My internet connection is fine, Microsoft how bout' yours?

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Sat, 06/08/2013 - 13:20 (Reply to #31)
InfernalGiggler's picture
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I see your point.  Granted on a whole I'm guessing there won't be an issue.  I think the point of the article is more again a what if scenario.  Is it probable that MS servers will get hacked and be down for weeks at a time leaving us with just another dvd player?  No, at least I certainly hope not.  Is it possible? Yes there is always a chance even if slim that it could happen.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 12:35
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Where's the ignore button?

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 14:08
Azuredreams's picture
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Sat, 06/08/2013 - 14:17
Autarch's picture
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Blowing into a cart often caused more long term damage than any possible benifit.

Corrosion on the contacts, you see.

What I find interesting is how many people came up with doing that independant of each other.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 14:26 (Reply to #35)
CrypticCat's picture
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Autarch wrote:

Blowing into a cart often caused more long term damage than any possible benifit.

Corrosion on the contacts, you see.

What I find interesting is how many people came up with doing that independant of each other.

Dude, it was blowing into the cartridge, not spitting. Unless you mix the two up, in that case I feel for your SO when you 'blow' into her ear. Sheesh.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 15:07 (Reply to #36)
Autarch's picture
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CrypticCat wrote:

Autarch wrote:

Blowing into a cart often caused more long term damage than any possible benifit.

Corrosion on the contacts, you see.

What I find interesting is how many people came up with doing that independant of each other.

Dude, it was blowing into the cartridge, not spitting. Unless you mix the two up, in that case I feel for your SO when you 'blow' into her ear. Sheesh.

Breaking News: breathable air contains moisture.

Also, holy crap an article about this very thing!

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 15:28 (Reply to #37)
CrypticCat's picture
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Autarch wrote:

CrypticCat wrote:

Autarch wrote:

Blowing into a cart often caused more long term damage than any possible benifit.

Corrosion on the contacts, you see.

What I find interesting is how many people came up with doing that independant of each other.

Dude, it was blowing into the cartridge, not spitting. Unless you mix the two up, in that case I feel for your SO when you 'blow' into her ear. Sheesh.

Breaking News: breathable air contains moisture.

Also, holy crap an article about this very thing!

At this point I'm sure you went to public school. The amount of moisture in your exhale is trace. To actually corrode something metalic with your breath, you'll need to forcefully spit while you exhale, and do that for a very long time. See here the difference between knowledge and backing up idiocy with the powah of the internet.

Internet 101: Most information on the net is a) bullshit b) half-truth c) arrived at after sacirficing virgins.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 15:51 (Reply to #38)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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CrypticCat wrote:

At this point I'm sure you went to public school. The amount of moisture in your exhale is trace. To actually corrode something metalic with your breath, you'll need to forcefully spit while you exhale, and do that for a very long time. See here the difference between knowledge and backing up idiocy with the powah of the internet.

Internet 101: Most information on the net is a) bullshit b) half-truth c) arrived at after sacirficing virgins.

Wow, we are way OT now.

Sorry Cryptic. It's practically impossible to blow on electrical contacts like that without expressing corrosive droplets. In my line of work, where electronics had to be partially disassembled in the field from time to time, we were expressly forbidden from blowing on them. Compressed air cans only.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 16:26 (Reply to #39)
NorthernPlato's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

CrypticCat wrote:

At this point I'm sure you went to public school. The amount of moisture in your exhale is trace. To actually corrode something metalic with your breath, you'll need to forcefully spit while you exhale, and do that for a very long time. See here the difference between knowledge and backing up idiocy with the powah of the internet.

Internet 101: Most information on the net is a) bullshit b) half-truth c) arrived at after sacirficing virgins.

Wow, we are way OT now.

Sorry Cryptic. It's practically impossible to blow on electrical contacts like that without expressing corrosive droplets. In my line of work, where electronics had to be partially disassembled in the field from time to time, we were expressly forbidden from blowing on them. Compressed air cans only.

Well, I blew into every cartridge for my NES that even once looked as though it might be acting up, and I still own my NES and all those games from 1980-whatever, and every one of them still works.  I get what you're trying to say Deep, but it's a NES cartridge.  It wasn't exactly sensitive technology.

