There's a two foot drift running the length of my 110 foot driveway. ~20 hour storm with blizzard conditions at times. A plow went by just now for the first time in 24 hours.
Not the worst I've had but if the blower doesn't fail me, this'll be relatively fun.
Turns out the drift wasn't quite 2 feet deep but the blower got a full scoop workout for most of the driveway. ~1:45 hr for driveway plus path to the oil tank.
Damn flyer pack nearly ended the day early. How the frig they got those out in the middle of the storm is a mistery. I'd cancel them today but my wife thinks they worth more than my blower.
Newspaper + snowblower = bad. Glad nothing broke. How big is your machine? I had a little 12inch one while in Michigan, the few times we got really hammered my neighbor had one that was self propelled and had chains, thing was probably 14hp? A real beast, he'd do his place and a few of us neighbors and all the walks for 4 or 5 houses either direction.The chute unloaded about head high, real beauty.
Newspaper + snowblower = bad. Glad nothing broke. How big is your machine? I had a little 12inch one while in Michigan, the few times we got really hammered my neighbor had one that was self propelled and had chains, thing was probably 14hp? A real beast, he'd do his place and a few of us neighbors and all the walks for 4 or 5 houses either direction.The chute unloaded about head high, real beauty.
My blower would be similar to your neighbour's. Ariens 30" ~14hp.
I'd show you pictures of the snow, blower and mauled flyers but my Wife and I have deal. Her deal. No pictures posted on the evil Internet.
Thanks guys. The sore throat is so bad I can't sleep. I'm gonna try Corecidin or however it's spelled Oldschool thanks! "Tylenol severe sore throat" didn't do shit, and NyQuil didn't knock me out. Maybe I should chase the NyQuil with a shot of Jack or something... Hubby was sick with this for three days, which means ill have it for six. At least he got better before I got it! So far, all the years we've been married (like a hundred!), we are never both sick at the same time.
As for whale Canadian sister in law is a marine biologist who used to work on whale watching boats. I suppose I could ask her. My middle brother is a marine biologist too, but he specialized in invertebrates. Ahem.
As for whale Canadian sister in law is a marine biologist who used to work on whale watching boats. I suppose I could ask her. My middle brother is a marine biologist too, but he specialized in invertebrates. Ahem.
I think that they must surface to do that...hence the blow hole.
The one video shows a whale farting, although the audio is highly suspect. I think the blowholes for breathing, maybe even belching, again, I've heard it stinks probably just as bad.
If you're having trouble breathing at night, try a good quality peppermint essential oil, a drop, ONLY a drop under the nose, on chin or upper lip if you're brave, will open everything up. Don't buy cheap oils, can burn skin.
I gargle a shot of straight Absolut when I'm even hinting at a sore throat, tastes like hell, but kills it dead.
Well, IF you disable the infamous "origin" on the photos, most commonly associated with cell phones, it's not too terribly dangerous, you know, unless you have your social security card next to it or maybe your mail box,
If it was for breathing they would call it a breathe hole, not a blow hole. I would find it difficult to believe that scientific nomenclature has been successfully applied to every other hole in nature but has somehow failed to correctly describe this particular orifice. It makes sense if you don't think about it.
If it was for breathing they would call it a breathe hole, not a blow hole. I would find it difficult to believe that scientific nomenclature has been successfully applied to every other hole in nature but has somehow failed to correctly describe this particular orifice. It makes sense if you don't think about it.
Totally get where you're going, but it's probably named for the sound it makes when they breach the surface and there's a loud sound of them blowing out, exhaling. And probably named way back in the early days of whaling....
If it was for breathing they would call it a breathe hole, not a blow hole. I would find it difficult to believe that scientific nomenclature has been successfully applied to every other hole in nature but has somehow failed to correctly describe this particular orifice. It makes sense if you don't think about it.
Totally get where you're going, but it's probably named for the sound it makes when they breach the surface and there's a loud sound of them blowing out, exhaling. And probably named way back in the early days of whaling....
Look at me debating without a shred of proof!
After a bit of research I found that blow hole actually comes from the Icelandic word "blah huel", loosely translated to English as "You're not the boss of me."
If it was for breathing they would call it a breathe hole, not a blow hole. I would find it difficult to believe that scientific nomenclature has been successfully applied to every other hole in nature but has somehow failed to correctly describe this particular orifice. It makes sense if you don't think about it.
A marine mammal scientist sat with me at lunch almost everyday for years. Some kind whale specialist. He dumbed things down a lot for us simple folk. Absoltuely great guy. Spent years in the Arctic. Lots of hands on whale disections, mostly at whaling stations.
He referred to it as Blowhole. But he also new exactly how many cubic feet per second of air went in and out for each whale type and size.
He did a lot of studies on how the synovial (sp) joint in the jaw of some whales was used to stun or redirect prey into the mouth.
