nae's blog


Shared on Tue, 05/19/2009 - 09:02

Car Pool next week

So I have Car pool next week.. it is also the last full week of school, Coincidence I think not :) SO any ideas what to do to these little mormon children that live in a bubble and take personal offense to my Coffee cup in the car ???? lol


Shared on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 09:15

my 13 yo RANT

I truly just can't deal with her mood swings. I know this may sound Ironic to my Clan whores who play with me since im a moody wench However SHE is 13 heres my issues.

She wants to own all things hot topic and pretty but I have to beg her to shower lol

Has a cell phone and can text 47 words per second but can't pick up a cup and return it to a sink.

Can hold 14 convo's  at one time between the computer and phone and yet can't remember a list of 2 things I've asked. LIKE Brush ya teeth and shower!

Wants money but thinks chores are "stupid" lol


Shared on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 09:15

my 13 yo RANT

I truly just can't deal with her mood swings. I know this may sound Ironic to my Clan whores who play with me since im a moody wench However SHE is 13 heres my issues.

She wants to own all things hot topic and pretty but I have to beg her to shower lol

Has a cell phone and can text 47 words per second but can't pick up a cup and return it to a sink.

Can hold 14 convo's  at one time between the computer and phone and yet can't remember a list of 2 things I've asked. LIKE Brush ya teeth and shower!

Wants money but thinks chores are "stupid" lol


Shared on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:09

car pool again lol

Ok so if you've read my blog you know we had an issue with the first carpool, at that point I was told They didn't need me for awhile, Thats fine with me ((evil chuckle))

Well I had carpool this A.M.  Funniest Shit I have ever Seen.

First stop Mom at door leaned over whisper whisper whisper girl hops in and looks down I say good morning ... nothing.

second stop,  repeat of first stop


Shared on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:09

car pool again lol

Ok so if you've read my blog you know we had an issue with the first carpool, at that point I was told They didn't need me for awhile, Thats fine with me ((evil chuckle))

Well I had carpool this A.M.  Funniest Shit I have ever Seen.

First stop Mom at door leaned over whisper whisper whisper girl hops in and looks down I say good morning ... nothing.

second stop,  repeat of first stop


Shared on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 08:59

woke up pissy

Why the hell is it a great offense to some people when others are in a mood... I live in an area of stepford wives whom either pop pills or paint their smile on all the time and quietly fall apart, FUK THAT Im in a shitty mood I was in one yesterday as well and all day just was not social or engaging but in no way rude. however it is such a foreign concept to actually express your self why is that?


Shared on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 08:59

woke up pissy

Why the hell is it a great offense to some people when others are in a mood... I live in an area of stepford wives whom either pop pills or paint their smile on all the time and quietly fall apart, FUK THAT Im in a shitty mood I was in one yesterday as well and all day just was not social or engaging but in no way rude. however it is such a foreign concept to actually express your self why is that?


Shared on Wed, 02/11/2009 - 10:14

Hallmark Holiday

OK first off this is a rant,  My opinion regarding Valentines day. When I was younger this day was either to be a raging success or another reason to feel like a piece of crap because i was in between boyfriends,..... As I got older and found my self in relationships I often came upon this day with mixed feelings as well.  Now that I am  a mom of 3 a wifey figure I loathe this day  ((( rant beginning)))

 First off one of several things will happen, You will receive the "flowers" from the poor schmuck that over paid for half dead flowers.


Shared on Wed, 02/11/2009 - 10:14

Hallmark Holiday

OK first off this is a rant,  My opinion regarding Valentines day. When I was younger this day was either to be a raging success or another reason to feel like a piece of crap because i was in between boyfriends,..... As I got older and found my self in relationships I often came upon this day with mixed feelings as well.  Now that I am  a mom of 3 a wifey figure I loathe this day  ((( rant beginning)))

 First off one of several things will happen, You will receive the "flowers" from the poor schmuck that over paid for half dead flowers.


Shared on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 16:59

help having brain freeze!

OK i rememeber a female a year or so ago posting they had made a cog necklace??? am i tweaking on to much coffee or is this something I actually read... SOMEONE help please!!!!

P.S. Im sooo going to buy that lancer and put it in my car for the next car pooling adventure.

Fuck with me now bitches. WALK!  lol 

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