Also, after reading all the crap about the X1 on here for the last week or so, I think it needs to be said:  Autarch, go suck a dick.  Every time you reply to someone, it seems to be just so that you can be a cunty douche.  It's old.  Next time Cryptic, Azure, or OldSchool, or really anyone else here posts something that you can find some article that refutes what they're posting an opinion about (which you obviously must be interpreting as a fact, not an expression of opinion), just don't hit the submit button.  Write up whatever drivel you want, and instead of hitting [Submit], hit the [Back] button on your browser.  We'll all appreciate it more.  And maybe more threads won't get derailed.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 17:00 (Reply to #40)
CrypticCat's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

CrypticCat wrote:

At this point I'm sure you went to public school. The amount of moisture in your exhale is trace. To actually corrode something metalic with your breath, you'll need to forcefully spit while you exhale, and do that for a very long time. See here the difference between knowledge and backing up idiocy with the powah of the internet.

Internet 101: Most information on the net is a) bullshit b) half-truth c) arrived at after sacirficing virgins.

Wow, we are way OT now.

Sorry Cryptic. It's practically impossible to blow on electrical contacts like that without expressing corrosive droplets. In my line of work, where electronics had to be partially disassembled in the field from time to time, we were expressly forbidden from blowing on them. Compressed air cans only.

Absolutely. I wouldn't blow at equipment that is worth several Ks, and costs a lot more when it's not working. Cutting out the human-factor is just smart play. It prevents from your client refusing to pay the bill because you blew on a contact and he knows through the grapevine that this is baaaaad. However, there's a lot more to it than that. In order for metal to corrode a few conditions have to be met. The foremost factor is that metal has to be exposed to the elements. (Heat and humidity being chief culprits). It doesn't even matter if the metal is encased in concrete. Strengthened concrete is even weaker than unstrengthened concrete, because over time, the metal corrodes ANYWAY. That's why ancient greek ruins are still standing and districts in your town have to be subjected to urban renewal after 80 years. That's why deckhands on ships spent most their time painting the ship over and over again, because through the layers of paint, the ship is rusting away under their asses.

In the case of Nintendo cartridges, more mundane influences need to be factored in. Constant use, playing near aircos, not playing near aircos, people smoking, hot beverages near the cratridges, finger-grease (Gaming and pizza), your younger siblings and the dog. Blowing on a cartridge is such a minor act in that respect that it is, both in intent and effectual outcome, terribly pointless.

You can test how damaging your breath is really, by making sure the palm of your hand is sandpaper dry and then blow on it. If you feel moisture on the spot you're blowing on, go see a doctor, you're coming down with something. The moisture in your breath cannot be measured analogue...

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 17:33 (Reply to #41)
CrypticCat's picture
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Sorry, after Northernplato's post I know that I really shouldn't do this. But it is stronger than me. ^^

Autarch wrote:

CrypticCat wrote:

Autarch wrote:

Blowing into a cart often caused more long term damage than any possible benifit.

Corrosion on the contacts, you see.

What I find interesting is how many people came up with doing that independant of each other.

Dude, it was blowing into the cartridge, not spitting. Unless you mix the two up, in that case I feel for your SO when you 'blow' into her ear. Sheesh.

Breaking News: breathable air contains moisture.

Also, holy crap an article about this very thing!

Autarch wrote:

Just can't escape from personal attacks on this site for adults. It's getting ridiculous.

Can't even talk about cartridge use without being shit on anymore.


Aaaah.... that was good. Thanks Autarch. You squarely made my day, dude.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 15:33
Autarch's picture
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Just can't escape from personal attacks on this site for adults.  It's getting ridiculous.

Can't even talk about cartridge use without being shit on anymore.


I'm not saying I'm leaving, just that its sad to see this with such frequency here.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 15:38
Autarch's picture
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Even Nintendo itself had warnings against this for the specific reason of corrosion.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 18:00
Autarch's picture
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Don't worry Cat, my post contained zero personal attacks and no namecalling.  Glad to brighten your day!

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 19:55
Gatsu's picture
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Remember when the PS3 servers got hacked and the service was down for almost a month? Microsoft is asking for this kind of attack. Funny thing is though, with the Xbone, you can't play games if you don't check in once in a while. The PS3 you could at least still play your games.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 22:55
SnappyDee's picture
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Isn't it the publishers that want to charge a fee for trade in games? MS is saying that they don't collect a dime from that. 


