week...


Tue, 01/21/2014 - 09:39
zombiekitten's picture
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Morning! Day two of hubby being home sick. He's still asleep (thanks to NyQuil), so I'm trying to be quiet. Of course this is the morning the cats decide to be wild asses and run around bashing into things, the neighbors are doing something loud (sounds like they are smashing something big into the ground repeatedly), the OTHER neighbors kids are home and playing basketball (IMO the worlds most annoying sound), and someone is slamming their car doors a lot, for no apparent reason. 

Oh to live in the country...

Tue, 01/21/2014 - 10:06
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Yeah, out here in the sticks, other than occasional target practice, it's pretty quiet...and that's not too bad, lotsa trees to muffle any noise. Defiantely no noisy neighbor kids or such. Downside, UPS has trouble finding us occasionally.

Tue, 01/21/2014 - 21:09
Nightfall's picture
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I much enjoy living in the mountains of CO.  Very quiet, no light "pollution", rarely a car driving by.  Just the occasional fox squawking or bear getting in the trash.

Tue, 01/21/2014 - 22:44
SarcasmoJones's picture
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I'm right smack dab in the middle of DFW...we got noise, light pollution, smog, hella traffic, neighbors on meth kick shit in their garage all night, and a stupid Basset Hound who inevitably wants to be let out at 3am and literally says "merp" instead of barking. I'm not sure I would be able to sleep without some kind of noise.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 07:08 (Reply to #3759)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

I'm right smack dab in the middle of DFW...we got noise, light pollution, smog, hella traffic, neighbors on meth kick shit in their garage all night, and a stupid Basset Hound who inevitably wants to be let out at 3am and literally says "merp" instead of barking. I'm not sure I would be able to sleep without some kind of noise.

I remember not being able sleep due to the quiet. I had just spent two months at sea. My home was in a trailer park out in the sticks. I could hear a tractor trailer 10 miles away as it rolled ever so closer then farther. Under normal circumstances, I'd never notice that truck.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 03:56
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Oh I'm sure the voices in your head would keep you company Jones,

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 07:54 (Reply to #3761)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

Oh I'm sure the voices in your head would keep you company Jones,

They don't actually keep me company, they just tell me to kill stuff.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 08:47 (Reply to #3762)
KnightofRedemption's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

KnightofRedemption wrote:

Oh I'm sure the voices in your head would keep you company Jones,

They don't actually keep me company, they just tell me to kill stuff.

Stuff? That is a bit generic, kinda leaves the field wide open.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 07:10
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I gotta admit one of the best perks out where I am is the awesome clear night sky. Absolutely beautiful. When the moons of any size at all, you don't need a light, it's all lit up.

Critters are a given, but we rarely have to deal with any.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 07:29
KnightofRedemption's picture
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With you on the sky thing, midwinter with a full moon I can and do on occation drive without headlights.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 08:57
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Not really, inanimate stuff isn't alive, so that narrows it a bit...

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 09:03
zombiekitten's picture
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I grew up in the country and hated it. Half an hour drive to the grocery store, two hour drive to a decent restaurant, etc. I'm very spoiled here, being literally two blocks from my doctor, the lab, the hospital, the vet, the grocery store, pharmacies, restaurants, the salon where I get haircuts, etc etc. But lately I'd give up the convenience for quiet and no one driving past my house. 

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 09:30
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Everything here is 10-15 minutes or so. Including work. We do plan our trips though, as in "going into town". It is a different mindset.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 09:33
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Okay, while this isn't probably the "right" thread to do this in, there's really nothing you can't do in here, so....

What do you guys think about a "viewed" option on threads/blogs, etc?

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 10:18 (Reply to #3769)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Okay, while this isn't probably the "right" thread to do this in, there's really nothing you can't do in here, so....

What do you guys think about a "viewed" option on threads/blogs, etc?

As in something that tells you how many times someone looked at your shit? How very egotistical of you to even suggest such a thing...I wish they had it too.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 10:34 (Reply to #3770)
LocGaw's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Okay, while this isn't probably the "right" thread to do this in, there's really nothing you can't do in here, so....

What do you guys think about a "viewed" option on threads/blogs, etc?

As in something that tells you how many times someone looked at your shit? How very egotistical of you to even suggest such a thing...I wish they had it too.

We had that in V2. At least I thought we did. That was a long time and a lot of beers ago.

While we are talking about beer. Has anyone had a Mons brew? It is supposed to be made in Canada with Trapist yeast. The yeast in this is insane and always swimming. Thats what I get for buying Canadian beer though. Canandian beer sucks.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 10:19
OldnAchy's picture
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I can hear an ant fart.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 11:00 (Reply to #3772)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

I can hear an ant fart.

Big deal, it's the one's you don't hear you have to worry about...


Speaking of farts, given the exponential increase in potency of a fart under water can you imagine what it must be like when a whales fart breaks the surface?

Which brings to mind...if a whale farts in the ocean, does anyone smell it?


Am I the only one that airs these deep thoughts?


Yeah, "X" views would rock I think.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 18:24 (Reply to #3773)
Parcells2's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Which brings to mind...if a whale farts in the ocean, does anyone smell it?

Parcells will go with no. If on nothing else but a technicality as I can't see anyone smelling the fart while "in" the ocean or underwater as it were. But we certainly need to take the discussion above water as farts, as we understand them, generate a gaseous matter which has no choice but to rise out of the water releasing its nastiness to the unsuspecting. We know this to be fact because we've all tested it before and know it to be true but this is based on observations of human and to some extent other land based animals.

