Caduceus's blog


Shared on Wed, 01/02/2008 - 11:23


Happy 2008, fellow gamers.

I hope you had a great couple of days off with good gaming and family time.

I just wanted to remind each of you to check with your doctor annually (for those of us over 35 years old) and get the routine stuff done.

Why would you want an annual exam?  Sure its uncomfortable, time-consuming and the damn doctor wants to get fasting blood work.

Two words: disease prevention

Routine blood work, physical exams, and pap smears/prostate checks are shown to prevent disease.


Shared on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 08:00

Back to Judea

Well, they delivered the TV as promised 12:30 PM Sunday afternoon.  In the rain (which we needed desperately). 

It is slightly different from the HL-T6187S, it  is the HL-T6187SAX.  I'm sure that makes worlds of difference somewhere.


Shared on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 08:00

Back to Judea

Well, they delivered the TV as promised 12:30 PM Sunday afternoon.  In the rain (which we needed desperately). 

It is slightly different from the HL-T6187S, it  is the HL-T6187SAX.  I'm sure that makes worlds of difference somewhere.


Shared on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 10:43


I think my kids have started shaking with the removal of the television.  We're going to be watching a lot of Dora online, I think.

I'm starting to sweat a little myself.

On the upside, the new TV should be here Sunday (for an extra $10 to the delivery).


Shared on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 10:43


I think my kids have started shaking with the removal of the television.  We're going to be watching a lot of Dora online, I think.

I'm starting to sweat a little myself.

On the upside, the new TV should be here Sunday (for an extra $10 to the delivery).


Shared on Thu, 12/27/2007 - 15:32

Television Flickers

Well, the large TV I got a few weeks ago, sporadically flickers.  Recommendation from the technician and the store at which we got it is to return it and exchange it as it is just under 30 days.  Kind of frustrating. 

Which means a weekend without the (big) television and a sixty mile round-trip to take the TV and then go get the new early next week.  To be completely selfish, I hope it will be back in time for me to watch the Sugar Bowl on Tuesday.


Shared on Thu, 12/27/2007 - 15:32

Television Flickers

Well, the large TV I got a few weeks ago, sporadically flickers.  Recommendation from the technician and the store at which we got it is to return it and exchange it as it is just under 30 days.  Kind of frustrating. 

Which means a weekend without the (big) television and a sixty mile round-trip to take the TV and then go get the new early next week.  To be completely selfish, I hope it will be back in time for me to watch the Sugar Bowl on Tuesday.


Shared on Sun, 12/23/2007 - 15:42

4 out of 9

Capped 4 of 9 dudes in Assassin's Creed.

Five to go.

On the other hand - off work for 4 days and went for a 8+ mile run today with the local running group.  It rained this morning, but now in the low 60s.  Beautiful, though we could use the rain...


Shared on Sun, 12/23/2007 - 15:42

4 out of 9

Capped 4 of 9 dudes in Assassin's Creed.

Five to go.

On the other hand - off work for 4 days and went for a 8+ mile run today with the local running group.  It rained this morning, but now in the low 60s.  Beautiful, though we could use the rain...


Shared on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 10:54

Holiday Slow-Down and Wrap-Up

Well, I guess we're "the family" now.

When folks say, "We're going to go visit the family", they mean us.  We have young children and space for several people to stay at one time.

So, the office has slowed down enough in the last few days to wrap all the presents.  The kids are still little (3 and 1), so minimal effort in bows, balancing numbers of gifts, etc. was required.

I know as we get further along, more frills and "she has more presents than me" stuff will come into play.

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