Sat, 06/08/2013 - 23:06
CrypticCat's picture
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I wonder how long that daily check-in will be maintained. I don't think that MS can stay firm on this policy. With even EA backpedaling on their Online Pass and backwardsly lifting it from every title that has one (Effectively doing away with mandatory Day1 DLC), MS is looking at a major publisher actually reducing their draconic stance on this very matter. Though it could very well be that EA is doing this in a move to have their upcoming titles compatible with MS' new system, there's no way of telling.

Don't read this if you're not Autarch. This is the last thing I'll have to say to him in this thread that's OT. Promise.


autarch wrote:
Don't worry Cat, my post contained zero personal attacks and no namecalling.

Yes, I'm perfectly capable of reading between the lines and frankly, I'm sick of it. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but please try it on people who didn't spent years discussing topics with superior officers in a military setting and/or being talked to by lower ranks. Your way of talking with a smile and a dagger in your sleeve is so obvious it makes me cringe. In fact, every time you post, somewhere in the world a kitten dies.

Do yourself a favor, just come out and say what you want to say. Be a fucking man.


Sat, 06/08/2013 - 23:18
Autarch's picture
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I feel that online features should be so overwhelmingly positive that people will want to choose to use them.  I don't think they should be absolutely forced upon people who have no intention to use them - such as the case with SimCity.

If the online features are so absolutely wonderful then that in itself will get people to want to use them.

I don't think a daily connection to the internet is a correct pace for this even if one is to be required.  Weekly would be far less dramatic, and have the same effects on Piracy.  That is, reduce some but not likely to eliminate it completely.

As an absolute requirement it eliminates peoples ability to play games - people who are honest, paying customers.  People across the globe not just in certain countries or areas.

Xbox Live as a whole has had downtime.  There is no official word yet on what happens if someone decides to attempt playing a game for the first time. or even sign in while the service as a whole is down.


The benifits to something should be absolutely clear and extremely impressive to vastly outweigh the negative impact.  While I understand the benifits of cloud enabled games, not every game will use that, and for the 24-hour minimum I cannot see a benifit for paying customers.

If it does eliminate piracy, will we see a lower price on games?  Somehow, I doubt it.


CrypticCat - for you:

[spoiler]There are things we disagree on with Xbox One, but also things I think we can agree on too.  I just want to discuss it, and soon with E3 and its announcements I'd like to discuss it here, with you too.  Let's just put the shitstorm behind us, ok?  It doesn't help anyone and I'll be the first to say it reflects poorly on the community as a whole.  Sorry for snide remarks and antagonizing.  Let's discuss things even if we disagree, but as discussion not a warzone.  OK?[/spoiler]

Sun, 06/09/2013 - 01:14
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
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Ok, I'm going to put my foot into it with this, and so far I'm giving M$ the benefit of the doubt until they come out with OFFICIAL statements to clarify anything.

There is some sarcasm in here, it's in bold.

Other than someone mentioning the hack attack on Sony servers that took them offline for a month AND took some peoples personal data.

Let's put a more personal spin on this.

How many people in here are religious about where they put their keys once they get home?

What do you do when you realize they're not there?

How much of a panic do you get into until you find them?

When your kid or wife finds it are you grateful for it?

Then how much do you scold yourself when they are found?

M$ has every right to maintain the integrity of the service they provide, that service being Xbox Live. They honestly couldn't give much of a crap about the box itself, they won't make money off of it for a while. No console ever has made money from the HW for years after they started making them. They are protecting the service they provide their and that is the end of the story. If you read this maybe some optomisim can be injected.

Your voice is linked to your GT, if you get your Xbox One stolen and then you tell M$, they can help get it back and procecute the people who stole it. If they take it online M$ will know exactly where it is, they tell you, you tell the cops.

From M$'s standpoint (or my idea behind it) is to find a way to stop people from hacking XBL accounts and prevent the same thing from happening to them as to what happened to Sony. Making sure your GT has a hearbeat is one way to do that.

There are cars out there on sale today that will remind you via some message that your oil/ tires/ inspection stickers are due.

What happens if you ignore it? Do car industres have the right to suspend your " 100,000 mile or 10 year" transmission warranty if you do? Let me answer that, because the answer is yes. They label it under "preventative maintenence", if there are metal shards in your trannie fluid or oil you just lost that guarantee.

When it comes to the inspection stickers do you think the cop is going to accept your excuse that your car forgot to send your phone the message?

