My internet connection is fine, Microsoft how bout' yours?

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#1 Fri, 06/07/2013 - 22:26
Azuredreams's picture
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Fri, 06/07/2013 - 22:34
RogueRedneck's picture
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This is a great point.  Right now, when the MS servers go down or there is a malfunciton with Live, it's an inconvenience but at least we can still play our games.  With this new system, and the info we have available, this could turn into a major roadblock.  

I'll be honest several of the things I'm seeing about the Xbox One concerns me.  The on-line check in and Kinect dependability are the two biggest.  

Fri, 06/07/2013 - 22:50
Azuredreams's picture
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Indeed. I really think that a lot of the concerns people have are valid and it's very understandable that a lot of Xbox users are more than a little miffed. 

Fri, 06/07/2013 - 23:03
Shadow's picture
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15,000 servers for XBL currently

300,000 servers at One launch.


Honestly in my 6 years of XBL gaming, the service has been down less times than I can count on my fingers.

Fri, 06/07/2013 - 23:14 (Reply to #4)
Azuredreams's picture
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Shadow wrote:

15,000 servers for XBL currently

300,000 servers at One launch.


Honestly in my 6 years of XBL gaming, the service has been down less times than I can count on my fingers.

Shadow, I swear if someone showed you in black and white that Microsoft was going to flip over and rape every person who buys this new system you'd respond with some apathetic yet supportive statement. 

I guess the rest of the gaming community are all crazy for thinking Microsoft could ever have server troubles and you in your omnipresence know better. 

Fri, 06/07/2013 - 23:10
Azuredreams's picture
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Fri, 06/07/2013 - 23:16
Shadow's picture
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Azure, I don't understand why you overreact.  I'm stating facts, and using those to back up my opinion that it's going to be ok.  I'm not entertaining the alarmist side of this, because I don't think it's going to be something to worry about.  Why am I the wrong one by stating facts?

Fri, 06/07/2013 - 23:32 (Reply to #7)
Azuredreams's picture
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Shadow wrote:

Azure, I don't understand why you overreact.  I'm stating facts, and using those to back up my opinion that it's going to be ok.  I'm not entertaining the alarmist side of this, because I don't think it's going to be something to worry about.  Why am I the wrong one by stating facts?

I'm not overreacting Shadow. Every single post I have put up on this topic you and your buddy has had to put your two cents into. No matter how plausible and well backed it is, you bash it. You're not stating facts, you're stating opinion. The fact that your Xbox Live hasn't gone down more than you can count on your fingers doesn't mean others hasn't or wont when the system is strained well beyond it ever has been before. My Xbox live has gone down for 30 min to an hour intervals quite a few times. No it was not my connection, it was Xbox Live. This actually has happened twice this week alone. Usually at night while I was trying to play NBA2k13. Now normally I couldn't care less if my live went down for a few, but in that game much like the games of the next gen, you need to be logged in to gain virtual coins to level your character. Needless to say it sucks the big one when you've just had a 50 point game and earn a ton of coin only to be booted off live and lose the coins completely. 


Your response was just another chance for you to push your opinion down my throat. I guess it's just a coincidence that you linked the same Escapist review about the new consoles I did...only 2 pages later and no one said jack shit to you. But when I linked it in the same thread I was dog piled on. Same old club house mentality that's prevailed around here since I joined so long ago. 

Lb might as well lock this one now as well, because I'm sure you and your friend will have a snarky response for anything myself or anyone else with a differing opinion will be posting in it. This must be a new record time for running someone out of their own thread. Congrats, enjoy the lack of content, as I sure as hell wont be offering any. 


Fri, 06/07/2013 - 23:43
Shadow's picture
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Azure.  Seriously.  Back off.  You are very combative and there is no reason for it.  I don't even know this guy from the other friend you are referring to, but I do know that the only other time I have conversed with him on the boards was in a Halo 4 thread where I very much disagreed with him.  You are looking for any reason to hate on MS, here.  You're not being level headed about any of this - every thing you post is negative, and when confronted with facts and links, you flip out and call the poster a shill.

