pearly_54's blog


Shared on Sat, 06/28/2008 - 07:54

Tidbits from Real Life

Ouch!  I woke up sometime in the middle of the night and jumped right out of bed!  Charley Horse!  Wow!  It still hurts.  I have to make myself go to the gym this morning, cuz I will use just about any excuse not to go.  A very sore calf muscle is pretty good!  I've been stretching it and moping about it, and it is only a little better.  Booooo


Shared on Sat, 06/28/2008 - 07:54

Tidbits from Real Life

Ouch!  I woke up sometime in the middle of the night and jumped right out of bed!  Charley Horse!  Wow!  It still hurts.  I have to make myself go to the gym this morning, cuz I will use just about any excuse not to go.  A very sore calf muscle is pretty good!  I've been stretching it and moping about it, and it is only a little better.  Booooo


Shared on Thu, 06/26/2008 - 15:38

Did my research....scarey

I had no clue what rocky mountain spotted fever was.  I knew it came from a tick bite.  And I assumed the fever was a fever...d'oh!  But, I looked it up today and it is a very scarey thing.  He has all the symptoms of very early RMSF.  That is a good thing, cuz late syptoms are very bad and include death!  Ack!  I really thought he was dying.  I told my friend, Beth that.  And now, my fellow nurses are telling me that he should be on IV antibiotics and in the hospital.  Well, we caught it early, sorta by accident, and he will prolly be ok.  Thing is, there is soooo much damage that could ha


Shared on Thu, 06/26/2008 - 15:38

Did my research....scarey

I had no clue what rocky mountain spotted fever was.  I knew it came from a tick bite.  And I assumed the fever was a fever...d'oh!  But, I looked it up today and it is a very scarey thing.  He has all the symptoms of very early RMSF.  That is a good thing, cuz late syptoms are very bad and include death!  Ack!  I really thought he was dying.  I told my friend, Beth that.  And now, my fellow nurses are telling me that he should be on IV antibiotics and in the hospital.  Well, we caught it early, sorta by accident, and he will prolly be ok.  Thing is, there is soooo much damage that could ha


Shared on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 13:54

What a Surprise

Well, I got up early on my day off, drove hubby and myself to the bus stop, and arrived at the ambulatory care center a bit early, 8:00 for an 8:30 appointment. That's good! They took us almost right away and it seemed this just might be a short day. NOT!! His doctor, a very nice young lady, and very thorough, spent 45 minutes taking his history, recent symptoms, and examining him. That's good! Usually docs are in and out and it isn't until you get home that you think, oooo, I forgot to tell him this, and....whatever. So, being a nurse, I was very aware of where her questions were going.


Shared on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 13:54

What a Surprise

Well, I got up early on my day off, drove hubby and myself to the bus stop, and arrived at the ambulatory care center a bit early, 8:00 for an 8:30 appointment. That's good! They took us almost right away and it seemed this just might be a short day. NOT!! His doctor, a very nice young lady, and very thorough, spent 45 minutes taking his history, recent symptoms, and examining him. That's good! Usually docs are in and out and it isn't until you get home that you think, oooo, I forgot to tell him this, and....whatever. So, being a nurse, I was very aware of where her questions were going.


Shared on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 16:48


I just got off the phone with my cardiac nurse daughter.  I told her some of the unusual symptoms her dad was having and she got very upset.  I thought nothing much of it.  I always think everything is cancer.  His signs/symptoms are fatigue, a need to sleep about 18-20 hours/day, mild depression, nausea, headache, and "being more clumsy".  Now, I am breaking a promise I made to him, and I hope he doesn't find out.  I promised I would not blog about him if he would not "spy" on me.  That's a long story.  But, my daughter is telling me that Gilbert is having atypical angina, and that the sym


Shared on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 07:21

A couple of stories and well wishes

Today is a day that I will send out good wishes for those that are dealing with chronic disease.  I tend to think in terms of cancer, cuz I am a cancer nurse.  My actual title is Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist.  Ya, I know, sounds like I know something.  Well, I know enuf.  My introduction into treating cancer was with women.  That would mostly be ovarian and cervical cancer.  Breast cancer is usually not treated in the GYN area.  Then, I moved to the hematology/oncology area when I transplanted to NC.  Here, I really fell in luv with my profession.  And my patients.  My favorite were t


Shared on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 07:21

A couple of stories and well wishes

Today is a day that I will send out good wishes for those that are dealing with chronic disease.  I tend to think in terms of cancer, cuz I am a cancer nurse.  My actual title is Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist.  Ya, I know, sounds like I know something.  Well, I know enuf.  My introduction into treating cancer was with women.  That would mostly be ovarian and cervical cancer.  Breast cancer is usually not treated in the GYN area.  Then, I moved to the hematology/oncology area when I transplanted to NC.  Here, I really fell in luv with my profession.  And my patients.  My favorite were t


Shared on Sat, 06/21/2008 - 12:45

After the gym ramblings, again


Things I have learned in the past year...

It is not always better to give than receive.  Since I am a very giving person, sometimes my wants/needs aren't easily met.  I have found that I have to go after what I want! 

Flattery will get you everywhere!  With me, that is....  Try it, you might like it!

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