H2Daddy's blog


Shared on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 07:32

Why Don't Men Go To The Doctor?

I have been sick for about a week now.  It started as a sinus infection and spread from there.  I am miserable.  I can't sleep and I don't even feel like gaming.  Have I been to see a doctor?  Nope.  Why is it that men refuse to go to the doctor?  I always think to myself that I will just let it run its course and I will be better soon.  I was talking to a guy yesterday and he was talking about being sick for two months this winter.  He said he finally went to the doctor and got a shot and some antibiotics and was feeling better the next day.  So why do we refuse to go?


Shared on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 07:32

Why Don't Men Go To The Doctor?

I have been sick for about a week now.  It started as a sinus infection and spread from there.  I am miserable.  I can't sleep and I don't even feel like gaming.  Have I been to see a doctor?  Nope.  Why is it that men refuse to go to the doctor?  I always think to myself that I will just let it run its course and I will be better soon.  I was talking to a guy yesterday and he was talking about being sick for two months this winter.  He said he finally went to the doctor and got a shot and some antibiotics and was feeling better the next day.  So why do we refuse to go?


Shared on Thu, 04/17/2008 - 07:37

I Need A Break

I coach high school softball.  We have played 8 games in the last 10 days.  We play 11 games in the next 8 days.  On top of that, I have been sick for the last week.  I do see a break in the future.  On the 25th of this month, I will be taking one of my Marketing students to Atlanta for 6 days.  He will be competing in the National DECA Convention.  DECA is a Marketing organization for high school students.  While he is competing, I will be gaming in my room at the Omni and visiting with my sister and her family.  I will also get to meet up with one of my online friends who I play with nightly


Shared on Thu, 04/17/2008 - 07:37

I Need A Break

I coach high school softball.  We have played 8 games in the last 10 days.  We play 11 games in the next 8 days.  On top of that, I have been sick for the last week.  I do see a break in the future.  On the 25th of this month, I will be taking one of my Marketing students to Atlanta for 6 days.  He will be competing in the National DECA Convention.  DECA is a Marketing organization for high school students.  While he is competing, I will be gaming in my room at the Omni and visiting with my sister and her family.  I will also get to meet up with one of my online friends who I play with nightly


Shared on Tue, 04/15/2008 - 22:23

Coffin Finally Made It

Got home this evening and found a coffin on the front porch.  God speed little buddy.  Hope to see you again soon.  So it turns out an extended warranty through Walmart isn't going to just get me a replacement like I hoped.  Coffin is headed to Texas with the rest of the dead Xboxes. 

HDMI cable will not work in the DVI slot of my monitor like somebody had mentioned.  VGA cable will have to do. 

I still want to go to Best Buy and buy a big screen.  Somebody help.  Tell me how much better playing on a 22" monitor is.  I must be strong.


Shared on Tue, 04/15/2008 - 22:23

Coffin Finally Made It

Got home this evening and found a coffin on the front porch.  God speed little buddy.  Hope to see you again soon.  So it turns out an extended warranty through Walmart isn't going to just get me a replacement like I hoped.  Coffin is headed to Texas with the rest of the dead Xboxes. 

HDMI cable will not work in the DVI slot of my monitor like somebody had mentioned.  VGA cable will have to do. 

I still want to go to Best Buy and buy a big screen.  Somebody help.  Tell me how much better playing on a 22" monitor is.  I must be strong.


Shared on Tue, 04/15/2008 - 14:18

Trittons/HDMI/Best Buy

Mailed off my Tritton headphones today.  I am going to miss them.  Going back to the old way is going to suck.  I hope they get them fixed and back to me quickly. 

I discovered today that my monitor has a dvi slot.  Somewhere I read that I can hook up my Elite to it with the hdmi cord.  Do I still have to use the vga cord or does the hdmi cord completely replace it?

I just found out that Best Buy has two years same as cash on televisions $999 and up.  Very tempting.  I must be strong.


Shared on Tue, 04/15/2008 - 14:18

Trittons/HDMI/Best Buy

Mailed off my Tritton headphones today.  I am going to miss them.  Going back to the old way is going to suck.  I hope they get them fixed and back to me quickly. 

I discovered today that my monitor has a dvi slot.  Somewhere I read that I can hook up my Elite to it with the hdmi cord.  Do I still have to use the vga cord or does the hdmi cord completely replace it?

I just found out that Best Buy has two years same as cash on televisions $999 and up.  Very tempting.  I must be strong.


Shared on Sun, 04/13/2008 - 07:32

Good Grief

Well, I find out that I bought an extended warranty plan through Walmart and they are sending me a label for my 360.  I have to box it and send it to their repair shop.  Now I am thinking that their repair shop is not really going to fix it.  Are they going to send it to Xbox or are they just going to send me a new one?  The lady said that I had to send a copy of my receipt in with the 360.  I took it to work with me yesterday.  I had two stapled together.


Shared on Sun, 04/13/2008 - 07:32

Good Grief

Well, I find out that I bought an extended warranty plan through Walmart and they are sending me a label for my 360.  I have to box it and send it to their repair shop.  Now I am thinking that their repair shop is not really going to fix it.  Are they going to send it to Xbox or are they just going to send me a new one?  The lady said that I had to send a copy of my receipt in with the 360.  I took it to work with me yesterday.  I had two stapled together.

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