I don't know if it's a schtick or if you're really this pessimistic about everything in life, but I don't want to talk to you anymore.  Good day.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 00:18
InfernalGiggler's picture
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I've tried to keep up with the different threads and admittedly have not posted due to some of the 'discussions' that go back and forth.  I have good internet...I pay for in a major city and expect it to be maintained as much aa possible.  That being said I don't think I would have any issues with the 24hr unless I was to head out of town..say to a cabin or something where I don't have internet.  Still...I have friends in areas where their internet is awful.  I have friends in Louisiana that have hurricanes and tropical storms that can lose power or even just cable/internet for up to a week or longer.  Should they have to move just to play a video game whenever they feel like it? No. I do think though that living where they do..they understand and have expectations that certain things will either require a work around or just not work during these instances.  Is it fair? Probably not. But, MS has well announced their plans so if they choose to buy an X1 then they are also choosing the risk of losing access to play their games.  I think MS could have gone about it a little differntly...prehaps extend the period to that of 1 week if they really felt the need to do this.  Though even that would still cause some people issues.  Does the situation suck? Yes, but again..if you buy the know what you are getting yourself in to.

I was excited about the next gen consoles...I would have probably gotten an X1 day one before all this news came out.  Now I am not so sure.  I'm not saying I am jumping ship or that anyone else should...I have yet to make up my mind.  I like some of the tech...I think what the kinect can do is I really want one in my living  I like the idea of cloud computing and the fact it might give publishers a door way into making changes here and there to fix or change the dynamics of how a game plays, but I also think that electonic door could let in unwanted individuals as well.  Is it probable that it would, but it is possible.  There are pros and cons with any system you go it X1, PS4 or even PC.  I'm hoping for more information...clarification of policies..and though doubtful maybe even some revision of policies stated.  It is still a coin toss this early in the game.  I have had a blast playing with a ton of 2o2pers in a variety of games the last few years and hope to continue doing so in the future...whatever the game or system it might be on...

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 05:21 (Reply to #10)
CrypticCat's picture
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InfernalGiggler wrote:

I was excited about the next gen consoles...I would have probably gotten an X1 day one before all this news came out.  Now I am not so sure.  I'm not saying I am jumping ship...

I jumped ship before it was cool. ^^

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 00:29
Biznass's picture
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For fucks (mfffffffffffffftrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!) guys. Fight this please. I like Sony but I need MS to at least keep them honest. You guys already made 'paywall mp' into a thing, don't take this shit. If Sony says 'system wide' bullshit I'm out. It sucks, I'm not much for pc but I gotta draw the line. Divide and conquer no longer. I could go into a whole rant but if you can't see the forrest for the trees........I don't know what to do for you.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 03:38
CProRacing's picture
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Sat, 06/08/2013 - 05:13
Azuredreams's picture
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Thanks everyone else for actually contributing to the thread. Sorry for the back and forth but if you've been keeping up with the threads you'll see what I was talking about. If they can stay out of this thread, maybe we can have a civil adult discussion about the next gen consoles. 

I think what the next gen is coming down to is really an Apple mentality. I think they are banking on the fact that regardless of  whatever insane restrictions they place on the consoles, people will rush to buy them. Just like the next cell phone that doesn't really do anything better or faster, but people line up around the corner to buy it anyway. Remind me of this clip from Jimmy Kimmel on the launch of the iphone 5.


Sat, 06/08/2013 - 05:12
Azuredreams's picture
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Anyone think it's about time for this? 

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 05:29 (Reply to #15)
CrypticCat's picture
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Azuredreams wrote:

Anyone think it's about time for this? 

As a Sega hardware fan-boi I would say, YES PLEASE! But the realist in me shakes his head. The original DC was too far ahead of the times and Sega paid the price. In the current climate, for Sega to successfully inject a new system (if they ever will, don't hold your breath) they would have to look backwards in time, not forward. That's so unlike Sega it isn't even funny. At the time I was sad Sega pulled out of the hardware-side of things, but looking back now I can't even begin to understand the level of awesome providence and epiphamy the board of directors at Sega must have had.