I'm doubtful (and really hope it to be true) that any underwater research of such matters have never been done let alone considered. It does make me ponder the question "what makes us think whales fart in the first place?" but I have no reason to believe they can't so why the hell not. Then I start to wonder would a whales fart even stink? Maybe they smell awesome but that seems unlikely so they probably stink like nothing you've ever witnessed, in a bad way, in a real bad way. Would the depth of the fish cause the farts to smell differently?...Deeper the fish worse the fart kind of thing.

Interesting topic.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 20:57 (Reply to #3774)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Which brings to mind...if a whale farts in the ocean, does anyone smell it?

Parcells will go with no. If on nothing else but a technicality as I can't see anyone smelling the fart while "in" the ocean or underwater as it were. But we certainly need to take the discussion above water as farts, as we understand them, generate a gaseous matter which has no choice but to rise out of the water releasing its nastiness to the unsuspecting. We know this to be fact because we've all tested it before and know it to be true but this is based on observations of human and to some extent other land based animals.

I'm doubtful (and really hope it to be true) that any underwater research of such matters have never been done let alone considered. It does make me ponder the question "what makes us think whales fart in the first place?" but I have no reason to believe they can't so why the hell not. Then I start to wonder would a whales fart even stink? Maybe they smell awesome but that seems unlikely so they probably stink like nothing you've ever witnessed, in a bad way, in a real bad way. Would the depth of the fish cause the farts to smell differently?...Deeper the fish worse the fart kind of thing.

Interesting topic.

you could work for msnbc, way to cherry pick the quote....


Speaking of farts, given the exponential increase in potency of a fart under water can you imagine what it must be like when a whales fart breaks the surface?

Which brings to mind...if a whale farts in the ocean, does anyone smell it?"

What part of "breaks the surface" implies still being underwater?

And being on the ocean IN the Atlantic is still on the surface...

As for ickiness, lets go with a blue whale which eats tons and tons of krill (essentially shrimp) raw....doesn't sound like roses and lilacs to me...


Thu, 01/23/2014 - 08:08 (Reply to #3775)
Parcells2's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

you could work for msnbc, way to cherry pick the quote....

I dont beleive for a second that you actually beleive I was cherry picking your post and taking a collection of words out of context. Rather I'm confident you know my post was 100% a joke as did everyone else who read it yet you still felt the need to explain how I misconstrued your post which was also clearly a joke.

It was my first attempt in months to be half civil with you. I'll go back to ignoring you now, maybe give it another try in 6 months or so.

Thu, 01/23/2014 - 08:51 (Reply to #3776)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

you could work for msnbc, way to cherry pick the quote....

I dont beleive for a second that you actually beleive I was cherry picking your post and taking a collection of words out of context. Rather I'm confident you know my post was 100% a joke as did everyone else who read it yet you still felt the need to explain how I misconstrued your post which was also clearly a joke.

It was my first attempt in months to be half civil with you. I'll go back to ignoring you now, maybe give it another try in 6 months or so.

At least y'all are arguing over something important, like whale farts. It truly is a topic that has avoided debate for far too long. I heard that whale vaginas smell like humans...must be the salt water.

I'm sorry you got the crud bug, Kit. I hope that two weeks is long enough for it to run its course and get you back to a treatable state.

I want to work for MSNBC. I'm going to apply for Martin Bashir's old show.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 16:38
zombiekitten's picture
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Oh shit snacks. Whatever hubby has, I'm coming down with it. It hit me like a ton of bricks suddenly this afternoon. Fever, vicious sore throat, exhaustion, body aches, general shakiness. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. I've got chemo in less than two weeks, and obviously cannot be sick for that. If I have to reschedule, it puts me past the six month mark between treatments, which is dangerous and a pain in the ass. I have to basically start the whole process over like the first treatment. 9 hours of IV, BAD side effects during and after IV, and risk of a rare but fatal side effect. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. 

/end crybaby rant.

Thu, 01/23/2014 - 05:56 (Reply to #3778)
pyro13g's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

Oh shit snacks. Whatever hubby has, I'm coming down with it. It hit me like a ton of bricks suddenly this afternoon. Fever, vicious sore throat, exhaustion, body aches, general shakiness. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. I've got chemo in less than two weeks, and obviously cannot be sick for that. If I have to reschedule, it puts me past the six month mark between treatments, which is dangerous and a pain in the ass. I have to basically start the whole process over like the first treatment. 9 hours of IV, BAD side effects during and after IV, and risk of a rare but fatal side effect. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. 

/end crybaby rant.

Talk about really shitty  timing.  Hope ya get well enough to make the chemo appt.

Thu, 01/23/2014 - 06:50 (Reply to #3779)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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pyro13g wrote:

zombiekitten wrote:

Oh shit snacks. Whatever hubby has, I'm coming down with it. It hit me like a ton of bricks suddenly this afternoon. Fever, vicious sore throat, exhaustion, body aches, general shakiness. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. I've got chemo in less than two weeks, and obviously cannot be sick for that. If I have to reschedule, it puts me past the six month mark between treatments, which is dangerous and a pain in the ass. I have to basically start the whole process over like the first treatment. 9 hours of IV, BAD side effects during and after IV, and risk of a rare but fatal side effect. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

/end crybaby rant.

Talk about really shitty  timing.  Hope ya get well enough to make the chemo appt.

I had similar, never got the sore throat, kicked everything in two days, except this nagging damn cough. Feel like Ihave something in the backof my throat/chest and when I cough nothing seems to come up. Thought it was a crazy ass cold BUT I dd have a brief fever which baffles me. I wonder if it was influenza or what?

Go at it full tilt Kit, throw everything at it and don't let up.( I am sooo sick of chicken noodle soup, but the crap works!) Used a cold medicine, Coricedin(sp?) Dried me up massively and helped me get a handle on it.

Wed, 01/22/2014 - 18:48
Sherb's picture
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What did I walk into?  laugh

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