Our family cottage has an absolute smorgasbourg of dragonflies. Ms Kwazy has expressed an interest (as have I) in learning more about the various species native to our area. A quick search found a field guide specific to just such a fancy: Dragonflies of Indiana. It's an academic book of limited release an not "offically" available new at this time.
-Best price on Barnes and Noble for a USED copy: $265.11 + Tax + Shipping
-Price I paid for a NEW copy on Amazon: $62.99, including shipping, no tax.
Our family cottage has an absolute smorgasbourg of dragonflies. Ms Kwazy has expressed an interest (as have I) in learning more about the various species native to our area. A quick search found a field guide specific to just such a fancy: Dragonflies of Indiana. It's an academic book of limited release an not "offically" available new at this time.
-Best price on Barnes and Noble for a USED copy: $265.11 + Tax + Shipping
-Price I paid for a NEW copy on Amazon: $62.99, including shipping, no tax.
I don't really watch television. I believe the vast majority of shows are made by idiots, for idiots. Almost everything we do watch...which isn't much...is Tivo'd as Colbert is on too late for me to stay up and watch on school nights.
That being said, I don't get to see many commercials. But tonight I happeneded to be grabbing another slice of pizza when I saw a commercial for this:
I don't really watch television. I believe the vast majority of shows are made by idiots, for idiots. Almost everything we do watch...which isn't much...is Tivo'd as Colbert is on too late for me to stay up and watch on school nights.
That being said, I don't get to see many commercials. But tonight I happeneded to be grabbing another slice of pizza when I saw a commercial for this:
Uh-oh. I was just sitting on my deck working on my laptop. I looked down at the side of the keyboard just in time to see a rather large carpenter ant scurry into the PCMCIA slot. I know, I should have had the dummy card in it.
It's been ten minutes, and he hasn't come out yet. Any suggestions?
Uh-oh. I was just sitting on my deck working on my laptop. I looked down at the side of the keyboard just in time to see a rather large carpenter ant scurry into the PCMCIA slot. I know, I should have had the dummy card in it.
It's been ten minutes, and he hasn't come out yet. Any suggestions?