As far as we know there have been no global wide breakdowns in server access when MS has been stressed the most on game release days like CoD, Halo, Battlefield or Forza.

Those dates are the day they are obvioulsly stressed the longest and the hardest. If the failure is going to happen it will happen then.


Sun, 06/09/2013 - 01:30
IamDank's picture
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most of you sound like fucking assholes. thanks for the lols for the past few weeks. 135

Sun, 06/09/2013 - 11:45 (Reply to #51)
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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IamDank wrote:

most of you sound like fucking assholes. thanks for the lols for the past few weeks. 135


Wed, 06/12/2013 - 10:29 (Reply to #52)
BigBadMike's picture
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IamDank wrote:

most of you sound like fucking assholes. thanks for the lols for the past few weeks. 135


Sun, 06/09/2013 - 07:36
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I've been observing an interesting side story to this topic. It was mentioned on HBO. Bungie's Destiny is apparently confirmed to be 100% online. In spite of that, fewer people are seen shaking fists at Bungie than at  MS. So why is Bungie getting the easier ride? Why hasn't the "always on" shit storm been visited upon them?  I have no facts or figures, just a general observation that others have noticed too.

Sun, 06/09/2013 - 09:16 (Reply to #54)
Autarch's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

I've been observing an interesting side story to this topic. It was mentioned on HBO. Bungie's Destiny is apparently confirmed to be 100% online. In spite of that, fewer people are seen shaking fists at Bungie than at  MS. So why is Bungie getting the easier ride? Why hasn't the "always on" shit storm been visited upon them?  I have no facts or figures, just a general observation that others have noticed too.

People are probably familiar with online required games, such as PC MMOs or Planetside 2.

I think its more upsetting to people that a game like Skyrim requires an internet connection when the game itself does not because of the system its being played on.

People can no longer even enjoy a single player game offline with Xbox One.  I know they can go offline and it won't kick them for a while, but they absolutely cannot play if they never have an internet connection.


SimCity and Diablo 3 should have been fair warning.  The world and its varying connection uptimes should have been a fair warning that making every game require a minimum 24 hour internet check is a bad idea.


The key is - what is the benifit for paying customers for 24 hour internet checks?

Sun, 06/09/2013 - 09:23
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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If the once a day "check in" is meant to download updates so you aren't inconvenienced by a Live update when you turn it on and miss the first 30 seconds of Oprah interviewing (do you really care who?) then why does it shut off your access to games if 24 hrs elapse without a check in?

And BTW, I've seen nowhere that this interruption is catastrophic. By that, and let me be clear, yes apparently your games may cease to work, BUT as soon as you do make the connection and the check in occurs, I'm guessing it's all hunky dory and it's game on!

So yes, you can't play a day after your net melts at the local substation or in my case, some tree down the road takes a line out, but you don't lose your cheevos, your account isn't reset or banished to limbo, and when the cable comes back on, so does your internet fix and your ability to play.

Do  I  like this, no, and I really think the backlash on this will be bigger than the used games ruckus currently bouncing around. And I think a lot of normal parents (if they're aware, which is a big concern to me) are going to join arm n arm with the "tin hats" on some of these kinect concerns...

I'm still in the "not buying day one, and may not at all category"


Sun, 06/09/2013 - 09:28
Autarch's picture
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Deep, let me add a bit more about Destiny and this.


One of the big benifits Microsoft touted for the Xbox One is cloud processing improving games.  Certain games that make heavy use of this cannot be played without an Internet connection active.  The benifit to a consumer though is clear - the game looks amazing, or allows much bigger multiplayer matches than ever before.

Destiny is designed for multiplayer.  Its whole genre is called a "shared world shooter".  No surprises really.


However, people who buy a cloud heavy game, or Destiny, can't play those without Internet.  I think they should be able to play other games though during that time.


For example - if someone lives in a place where Internet is spotty and there is no alternative to upgrade, they can't play Destiny or that Cloud powered game while their connection is down.  However, this wouldn't be a surprise, it would simply mean play something single player in the meantime.  Except, because of this 24 hour check in, they might not be able to do even that.

Once the connection in such an area comes back the person would be able to play Destiny or a cloud game just fine.  Just like anyone else who has Internet again after downtime with regards to online games.


So, a closing question - If there absolutely must be a check in period, is there a reason that weekly checks would not be acceptable where 24 hours would?

