tait's blog


Shared on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 09:40

Bathroom Etiquette

So, there's like 5 urinals in the men's room at work, and I'm at the far left one the other day when a guy walks in. He proceeds to instantly violate all that I know is true about a Men's room by moving into the area direclty next to me, ignoring the long stretch of gleeming porcelain outside of my direct eyeline. Nope, he saddles up right next to me. While he also proceeded to make "noises" while peeing, and also seemed to have wandering eyes, the crime was the urinal selection.

Guys, a few simple rules:


Shared on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 09:40

Bathroom Etiquette

So, there's like 5 urinals in the men's room at work, and I'm at the far left one the other day when a guy walks in. He proceeds to instantly violate all that I know is true about a Men's room by moving into the area direclty next to me, ignoring the long stretch of gleeming porcelain outside of my direct eyeline. Nope, he saddles up right next to me. While he also proceeded to make "noises" while peeing, and also seemed to have wandering eyes, the crime was the urinal selection.

Guys, a few simple rules:


Shared on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 13:16

Turn IPs

Ridiculously, I wanted to blog but had nothing come to mind once i had this blank white space to look at. I have all kinds of things pop into my head, but forget to write them down or what not. because of my porous memory, by the time i'm in front of my blog, the thoughts that would be "blog worthY" are long gone. it was suggested to me that I write about not knowing what to write about, but that idea was discarded as one that has been done and is not well received.

So Big0ne tells me to write about how awesome Rex Grossman looked last night.


Shared on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 13:16

Turn IPs

Ridiculously, I wanted to blog but had nothing come to mind once i had this blank white space to look at. I have all kinds of things pop into my head, but forget to write them down or what not. because of my porous memory, by the time i'm in front of my blog, the thoughts that would be "blog worthY" are long gone. it was suggested to me that I write about not knowing what to write about, but that idea was discarded as one that has been done and is not well received.

So Big0ne tells me to write about how awesome Rex Grossman looked last night.


Shared on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 15:07

Ignorance Is Bliss

I wish I was stupidly ignorant about the world - that I did NOT have an analytical mind that breaks down even the smallest nuance. Ignorance? Truly bliss.

If this blog makes no sense to you, I think you're already winning. If it does, then the irony of agreement makes me smile and shudder at the same time.

Blog by Matthew Tait Lifto


Shared on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 15:07

Ignorance Is Bliss

I wish I was stupidly ignorant about the world - that I did NOT have an analytical mind that breaks down even the smallest nuance. Ignorance? Truly bliss.

If this blog makes no sense to you, I think you're already winning. If it does, then the irony of agreement makes me smile and shudder at the same time.

Blog by Matthew Tait Lifto


Shared on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 09:45

Sport Injury?

I know you've heard of Tennis Elbow and other maladies that strike athletes. Well, I consider my hands as an athletic portion of my body, and therefore I must be afflicted with a sports injury, however I cannot find a diagnosis code for it. Yup, I have been hit with Halo Finger.


Shared on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 09:45

Sport Injury?

I know you've heard of Tennis Elbow and other maladies that strike athletes. Well, I consider my hands as an athletic portion of my body, and therefore I must be afflicted with a sports injury, however I cannot find a diagnosis code for it. Yup, I have been hit with Halo Finger.


Shared on Fri, 08/17/2007 - 09:07

Cookie Crime

So, there was this amazing thing that the Librarian did for the Chicago LAN - she made cookies. But, not only did she make cookies, she made different kinds. But, not only did she make different kinds, she made a lot of them. But, not only did she make a lot of them, they were...

... the BEST cookies I've EVER HAD in my entire LIFE!

And that's saying something.


Shared on Fri, 08/17/2007 - 09:07

Cookie Crime

So, there was this amazing thing that the Librarian did for the Chicago LAN - she made cookies. But, not only did she make cookies, she made different kinds. But, not only did she make different kinds, she made a lot of them. But, not only did she make a lot of them, they were...

... the BEST cookies I've EVER HAD in my entire LIFE!

And that's saying something.

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