SirPoonga's blog


Shared on Sun, 06/11/2006 - 14:41

More problems with my asteroids

Well, got the diode in, insulated well.  I turned it on and asteroids was playing, woohoo!  I decided to turn it off and flip the test switch to see if the expanding problem was solved.  In test mode the screen shows a small greyscale and a hatch pattern across the entire screen.  I turned it on and my monitor when nuts.  The RED led on the circuit bard came on, the hatch pattrn flickered on and off.  The speaker did some high and low beeps.  i flipped it back to the game and in attract mode only the enemy ship and its bullets are visible :(  Sigh, more work to do.


Shared on Tue, 06/06/2006 - 16:40

Update on my asteroids, stupid diode.

Read my earlier blog to catch up ont he status of my asteroids cabinet.

Well, I finally worked on it.  But when i went to solder the diode one of the leads on the diode snapped off.  WTF?!?  So I should be getting another by the end of the week.  I have an idea for insulating it.  I am just going to put gobs of hot melt glue on it.  If that doesnt work I am not sure what to do.  Maybe find some really think rubber stoppers and drill them out.


Shared on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 12:25

My 360 froze twice this weekend

First time it froze.  One was due to a bug the other not sure, possible over heating as I had the power supply right being the box.

So, I was playing MLB 2k6 at a friends.  He almost hit a homer but just missed the foul pole.  My player climbed the wall for  the out.  however since it was right at the corner when the player came down from the wall he ended up on the other side of the wall.  When I tried to through the ball the game froze.


Shared on Sat, 04/29/2006 - 21:59

Wow! My laptop runs Counter Strike Source!

Im pretty stoked at this.  Granted I have to run with everything turned down, at least i am forced to view at 1280x800.

Its a Compaq Presario V5102NR
AMD Sempron 3000 (1.8Ghz I believe)
512meg mem
ATI Radeon 200M mobility w/128meg shared
I also picked up a wireless mouse today for it for gaming.

i plan to pop another mem stick in it sometime since the vid shares it.

Why did I get this laptop.  Some of you might shit a brick when I tell you why.  To replace my 486 laptop.  Yep, you read that correctly, 486.


Shared on Mon, 04/24/2006 - 13:54

MLB 2k6 for 360

I have a semi-review on the forum of this.  I had to return it :( 
Quick summary:
I am going to buy this game.  Its a solid baseball game.  I has a great presentation, along with good pitching and batting controls.  The graphics are a little lacking but gameplay in a sports title is much more important.  Heck, I still play NHL 93/94 for the genesis.


Shared on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 15:40

Microsoft Support...

If you havent heard Ive been dealing with Microsoft support for the last three weeks about a problem with a 12+1 month gold subscritpion card.


Shared on Fri, 04/07/2006 - 15:30

Still more work to do

About 8 months ago I was given an Asteroids machine. It was my uncles and hasnt worked for years. The game worked but no video. He called the local coin-op repair guy and it would have cost too much for a home user to repair. also since vector monitors arent really made anymore it isnt like you can go get a new one. I did a little research on the internet about the problem. I found out it is pretty easy to fix if you arent afraid of discharging a monitor.

Heres a galery of pics

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