The romantic in me... would I buy a DC2? YES. Would I do it against better judgment? YES.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 05:39
Azuredreams's picture
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Yeah Cryptic I agree that it would probably be too good to be true, but as you said the Sega nerd in me would buy it against my better judgment. That's kind of what is so infuriating about this new Xbone. I am a huge Microsoft fan, but this time they have just gone too damn far. I have been a consumer for their products longer than I care to remember. When everyone was touting Linux Redhat and saying how much Windows sucked, I was there. Hell I've been using the same Microsoft intellimouse trackball for 15 years! I do not hate Microsoft. I simply wont stand idlely by and watch them destroy the console industry. 

Just saw this on Reddit and thought it really illustrates my point. 

We have to remember that we are not Microsoft's primary audience.....

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 06:06
KnightofRedemption's picture
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I'm not sure, the Live issues might have been addressed by the admittedly huge increase in Servers. Though of course this may be offset by the far greater demands of cloud computing. That remains to be seen. The reason for the once a day connection bugs me, it assumes we are all potential Pirates and need checking every day. As I have said in other threads. those of us with poor internet or even no internet have been totally ignored, that is unforgivable.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 06:15 (Reply to #18)
Azuredreams's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

I'm not sure, the Live issues might have been addressed by the admittedly huge increase in Servers. Though of course this may be offset by the far greater demands of cloud computing. That remains to be seen. The reason for the once a day connection bugs me, it assumes we are all potential Pirates and need checking every day. As I have said in other threads. those of us with poor internet or even no internet have been totally ignored, that is unforgivable.

The statement about us all being percieved as pirates is the nail on the head. Which is so sad because honestly it's nothing more than an excuse. There have been countless studies showing that piracy has no where near the impact on the idustry that they claim it does. All one has to do is Google the studies and they come up in droves. From movie sales, music and video games, the studies have come back with the same results again and again, it does not drain a signifigant amount of money away from the developers. 

As for the internet problem, thankfully I live in an area that has amazing internet service. However, I do sympathize with everyone who is not so fourtunate and cannot think of one good reason the new consoles would want to punish those with poor connections with all of these restrictions. The launch of the Xbone is one of the most short sighted product launches i've ever witnessed and I only hope that everyone who is upset about this simply doesn't buy one. We really need to vote with our wallets and tell these companies that we will not be pushed around and made to buy consoles with this sort of intrusive DRM and connectivity bullshit. 

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 14:02 (Reply to #19)
Snuphy's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:
The reason for the once a day connection bugs me, it assumes we are all potential Pirates and need checking every day.
 I think there may be other reasons we haven't heard about yet.  I also think they may also be justifying the cloud.  MS has had difficulty getting developers to make content for the Kinect because not every xbox owner has one and those who do only turn it on when their daughters have a sleepover.  So it has a very limited market not worth most developers' time.  This seems like a big reason it's being stuffed up our backsides now.  If every ONE has a kinect and everyone has to have it turned on, then the potential audience for kinect will explode exponentionally.  There may soon be a reason to make games for kinect.  Similarly, to guarantee a significant market for games using the cloud, they force every ONE to always be online.  In unrelated news, both of my enter keys are refusing to function.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 07:18
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Well to be honest I dont really care if others buy it. Microsoft have obviously crunched the numbers and have decided that there is enough customers that will have the requirements needed and don't care about any of the other possible issues. I just don't happen to be one of them.

Like you I don't have an anti Microsoft mindset, I run a MS OS, I have had endless MS mice,keyboard and gaming controllers (though I am using logitec stuff at the moment)


Sat, 06/08/2013 - 07:22
wilderz's picture
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My current issues with the next Xbox are:

I can't loan a game to a friend unless they have been on my friend's list for 30 days, and then I can only loan a game once????

