Gatsu's blog


Shared on Wed, 05/23/2007 - 09:29

Helping you prepare for the zombie apocalypse.

Normally I don't care to advertise another website in my blog...but I make an exception this time because well...I made the site.

A group of friends and I talk about the zombie apocalypse all the time...and what our plans are...that sort of thing. So I decided to make a website.

Theres not much on there right now, but we have a working forum, and a few articles on t he main page. More is getting added by the day, but theres still alot to do.

Let me know what you think.


Shared on Sun, 05/20/2007 - 13:49

The Halo 3 beta:

Drost I know already wrote up his own opinions on it...we've all read others opinions in the forums and whatnot. I've even shared mine with a few.

So now I will share my views in hard text with those that read my blog.

My take on Halo 3 beta is this...and this simply. Its Halo 2 with some new polish and features. Its next years model. Basically the same style..just updated a little, with a new airbag and 2 extra cup holders.


Shared on Sun, 05/20/2007 - 13:49

The Halo 3 beta:

Drost I know already wrote up his own opinions on it...we've all read others opinions in the forums and whatnot. I've even shared mine with a few.

So now I will share my views in hard text with those that read my blog.

My take on Halo 3 beta is this...and this simply. Its Halo 2 with some new polish and features. Its next years model. Basically the same style..just updated a little, with a new airbag and 2 extra cup holders.


Shared on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 14:41

I I doodled.

you like? I like. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.


Still no Halo 3...I r saddest. ah well. gears can keep me warm.

Gatsu OUT!


Shared on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 14:41

I I doodled.

you like? I like. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.


Still no Halo 3...I r saddest. ah well. gears can keep me warm.

Gatsu OUT!


Shared on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 15:16

Another update.

I know not everyone on the site is religious. And thats cool. For those that pray, please send some my way. For those that don't, wish some good vibes or karma my way.

Got some bad news about my moms condition. It turns out the swelling in her ankle is the beginning of her achilles tendon tearing. Its not a matter of how...its  amatter of when. The doctor said theres nothing he can do until it does tear. Then its a year of recooperation for her.


Shared on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 15:16

Another update.

I know not everyone on the site is religious. And thats cool. For those that pray, please send some my way. For those that don't, wish some good vibes or karma my way.

Got some bad news about my moms condition. It turns out the swelling in her ankle is the beginning of her achilles tendon tearing. Its not a matter of how...its  amatter of when. The doctor said theres nothing he can do until it does tear. Then its a year of recooperation for her.


Shared on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 08:47

An Update.

Its been a while since I last some things to vent about. Got some serious things I'm worried about.

1st. Saturday night Gears of War Drunkfest with the clan was a blast. Didnt get to game with everyone I wanted to, but overall it was fun. Turning Gears into a drinking game was definitely a good idea.

Thats about the only real fun that happened this past weekend. Jules wasn't feeling well and all my friends were working or busy. So I had to entertain myself the majority of the weekend.


Shared on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 08:47

An Update.

Its been a while since I last some things to vent about. Got some serious things I'm worried about.

1st. Saturday night Gears of War Drunkfest with the clan was a blast. Didnt get to game with everyone I wanted to, but overall it was fun. Turning Gears into a drinking game was definitely a good idea.

Thats about the only real fun that happened this past weekend. Jules wasn't feeling well and all my friends were working or busy. So I had to entertain myself the majority of the weekend.


Shared on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 09:38


I spy with my little Something blue.

Take a guess.

-Gatsu OUT!

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