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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
YEM wrote: buckeye75 wrote: If you read all these responses in the voice of "Comic Book Guy" from the Simpsons, this thread is way more fun to read. At the end of each rebuttal you should add: "Worst villan ever." I lol'd
buckeye75 wrote: If you read all these responses in the voice of "Comic Book Guy" from the Simpsons, this thread is way more fun to read. At the end of each rebuttal you should add: "Worst villan ever."
If you read all these responses in the voice of "Comic Book Guy" from the Simpsons, this thread is way more fun to read. At the end of each rebuttal you should add: "Worst villan ever."
I lol'd
Hey,.... this is serious stuff.
I lol'd too.
I don't know if I should admire how much thought you put into this, or if you should be ashamed.
(back on "OFF TOPIC")
Claude505 wrote:
That's hilarious lol
I thought that was supposed to be keyboard cat playing him off.
That freaks me out. what is it\?
PoltegIce wrote: That freaks me out. what is it\?
QWOP the flash game....go play it - you'll laugh (note the guy in the background with the keyboard)
BlowMonkey wrote: PoltegIce wrote: That freaks me out. what is it\? QWOP the flash game....go play it - you'll laugh (note the guy in the background with the keyboard)
I went and tried it. I hated every second.
Apologies. It is clever.
Coolpengwn wrote: Apologies. It is clever.
Very nice.
Coolpengwn wrote: [IMG]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh237/Coolpengwn/578880_5004188333071... Apologies. It is clever.
FU Pengwn......I just got grammar rolled :(
seanfletcher wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBM7i84BThE
LOL, that's awsome!
Vulcan ear Iphone case: http://www.etsy.com/listing/97677241/iphone-4-4s-case-spock-ear-design-star
OMGaLaserPewPew wrote: The lions play every thanksgiving? Huh, I could have sworn it was a college vs. pro game.
They don't always play, but they keep getting invited back because they're pretty good about showing up on time.
sicrik wrote:
...or his prostitute
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
Hey,.... this is serious stuff.
I lol'd too.
I don't know if I should admire how much thought you put into this, or if you should be ashamed.
(back on "OFF TOPIC")
That's hilarious lol
I thought that was supposed to be keyboard cat playing him off.
That freaks me out. what is it\?
QWOP the flash game....go play it - you'll laugh (note the guy in the background with the keyboard)
I went and tried it. I hated every second.
Apologies. It is clever.
Very nice.
FU Pengwn......I just got grammar rolled :(
LOL, that's awsome!
Vulcan ear Iphone case: http://www.etsy.com/listing/97677241/iphone-4-4s-case-spock-ear-design-star
They don't always play, but they keep getting invited back because they're pretty good about showing up on time.
...or his prostitute