Kinect has to ALWAYS be attached -apparently it can be paused and placed in an idle state and will only 'listen' for xbox commands...

I have to connect online once every 24 hours.

My arcade library won't transfer

rentals will not work at launch

Used cames can be played but wrinkles have not been ironed out.


If the PS4 has half these issues I will have no problems making the jump.




Sat, 06/08/2013 - 08:03
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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My primary thing is Forza, which ONLY on Xbox, adn it is my primary reason for even considering the new Box.

That said, and I say this because my boys have on eof their own in their room and I have been able to compare the two simultaneously. The Forza online connection seems to more sensitive and way less forgiving than COD or Halo, etc. And there have been times where they've been fine and the Forza crowds been all messed up with droppages and such. I'm not convinced they've fixed this yet, and again, it's a wait n see. I get that.

Also, high demand situations onthis system to me look like they would increase, Day of Release issues are going to increase as they are really pushing day one digital sales. I think the "checking in" daily thing as far as bandwidth wil be minute. However make no mistake, I don't like buying a machine where M$ has essentiall said, we can't trust you. I would compare this 24hr ping to wearing a hause arrest ankle band. Except I haven't done anything wrong, I'm not on parole, and yet there it is.

I can tell you this, with the explosion of a crapstorm in the media this last week on the governments prying, and everyone wondering what we haven't heard on it yet, my wife's dead set ATM against a new kinect in her house. That's not my opinion, that's her point of view and it may not change.

I wonder what that kinect would do if I surrounded it with mirrors? And for thos ethat are accused of wearing that tinfoil hat, maybe the kinect would be a good place to set it down.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 08:17
Gatsu's picture
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If we don't like what Microsoft is doing, there is only one real way that we can make them listen. Not buy the damn thing. We have to speak with our wallets.

I'm only one person. But I'm not going to buy the Xbox One. I'll continue to support the 360 and buy games for it, and I'll even finally adopt a PS3. But I won't be buying a Xbox One. It's gonna be tough because I LOVE Halo and Gears of War (minus Judgment). I know those are gonna look soooooooooo awesome in next gen. But I gotta stick to my guns.

I have to ask myself, am I willing to keep giving this company my money, knowing that they are doing whatever is in their power, to keep me from having full control over the products I buy from them, that they essentially believe I'm renting their games from them for $60 a pop..and can terminate their service at any time, and there is nothing we can do about it. I think I've done it enough with the 360. For me personally, I have to draw the line at the Xbone's ridiculous requirements. None of the software I use on my pc requires me to be online or even check in. I can set every game to offline mode, steam has an offline mode....etc.

Like I's gonna suck. I love me some Halo and Gears. And I'm gonna miss out on some cool stuff. But I don't think I can give Microsoft my money this next gen unless they take a long hard look at what their customers really want, and stop trying to create problems that aren't there, so they can manufacture the solution and make us want to pay them for it....when we really don't need or want it.

And Sony is being really quiet on the DRM front. We know the PS4 won't require a connection like the Xbone, but they have said zero about their DRM and licensing yet. Nintendo is the only one that's stepped up and said that they support used games completely and strive to create content that users will want to buy new.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 08:29 (Reply to #24)
Azuredreams's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

If we don't like what Microsoft is doing, there is only one real way that we can make them listen. Not buy the damn thing. We have to speak with our wallets.

I'm only one person. But I'm not going to buy the Xbox One. I'll continue to support the 360 and buy games for it, and I'll even finally adopt a PS3. But I won't be buying a Xbox One. It's gonna be tough because I LOVE Halo and Gears of War (minus Judgment). I know those are gonna look soooooooooo awesome in next gen. But I gotta stick to my guns.

I have to ask myself, am I willing to keep giving this company my money, knowing that they are doing whatever is in their power, to keep me from having full control over the products I buy from them, that they essentially believe I'm renting their games from them for $60 a pop..and can terminate their service at any time, and there is nothing we can do about it. I think I've done it enough with the 360. For me personally, I have to draw the line at the Xbone's ridiculous requirements. None of the software I use on my pc requires me to be online or even check in. I can set every game to offline mode, steam has an offline mode....etc.

