Got my first motorcycle 2 weeks ago. 1983 Honda Shadow VT500. It's as old as me with 19k miles on it in really good condition. Just got the plate for it this morning so now it's fully legal and I can't wait to ride!
I am so less tolerant than I used to be. I just kicked another person off my friends list because I know from experience that I will end up not liking them based on their personality. And I've been gaming with them for almost a year now. I always think I'm going to like everyone and I feel bad when I just have to pull the plug on stuff when I realize where it's going, even if no one else does. [Redacted due to spazz attack, yet left as a warning to future craziness. ]
I am so less tolerant than I used to be. I just kicked another person off my friends list because I know from experience that I will end up not liking them based on their personality. And I've been gaming with them for almost a year now. I always think I'm going to like everyone and I feel bad when I just have to pull the plug on stuff when I realize where it's going, even if no one else does.
I'm freeradical intolerant. Am I a bad person if I didn't remove you from my FL? LOL
I am so less tolerant than I used to be. I just kicked another person off my friends list because I know from experience that I will end up not liking them based on their personality. And I've been gaming with them for almost a year now. I always think I'm going to like everyone and I feel bad when I just have to pull the plug on stuff when I realize where it's going, even if no one else does.
I'm freeradical intolerant. Am I a bad person if I didn't remove you from my FL? LOL
Just like Deep, I am convinced that the older I get the more insane I become. I'm just going to rant and wave arms around running or shambling through the streets until I succumb to exhaustion and fall asleep naked. I realize I'm just a crazy person and I don't need a snack night to prove it either.
Full hip replacement surgery on Monday morning. Home from the hospital yesterday. 24 hour home health care for a couple of days, and then dialing back as I get stronger (expensive). Pain levels going down and I do have some sweet pain pills. Biggest problem is right leg sort of feels weak (dead leg) which is par for the course (had to get that golf reference in).
Still assessing but okay for the moment. Thanks.
Sorry to hear that.
Sorry to hear about your dad's accident DEEP. I hope he's ok - and your mom too.
Thanks guys. My brother and sister are taking turns spending the nights with him. Sometimes in-home care sit with him too.
Mom is happy enough in the nursing home but doesn't think she needs to be there. Then she forgets where she is.
Ever have that thought that you never knew how good you had it when you were a kid?
Got my first motorcycle 2 weeks ago. 1983 Honda Shadow VT500. It's as old as me with 19k miles on it in really good condition. Just got the plate for it this morning so now it's fully legal and I can't wait to ride!
Enjoy your ride. :)
Nice man
Definite Bucket List item for me.
They're a real kick!
Out on Route 66?
I'm an anti-oxidant. Can we get together?
You just need a porch and a rocking chair. The nakedness will sort itself out...
Full hip replacement surgery on Monday morning. Home from the hospital yesterday. 24 hour home health care for a couple of days, and then dialing back as I get stronger (expensive). Pain levels going down and I do have some sweet pain pills. Biggest problem is right leg sort of feels weak (dead leg) which is par for the course (had to get that golf reference in).
Don't rush it too much, can cause complications and money down the road.
I'm glad your procedure went well Achy. I wish you the best of luck with your recovery.
My question is whether Achy counts as a cyborg now. I would like to be able to say that I have a friend who is a cyborg.
Thinking about changing my GT to "Bionic Hipster."
Just call me "Igor."
Glad to hear things seemingly went well Achy!