He11vis's blog


Shared on Mon, 03/23/2009 - 10:27

Religion + Gov't = Fail

Evangelical Dominionists love to talk about injecting more of their version of religion or god into our government. They want to post the 10 commandments, they want to ban anything 'sinful' like homosexuality or abortion, they want to remove anything from school curriculum that even hints at a scientific explanation for things instead of 'god did it'. If we were to be ruled by a particular holy book that would only mean disaster for freedom and liberty. We have real world examples of governments that are heavily influenced by religious belief, and they all suck donkey balls.


Shared on Mon, 03/23/2009 - 10:27

Religion + Gov't = Fail

Evangelical Dominionists love to talk about injecting more of their version of religion or god into our government. They want to post the 10 commandments, they want to ban anything 'sinful' like homosexuality or abortion, they want to remove anything from school curriculum that even hints at a scientific explanation for things instead of 'god did it'. If we were to be ruled by a particular holy book that would only mean disaster for freedom and liberty. We have real world examples of governments that are heavily influenced by religious belief, and they all suck donkey balls.


Shared on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 11:40

Those Crazy Catholics

Ah, Pope Benedict. The representation of the 'one true church'. The infallible, perfect pontiff. Catechism teaches all kinds of crazy catholic stuff, the pope can't make a mistake with doctrine, the Eucharist literally becomes human flesh, the wine literally becomes human blood, priests can forgive your sins while they fondle your chitty-chitty-bang-bang, dead souls live in purgatory until you can pay or pray their way out, non-Catholics go to hell, Mary never had sex, and many more wild and wacky things.


Shared on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 11:40

Those Crazy Catholics

Ah, Pope Benedict. The representation of the 'one true church'. The infallible, perfect pontiff. Catechism teaches all kinds of crazy catholic stuff, the pope can't make a mistake with doctrine, the Eucharist literally becomes human flesh, the wine literally becomes human blood, priests can forgive your sins while they fondle your chitty-chitty-bang-bang, dead souls live in purgatory until you can pay or pray their way out, non-Catholics go to hell, Mary never had sex, and many more wild and wacky things.


Shared on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 11:27

Kids say some CRAZY sh*t

My son has been touching his new best friend "Mr. Weenie" a lot lately and so his mother thought maybe he had a rash or something. My suspicion is that he is just a guy, I mean I am 35 and I still need the occasional re-adjustment. I told his mom that when he hits 12 he is going to be touching it a heck of a lot more so for now it is nothing to worry about. She of course told me to shut the hell up and took him to the doctor anyway.


Shared on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 11:27

Kids say some CRAZY sh*t

My son has been touching his new best friend "Mr. Weenie" a lot lately and so his mother thought maybe he had a rash or something. My suspicion is that he is just a guy, I mean I am 35 and I still need the occasional re-adjustment. I told his mom that when he hits 12 he is going to be touching it a heck of a lot more so for now it is nothing to worry about. She of course told me to shut the hell up and took him to the doctor anyway.


Shared on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 12:17

Like Father, Like Son

This will not be the normal He11vis type blog. So if you want funny, offensive, or outrageous, then you might want to click on something else. I am going to be a little more serious today because I have been doing some thinking and wanted to share a few thoughts.


Shared on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 12:17

Like Father, Like Son

This will not be the normal He11vis type blog. So if you want funny, offensive, or outrageous, then you might want to click on something else. I am going to be a little more serious today because I have been doing some thinking and wanted to share a few thoughts.


Shared on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 13:46

Timmies will kill you!


Shared on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 13:46

Timmies will kill you!

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