Like I's gonna suck. I love me some Halo and Gears. And I'm gonna miss out on some cool stuff. But I don't think I can give Microsoft my money this next gen unless they take a long hard look at what their customers really want, and stop trying to create problems that aren't there, so they can manufacture the solution and make us want to pay them for it....when we really don't need or want it.

And Sony is being really quiet on the DRM front. We know the PS4 won't require a connection like the Xbone, but they have said zero about their DRM and licensing yet. Nintendo is the only one that's stepped up and said that they support used games completely and strive to create content that users will want to buy new.

Couldn't have said it better myself Gatsu. I too will most likely be picking up a PS3 post next gen launch for exclusives. 

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 08:51
wilderz's picture
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I was just telling my wife the same thing about purchasing a PS3.  There are a ton of games I want to play on it, and will keep my busy to see how this next gen war plays out.  E3 should be interesting to say the least.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 09:01 (Reply to #26)
Azuredreams's picture
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wilderz wrote:

I was just telling my wife the same thing about purchasing a PS3.  There are a ton of games I want to play on it, and will keep my busy to see how this next gen war plays out.  E3 should be interesting to say the least.

I am really hoping for my son's sake that Microsoft does a 180 at E3 and surprises us all. He's a huge Xbox fan and is devastated that the new console is looking like such a piece of garbage. I honestly think it's the only way they are going to sell any of these things. They know how the customers feel about these DRM changes etc, and it would be the most pompous thing imaginable to ignore us and move forward with them anyway. 

As for the PS3 yeah, I had one for a few days right before the big hack hit the PSN. I had bought it exclusively for playing DC Online which didn't play well on the console in my opinion. So I ended up taking the thing back and have regretted it ever since. 

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 09:24
wilderz's picture
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There are a lot of games I want to play on it: Little Big Planet, the Uncharted Series, Last of Us, the God of War Series, Infamous, etc....

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 11:54
Autarch's picture
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Human error allows for downtime to occur, but if downtime frequency is less or equal to what it was for Xbox 360 the issue will be extremely minimal.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 12:35
InfernalGiggler's picture
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Autarch, I think the gif is funny, but your sig is pretty antagonistic.  I also don't think the main frustration is the downtime of Live servers.  To be honest the more I think about the whole situation is that it comes down to choice.  With the X1...choices that majority of consumers feel should be theirs have been stripped away to forced policies. In a world of governments adding more laws/regulations really doesn't sit well with corporations jumping in on the action...especially when it comes down to entertainment.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 12:49 (Reply to #30)
Autarch's picture
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InfernalGiggler wrote:

Autarch, I think the gif is funny, but your sig is pretty antagonistic.  I also don't think the main frustration is the downtime of Live servers.  To be honest the more I think about the whole situation is that it comes down to choice.  With the X1...choices that majority of consumers feel should be theirs have been stripped away to forced policies. In a world of governments adding more laws/regulations really doesn't sit well with corporations jumping in on the action...especially when it comes down to entertainment.

I was simply replying based on the thread's topic - Microsoft's own server downtime and how that can affect this new console.

I still think requiring "check ins" or however it can be called is a dick move by Microsoft that definitely seems to screw over people who have no means of getting a better internet connection short of moving where they live.  That's pretty bad in my book.

To be honest, I'm not even sure it can stop piracy.  It may delay such efforts, but stop it?  I don't think it can.

If piracy does succeed after this console launches, yet people still get screwed over because they have to check in, then this was a huge mistake.

Having a game that by its very nature requires internet is one thing, but connecting to verify game ownership so frequently is something I do not understand the benfiit of.


As far as other decisions such as used games, trading, renting etc there isn't enough details yet to satisfy me.  Will we see apps for companies to facilitate renting or trading in?  Perhaps!  Time will tell though.


As far as this thread's actual topic though, the issue of Live downtime is one of the smaller ones to talk about.

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