Ask your Questions here!
Sat, 07/21/2012 - 05:52
Ask your Questions here!
As we have a few new members I thought it might be a good idea to create a Q&A topic.
If you want to know how to do something on this forum but are unsure how to please ask here.
Q. How do I link a YouTube video so people can watch it here
A. 1. View the video you want other people to watch on YouTube.
2. Click the "Share" button under the video.
3. Copy the text from the drop down box. EG - -
4. Come back to 2Old2Play and just paste the text you have copied in to the reply box.
5. Add text if required then hit Submit Below.
Thats it. Once you press submit it will link the video like below:
Q. How do I find out what races are on each week?
A. There are 2 ways to find out what is going on each week. You can visit the "Racing Events & Series Info" Sub-forum above or you can go to the Weekley Calander found here.
Q. How do make a clickable link something with out the actual destination showing.
A. To turn a link from this - - To this 2Old4Forza is pretty easy.
1. Copy the URL / Destination.
2. Enter the text that is going to be the link Eg 2Old4Forza
3. Highlight the relevant text.
4. Click the little globe with a chain on it about the comment box your typeing in
5. Paste the link in the URL box that appears after doing step 4 and then press ok.
6. That's it. The forum will then link it for you.
Q: How to lock a thread ?
A. Only JCotter can lock and sticky threads at this moment in time.
How do I update a previous post? I see I can edit, but is that the same?
at the bottom right corner of your post, you should see an edit button. Right next to the quote button.
How do I post a picture ?
2nd that Soups and also changing of Avatar (Picture)!
P.S. Playing with the picture...Think I got it!
P.S.S. Wrong!!!...Now I can't change it!
To post a picture, look at the row of buttons above where you type your message. if you hover your mouse over these buttons for a few seconds, a pop up box will appear telling you what the button does.
Right to the left to the button that looks like the letters AP, you will find the image button.
Click the utton, paste your image URL & click ok.
This is only good if you are trying to post someone elses picture already on the internet.
It doesn't address posting from your hard drive,
or even more convoluted,
posting from FM4 to your drive to the net to our forum.
A few Guides made by LBSutke
How to use the Blogging feature:
How to undo Notifications to forum threads:
How to post an Image + getting one from FM4 to here.
A. Getting a Pic from FM4 to your PC
1. Take a photo on FM4 and save it. It will then ask if you would like to upload the image to your Storefront. Select Yes.
2. Go to and Sign in to your Xbox Live profile
3. Once you have signed in scroll down the page and you should see you pictures you have taken on Forza
4. Click on the image you would like to save.
5. Once the image has open right click on it then "Save image"
6. Save it to your PC. You might want to change the name of the file from GetPhoto to something you will remember. Also remember where you are saving it as you will need it for the next bit.
B. Uploading your Picture
1. Once you image is saved to your PC you need to upload it to a image hosting site. I like to use and the rest of this guide will be using this site.
2. Go to
3. Click on "Choose File"
4. locate the file you have saved in section A above
5. Click Upload now
6. Enter the correct anti spam text and press enter
7. That's it its uploaded. Don't close the tab / window yet as we need the URL for the Image.
C. Getting your image on here.
1. Locate / create the topic you are wanting to post your image in.
2. Go to the text box and click on the little picture icon on the toolbar above. Its next to the globe with the broken chain and the letter A with different colors next to it.
3. Once you have clicked the button a new box will appear. You now need the URL of your image.
4. Go back to the Website above that you left open and copy the url in the "Direct Link for Layouts" box
5. Come back here and paste it in the URL text box.
6. Press ok and you image will appear. Press submit below and it will post it on the topic as desired.
6a. You can also change the height and width in the box that opens up on here.
I would like to know is there a time limit in having messages left on the file depot section of the message center . The reason I ask . I had about 36 messages on the file depot section some where gifted tunes and also money received . I went to look them up yesterday to download them and they where all gone. All the other messages where still there rival reccommendation and news.but file depot completely gone.What do you think happened?
I think the time limit is 30 days bro. I've let some stuff sit for too long before & it went away or was returned to the sender if it was a whole car.
Ok then know i feel better, for a minute there I thought I was hacked . How you doing by the way ? I havent been racing alot Ive been doing alot of painting. Thanks for the reply.
How do I join a group? Looking at the 2O4F group to start with. Or do I need to get an invite?
You're already here. As for an in game club invite, I'll message Tourni (he's our European division leader). He can send you an invite in-game.
I have just sent you a club invite Defy
It's been doing this for a long time now Kat. Some people get in on 1st try, others get what you're getting. It's nothing on our end as far as I can tell. message Snappy dee & get him to send you an invite to the east division.
I've considered disbanding & re-forming the central division to see if it fixes the problem, but I'm afraid no one would be able to get in if it didn't fix the problem. Sorry, but for now we just have to deal with it I guess..
Ok..Ill contact him in here....thanx for the reply....will I still get to race with EVERYONE and see the club cars if I join the "Eastern" division??
Who's the best looking guy in the Euro club garage? do I find "Snappy dee"??
If Fitzy was an animal, what type of animal would he be?
Nevermind..I found him..
He's on my XBL Friends list if you want to find him there KAt.
You will have access to that clubs garage but not others of course, & as for finding guys in other divisions, that's why you want to make good use of your own friends list by adding people as you meet them. Or using my friends list or one of the clan tag's friends lists as well. I'll be back on in a day or 2 probably. I'll get with you & walk you through how to make good use of them if you like.
You can race with all of us,
but you're only going to see the cars in the particular club/garage you're in,
and you can ignore Parcells just like the rest of us...(he was in a bizarre moped/mule/fruit stand accident and hasn't been quite right since).
Criticism from a one eyed purple smiley faced pacman look alike. How low has this racing clan sunk. Have we no limits to our degrading opinions. I like it here.
Well, to address your question, somewhat, that's not purple, it's supposed to be a "pink wink", and if you're in the know, you now know how low...