SirPoonga's blog


Shared on Fri, 12/15/2006 - 17:34

New DS project

While waiting for graphics on my main project I am fooling around with another idea so I can learn more about DS programming. I am going to get a motion detection unit for the DS at I think a labyrinth game would be awesome. You know those wooden labyrinths, right? Well, here's what one night of playing with PAlib created.


Shared on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 17:07

DS homebrew update

You guys aren't going to see too many new screens.  Right now since I have the hardware to run the stuff (finally) I noticed we are in a new era for DS homebrew.  Also, I need to get graphics from my friend yet.


Shared on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 17:07

DS homebrew update

You guys aren't going to see too many new screens.  Right now since I have the hardware to run the stuff (finally) I noticed we are in a new era for DS homebrew.  Also, I need to get graphics from my friend yet.


Shared on Sat, 11/25/2006 - 18:02

My homebrew on the DS :)

You can see some development pics here.


Shared on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 12:39

Need some help from DS owners

Any DS owners that read this if you can run homebrew I'd like a tester.  Until I get the equipment to run my own homebrew all I can do is use emulators right now to test my app.


Shared on Fri, 08/11/2006 - 13:11

Live music rules!

Last night was a blast.  Oshkosh has this thing called Waterfest.  Every thursday in summer there is an outdoor concert.  Being that my compaby sponsered last night I got to go free.  The bands that played last night were Three Beers ‘til Dubuque, St. Paul, and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.   What an awesome time. 


Shared on Thu, 07/13/2006 - 13:46

New Team for the GRAW Ladder matches

rabbermasterflash and I have started a new team intended for the GRAW ladder matches.  We are calling ourselves the BYOB - Bringing You Oldman Beatdowns.  If there is anyone that wants to join (that is reading my blog) send me  a message.  Ive sent out a couple of invites to those who are interested.  If we do get enough members for a team I will look into a centralized comminication area like an IRC channel, forum, AIM, MSN, etc...


Shared on Wed, 07/05/2006 - 16:33

DS Lite. More on the router. And other stuff.

First, the router.  I am holding off on it.  i picked up a Netgear WGT634U.  It has tons of Kamikaze OpenWRT support.  I found it pretty cheap so I decided to get it.  It has a USB port and mini-pci slot.  That means it has tons of expanding capabilities.  I will be using it as a print server too so I can print from my laptop without having my desktop on.  The linksys will just become a bridged AP for the 360 (for now).


Shared on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 10:48

New parts for my WRT54G

Woohoo. ;; I received the SD card and socket from ;; I will have an extra 512 megs of space. ;; Hmmm, unlimited log file space...


Shared on Thu, 06/15/2006 - 11:29

New joystick for your arcade emu fans

Hell yeah!  Its a bit expensive but I can finally do full analog with the PC version of NFL Blitz that I run on my arcade cabinet :)
I dont know when I am going to be able to pic one of these up.  My arcades computer is toast.  For some reason I can not plug more than 1 USB device otherwise it freezes.

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