BalekFekete's blog


Shared on Fri, 02/12/2010 - 10:03

Bachelor Pad at Balek's

Yes, it's that time of the year - President's Day long weekend off for the kids, which equates to my wife and kids going to my inlaws in Boston for the weekend.  Where I have to work Friday and Monday, I stay at home.  Soo....GAME ON! 

What will Balek be playing this weekend?  Easy answer - Bioshock 2.


Shared on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 07:50

It's official...

Someone in Dunkin' Donuts corporate office has a brain.  I just found out they have introduced this 'DD Card'.  Looks like a gift card, can act like a gift card.  BUT, you can also register it to your account online and set up automatic refilling of the card.  Seeing that I A. hate to carry cash (I tend to spend it waaay too easily if I have it) and B. buy a coffee 5 days a week, this thing was just made for me. 


Shared on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 07:50

It's official...

Someone in Dunkin' Donuts corporate office has a brain.  I just found out they have introduced this 'DD Card'.  Looks like a gift card, can act like a gift card.  BUT, you can also register it to your account online and set up automatic refilling of the card.  Seeing that I A. hate to carry cash (I tend to spend it waaay too easily if I have it) and B. buy a coffee 5 days a week, this thing was just made for me. 


Shared on Wed, 02/03/2010 - 08:01


Damnit.  I hate when my well laid plans start to crumble around me.  I just got a copy of Dragon Age: Origins from Goozex, and traded off a copy of MW2 for MAG.  I thought that would take care of my SP and MP games for a while now.  However...I'm thinking DAO might have to be shelved for a while.  Why?  This is why...



Shared on Wed, 02/03/2010 - 08:01


Damnit.  I hate when my well laid plans start to crumble around me.  I just got a copy of Dragon Age: Origins from Goozex, and traded off a copy of MW2 for MAG.  I thought that would take care of my SP and MP games for a while now.  However...I'm thinking DAO might have to be shelved for a while.  Why?  This is why...



Shared on Thu, 01/21/2010 - 14:57

Anyone from or know New Orleans?

Subject says it all.  I'm going to be down the first week of March for a conference, and would like to know where to go, and just as importantly where NOT to go.  Dining, entertainment, etc.  Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Shared on Thu, 01/21/2010 - 14:57

Anyone from or know New Orleans?

Subject says it all.  I'm going to be down the first week of March for a conference, and would like to know where to go, and just as importantly where NOT to go.  Dining, entertainment, etc.  Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Shared on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 11:36

Avatar Script

I loved the movie (see review below), but I can't in good conscience defend this as being anything but absolutely accurate. 


Shared on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 11:36

Avatar Script

I loved the movie (see review below), but I can't in good conscience defend this as being anything but absolutely accurate. 


Shared on Sun, 12/27/2009 - 16:10

Balek's Movie Review™ - Avatar

Hype is a double-edged sword. While it serves the purpose to increase the pre-release popularity...or at least awareness...of your game, movie, or whatever, it also raises the bar which must be met for the product to be a success. For the theater releases of 2009, I don’t think there is any question which title has had the most hype generated for it, and rightfully so. After all, it did take up to a half a billion (that’s with a B!) according to The Times for James Cameron to bring us Avatar.

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