tait's blog


Shared on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 13:08


I swear, there are some days I just want to stop posting - it's amazing how many people can only respond to a post with negativity by pointing out a flaw, or something that they deem is "missing".  Like complaining about the video feature of Halo 3 because you can't view videos online (um, ok - but what about the positive that they even added video viewing and sharing at all?  Why COMPLAIN about a "feature" in that fashion?  I mean, a wish list is one thing, but an actual complaint?  *sigh*)

It's just annoying.  There are so many ways to make a point.  Consider this:


Shared on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 13:08


I swear, there are some days I just want to stop posting - it's amazing how many people can only respond to a post with negativity by pointing out a flaw, or something that they deem is "missing".  Like complaining about the video feature of Halo 3 because you can't view videos online (um, ok - but what about the positive that they even added video viewing and sharing at all?  Why COMPLAIN about a "feature" in that fashion?  I mean, a wish list is one thing, but an actual complaint?  *sigh*)

It's just annoying.  There are so many ways to make a point.  Consider this:


Shared on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 10:47


Well, after reading Wired Magazine's article about Facebook in the October 2007 edition, I had to check Facebook out for myself. I must say - it lives up to the hype. It's WAY better than MySpace or Classmates just from a cleanness and adult point of view (adult meaning that it's more mature, well-organized, streamlined, clean looking, that kind of theing). The kicker is that they opened up development in May to allow 3rd parties to develop plug-in apps for the site. Now, you can drop in something cool like a weather app, or maybe a picture app.


Shared on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 10:47


Well, after reading Wired Magazine's article about Facebook in the October 2007 edition, I had to check Facebook out for myself. I must say - it lives up to the hype. It's WAY better than MySpace or Classmates just from a cleanness and adult point of view (adult meaning that it's more mature, well-organized, streamlined, clean looking, that kind of theing). The kicker is that they opened up development in May to allow 3rd parties to develop plug-in apps for the site. Now, you can drop in something cool like a weather app, or maybe a picture app.


Shared on Tue, 10/02/2007 - 09:15

Letting Go

I've never been good at emotionally letting go.  You know, moving on from something or someone where the situation is painful or harmful in enough ways that logic says to move on, yet the "good" or what I'm getting out of it is so strong that I fear losing it more than I fear the bad of the situation.  The darkness of that potential loss is worse than the reality of current pain.


Shared on Tue, 10/02/2007 - 09:15

Letting Go

I've never been good at emotionally letting go.  You know, moving on from something or someone where the situation is painful or harmful in enough ways that logic says to move on, yet the "good" or what I'm getting out of it is so strong that I fear losing it more than I fear the bad of the situation.  The darkness of that potential loss is worse than the reality of current pain.


Shared on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 11:30


Music has been shown to have theraputic effects on people, especially classical music.  An interesting set of stats that I recently came across:

Absolute Pitch (identifying a note w/out hearing a reference tone):


Shared on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 11:30


Music has been shown to have theraputic effects on people, especially classical music.  An interesting set of stats that I recently came across:

Absolute Pitch (identifying a note w/out hearing a reference tone):


Shared on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 08:22


I think that all I ever wanted was to be wanted.  To be desired, for me - for who I am.  Without getting too detailed, I've been in relationships where I just didn't feel that the person wanted me, but just wanted a person - any person would do.  That they needed a companion - someone to be present physically - but not a person to truly know intimately and love/desire still.


Shared on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 08:22


I think that all I ever wanted was to be wanted.  To be desired, for me - for who I am.  Without getting too detailed, I've been in relationships where I just didn't feel that the person wanted me, but just wanted a person - any person would do.  That they needed a companion - someone to be present physically - but not a person to truly know intimately and love/desire still.

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