Sun, 06/09/2013 - 10:25
Gatsu's picture
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In my opinion, and this may be extreme. There should be no "check-ins" period. This is a video game console. Not a PC, not a iphone, not any other device that we carry with us around that's "always on & connected". It's a home video game console.

If there is a system update, it can f*cking wait until the next time I turn on my console to get it. It's not an inconvenience for me to wait a few minutes for an update. Same with any updates for games. I don't want it updating anything until I put a game in. Easy solution. Have this be an option you can turn on and off. Little check box in the system settings. Like Windows Automatic Updates. So the people who want them to download auto, can do that. Those that don't want that....don't have to. Simple.

The reason? Now I do realize there is only a small chance of this happening, but it's happened to me once so....the fear is very real. An update that accidentally bricks your console. From a game, or dashboard update.....or a bug that wipes your saved data for a particular game. It's happened. Borderlands 2 had a glitch like that. Several other games as well.

I want to control when I install those updates. If I go online and read there's an update for a game I play regularly, I'll check to make sure that it's not causing issues, THEN download it by starting up that game.

I don't want my Xbox to do anything unless I tell it to or allow it to. I don't care how "easy" Microsoft says it's trying to make it for everybody. There's always a catch with them. Sorry. Not gonna trade a little convenience for my ability to play the games I spend my hard earned f*cking money on.

This is again....Microsoft creating a problem that really isn't there, and offering us a solution that we really don't the expense of our own control of our experience.

Now about Destiny. I have no problems with Destiny being an always on game. Why? Because it's kinda like an MMO. That's expected. Online makes up the majority of that game. So when I play it, I expect to have to be online. Just like Warcraft or whatever.

Not every game needs this, and my console sure as hell doesn't either.

Sun, 06/09/2013 - 11:50
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I know MS is the target people like to bash on but I've got confidence in the the big lug (hate the marketing side). Here is a good news story that is OT but illustrates how MS isn't the worst thing that could happen to us. MS helps take down Citadel.

I've looked at this 'always on' and '24 hour game check in' from my perspective and it doesn't negatively affect me at all. I figure if a certain game wouldn't fit within my WAN regime then I wouldn't or shouldn't buy it. Even for my PCs, both present and past, there have been plenty of games I didn't buy because my PC didn't meet the minimum requirements. It was a simple supply and demand issue for the vendor and I had no say outside of no sale. How could I blame the software vendor for my PC's limitations? So then, how can I blame MS for my inablilties in not meeting a connectivity requirement? The XB1 simply has to experience the supply and demand cycle that all such products and services do.

If I loose my cable, the cable company rarely if ever gives me a little perk for the trouble. MS has already given little perks when the've inconvenienced customers. We hold MS to a very high bar. Maybe too high?

Sun, 06/09/2013 - 12:16
Gatsu's picture
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The always on doesn't affect me either Deep. But that's not the point. If the device doesn't check in once every 24 hours, you cannot play your games on it. That $60 dollar game becomes useless. You cannot access it at all. You cannot play it, yet it is yours. Microsoft is telling you that you cannot use what you purchased unless you meet this silly requirement. No its not a big requirement for a lot of people. But its the fact that you cannot use your console for it's intended purpose. The console becomes a brick. Sure you can watch TV and blurays....but I don't need an Xbone to do that. So that point is not even a positive one.

No I can't blame microsoft if I can't meet their connection requirement. But why is this connection requirement even there? Why do they need to see my xbox online once every 24 hours? More importantly....why can I not even use the goddamn thing to play my games that I paid for if they don't see me online in a 24 hour period. That makes zero sense.

Ive heard a lot of people saying this is like having the broadband requirement for Xbox Live when the original Xbox dropped. No it's not really. Because the Xbox didn't stop playing games if you didn't have broadband. It just meant 1 small feature you wouldn't be able to take advantage of. It didn't mean the box was absolutely useless for gaming.

And Microsoft is the devil. You will never convince me otherwise. wink 
EA partnering with them is like Darth Vader and Dr. Doom teaming up. Sounds really cool until they start dropping moon bases on your front lawn and nuking your neighbors.

Sun, 06/09/2013 - 12:38
Autarch's picture
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Deep - how does the 24 hour check in BENIFIT you?

It clearly will have a negative impact on people, but not everyone.

However, how does it in a real way actually improve  your experience compared to downloading updates when a connection is available?

Just tell me that.

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