Granted OldSchools not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he participates in these forums so clearly the numbskull can read to a degree so I'm confident his calendar is faulty or the possibilty exists he was looking at a calendar from 2006...the last time August 21 fell on a Monday.
Dont take crap from these guys Oldschool, thats Parcells job!
Seriously considering removing mine and putting it in the damn drawer. If I need a cap, I use the shift key anyway, WTH? (see?) Stupid computer engineers...blindly following the word processor engineers...stupidly following the typewriter engineers...
I mean, are we still scribbling on cave walls or what?
That seems a bit radical, Radikal, we all know that spelling, punctuation, and grammar are (collectively) the very foundation of a polite society, and help is always available to those who require it. For example, if a person is unsure about he correct spelling of a particular word, they could consult either a thesaurus, dictionary, or even spell check. If someone was unsure about their grammar, they could always go to a place called THIRD FUCKING GRADE AND GET A PREPUBESCENT PASTE EATER TO EXPLAIN IT TO THEM.
Oldschool started it...something about his calander being fucked up. What's with the interrogation? This ain't the fucking Spanish Inquisition...come back when you learn some fucking manners.
I'm sorry Mr Jones but FUCK YOU! IS THAT OK. SORRY I FORGOT MY FUCKING MANNERS. Thank you. Have a nice evening as it's bed time. Just watched how us British chaps gave our car industry to the Germans.
Yeah, that's more like it. The foundation of a polite society showcased here in the goodnight thread. We are setting an example for the rest of the world to follow...makes me proud, fellas.
I might not be the best person to highlight the intelligence, maturity and the high standard of morality of our group to the rest of the world. I propose Parcells as our representative.
I might not be the best person to highlight the intelligence, maturity and the high standard of morality of our group to the rest of the world. I propose Parcells as our representative.
You are absolutely correct Fitzy. You aren't.
However, Parcels is nutz, logistically speaking.
Oh, and guns aren't plan B, they're plan A, the police are plan B and they're 10-20 minutes's faster...
I might not be the best person to highlight the intelligence, maturity and the high standard of morality of our group to the rest of the world. I propose Parcells as our representative.
Dont be so hard on yourself Fitzy, you're the perfect person to represent the low standards around here.
PC sorting and platemail skirmishes...hmmm.
Sounds like fun!!
Awsome work Knight! Glad shit is getting sorted
Don't forget, no job is done until the paperwork's complete!.gif)
And not my job
Morning all. Feeling my age a tad, hitch in my back, mild, but persistent.
Okay, I seem to have a defective calendar. Clearly it's decided to be Monday today...
Really your saying the calendar is defective, might I suggest it might not be the calendar that's defective.
Meh, everyday is like Friday for me. Except Sunday... On Sundays it is either racing, football, gaming and lets not forget the Walking Dead.
I love you
You love me
We're a happy family...
come on you know purple crack!
Granted OldSchools not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he participates in these forums so clearly the numbskull can read to a degree so I'm confident his calendar is faulty or the possibilty exists he was looking at a calendar from 2006...the last time August 21 fell on a Monday.
Dont take crap from these guys Oldschool, thats Parcells job!
I don't take it, I dish it out! Gimme your plate Fitzy, I've got a big steamin' heap fer ya!
And it's officially the crappiest WEDNESDAY IN A WHILE. rEALLY FEELING LIKE mONDAY ALL OVER AGAIN...STUPId caps lock button....grrrrrrr
I also dislike caps lock, WHY CAN'T IT BE PSYCHIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.gif)
Hell yea it is!
Seriously considering removing mine and putting it in the damn drawer. If I need a cap, I use the shift key anyway, WTH? (see?) Stupid computer engineers...blindly following the word processor engineers...stupidly following the typewriter engineers...
I mean, are we still scribbling on cave walls or what?
Oh, morning all.
That seems a bit radical, Radikal, we all know that spelling, punctuation, and grammar are (collectively) the very foundation of a polite society, and help is always available to those who require it. For example, if a person is unsure about he correct spelling of a particular word, they could consult either a thesaurus, dictionary, or even spell check. If someone was unsure about their grammar, they could always go to a place called THIRD FUCKING GRADE AND GET A PREPUBESCENT PASTE EATER TO EXPLAIN IT TO THEM.
I thought guns were a sign of a polite society along with strong western accents.
Imagine you just crashed a model airplane into a huge tree, with there being no hope of ever getting it back.
And imagine if some random guy swoops in in a freaking helicopter, grabs the model airplane, lands next to you and hands you your airplane...
deja vu
Well I suppose if anyone could make a British car decent it would be the Germans..gif)
Ah, yes. Good afternoon everyone.
^^ This...
and to be sure, I bet it was sold...
Yeah, that's more like it. The foundation of a polite society showcased here in the goodnight thread. We are setting an example for the rest of the world to follow...makes me proud, fellas.
I might not be the best person to highlight the intelligence, maturity and the high standard of morality of our group to the rest of the world. I propose Parcells as our representative.
You are absolutely correct Fitzy. You aren't.
However, Parcels is nutz, logistically speaking.
Oh, and guns aren't plan B, they're plan A, the police are plan B and they're 10-20 minutes's faster...
Hmm, maybe we should arm our pizza delivery?
Dont be so hard on yourself Fitzy, you're the perfect person to represent the low standards around here.