If it was for breathing they would call it a breathe hole, not a blow hole. I would find it difficult to believe that scientific nomenclature has been successfully applied to every other hole in nature but has somehow failed to correctly describe this particular orifice. It makes sense if you don't think about it.
A marine mammal scientist sat with me at lunch almost everyday for years. Some kind whale specialist. He dumbed things down a lot for us simple folk. Absoltuely great guy. Spent years in the Arctic. Lots of hands on whale disections, mostly at whaling stations.
He referred to it as Blowhole. But he also new exactly how many cubic feet per second of air went in and out for each whale type and size.
He did a lot of studies on how the synovial (sp) joint in the jaw of some whales was used to stun or redirect prey into the mouth.
For sleep you can try 50mg benedryl chased down with a drink. But don't do the drink thing if you are taking acetaminophen in any of your other meds like tylenol.
I hope my snowblower starts today.
There's a two foot drift running the length of my 110 foot driveway. ~20 hour storm with blizzard conditions at times. A plow went by just now for the first time in 24 hours.
Not the worst I've had but if the blower doesn't fail me, this'll be relatively fun.
edit: forget it.
after your PM a while back, I have no desire to converse. Thank you, have a nice day.
Don't forget Baldwin's, it's available too...
Turns out the drift wasn't quite 2 feet deep but the blower got a full scoop workout for most of the driveway. ~1:45 hr for driveway plus path to the oil tank.
Damn flyer pack nearly ended the day early. How the frig they got those out in the middle of the storm is a mistery. I'd cancel them today but my wife thinks they worth more than my blower.
Newspaper + snowblower = bad. Glad nothing broke. How big is your machine? I had a little 12inch one while in Michigan, the few times we got really hammered my neighbor had one that was self propelled and had chains, thing was probably 14hp? A real beast, he'd do his place and a few of us neighbors and all the walks for 4 or 5 houses either direction.The chute unloaded about head high, real beauty.
I admit it: I giggled.
I'd show you pictures of the snow, blower and mauled flyers but my Wife and I have deal. Her deal. No pictures posted on the evil Internet.
Thanks guys. The sore throat is so bad I can't sleep. I'm gonna try Corecidin or however it's spelled Oldschool thanks! "Tylenol severe sore throat" didn't do shit, and NyQuil didn't knock me out. Maybe I should chase the NyQuil with a shot of Jack or something... Hubby was sick with this for three days, which means ill have it for six. At least he got better before I got it! So far, all the years we've been married (like a hundred!), we are never both sick at the same time.
As for whale Canadian sister in law is a marine biologist who used to work on whale watching boats. I suppose I could ask her. My middle brother is a marine biologist too, but he specialized in invertebrates. Ahem.
The one video shows a whale farting, although the audio is highly suspect. I think the blowholes for breathing, maybe even belching, again, I've heard it stinks probably just as bad.
If you're having trouble breathing at night, try a good quality peppermint essential oil, a drop, ONLY a drop under the nose, on chin or upper lip if you're brave, will open everything up. Don't buy cheap oils, can burn skin.
I gargle a shot of straight Absolut when I'm even hinting at a sore throat, tastes like hell, but kills it dead.
Well, IF you disable the infamous "origin" on the photos, most commonly associated with cell phones, it's not too terribly dangerous, you know, unless you have your social security card next to it or maybe your mail box,
If it was for breathing they would call it a breathe hole, not a blow hole. I would find it difficult to believe that scientific nomenclature has been successfully applied to every other hole in nature but has somehow failed to correctly describe this particular orifice. It makes sense if you don't think about it.
Totally get where you're going, but it's probably named for the sound it makes when they breach the surface and there's a loud sound of them blowing out, exhaling. And probably named way back in the early days of whaling....
Look at me debating without a shred of proof!
He referred to it as Blowhole. But he also new exactly how many cubic feet per second of air went in and out for each whale type and size.
He did a lot of studies on how the synovial (sp) joint in the jaw of some whales was used to stun or redirect prey into the mouth.
His stories were spell binding.
For sleep you can try 50mg benedryl chased down with a drink. But don't do the drink thing if you are taking acetaminophen in any of your other meds like tylenol.
It won't fit in the car hole.
Forget MSNBC, you should do stand up, or maybe that was your intention all along...
Mines a small one, only 12 inches...ask Kitten...
Oh damn, what a time for the top of the page...
I was wondering how far the blow hole thing would go before I got called out. I specialize in being counter-informative. ;)
I saw some of that on M.A.S.H., was that you flying the plane?
No, I was guarding the air hole.
I just learned a new phrase/word too, buck fung.
I'm told it means North Wind (chinese), although we've been discussing a more southerly breeze.
I learned today that a bung was a real thing used to plug a bung hole.
Jones, don't put your finger where you wouldn't put your pecker.
Good morning all!
Sometimes you just have to use the right tool...
( I hope that's sufficiently vague enough to really generate a "what?")